von Kármán, Theodore
- Chang, Chieh-Chien (1950) The Linearized Wing Theory of the Supersonic Flow with the Karman's Fourier Integral Method; 10.7907/67DX-1V06
- Puckett, Allen Emerson (1949) Supersonic Wave Drag of Thin Airfoils; 10.7907/HYJJ-3241
- Hayes, Wallace Dean (1947) Linearized Supersonic Flow; 10.7907/D7N0-4412
- Charyk, Joseph Vincent (1946) Condensation Phenomena in Supersonic Flows; 10.7907/RSQH-W442
- Fejér, Andrej (Andrew) (1945) Lifting Line Theory in Linearly Varying Flow; 10.7907/EJJN-XF31
- Kuo, Yung-Huai (1945) Two-Dimensional Irrotational Mixed Subsonic and Supersonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid and the Upper Critical Mach Number; 10.7907/D9ME-DD61
- Chambers, Lester S. and Doll, Raymond. E., el al. (1944) An Investigation of the Effects of Angle of Attack and Airfoil Model Size on the Occurrence of Shock Waves in a Two Dimensional Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/NFP2-EG08
- Lin, Chia-Chiao (1944) On the Development of Turbulence; 10.7907/ZF3F-AN21
- Hu, Ning (1944) I. Note on the Equations of Triple and Quadruple Correlation Functions in Isotropic Turbulence. II. On the Turbulent Mixing of Two Fluids of Different Densities. III. On the Possibility of Keeping the Electrons Inside the Dimension of the Nucleus and the Quantum Mechanical Theory of Neutron; 10.7907/Z9CG-4J68
- Boehnlein, Charles Thompson (1944) Aerodynamic Theory of the Oscillating Wing-Aileron of Finite Span; 10.7907/KJZ7-FG07
- Hanger, Willard Muirhead (1943) A Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Elliptical and Modified Cutouts in Flat Panels Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear; 10.7907/6M05-2809
- Yuan, Shao Wen (1942) Thin Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Various Types of Concentrated Loads; 10.7907/QSE5-ZP85
- Tyra, Thomas Donald and Hollister, William Wallace (1941) A Photoelastic Investigation of the Effect of Cutouts in Panels Subject to Shear and Bending; 10.7907/Q4B3-CJ36
- Ashworth, Thomas and Dilworth, John Andrew (1941) An Analytical Approach to the Problem of Longitudinal Stability of Flying Boats in the Planing Conditions; 10.7907/AP1X-DP12
- Fischer, Harold S. (1940) An Application of Matrix Methods to Wing Theory; 10.7907/E1VN-SQ19
- Hatton, George Anthony (1940) The Longitudinal Stability of a Flying-Boat in the Planing Condition as Computed from Tank Test Data of a Hull Model; 10.7907/JR58-MH75
- Fredrick, Joseph Louis (1940) The Failure of Thin-Walled Semi-Elliptical Cylinders Under Torsion; 10.7907/31X1-Q070
- Stewart, Homer Joseph (1940) The Effect of Shear Instability on the Transverse Circulation in the Atmosphere; 10.7907/1FW3-YN51
- Dunn, Louis Gerhardus (1940) An Investigation of Sheet-Stiffener Panels Subjected to Compression Loads with Particular Reference to Torsionally Weak Stiffeners; 10.7907/84RM-ZH50
- Pai, Shih-I (1940) On Turbulent Flow Between Rotating Cylinders; 10.7907/6VD9-HY80
- Koch, Walter Louis (1940) An Experimental Investigation of Wind Tunnel Wall Interference on Rolling and Yawing Moments Due to Deflected Ailerons; 10.7907/MN6W-EB71
- Malina, Frank Joseph (1940) Characteristics of the Rocket Motor and Flight Analyses of the Sounding Rocket; 10.7907/MF80-9W14
- Moyers, Frank Neff (1940) A Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Pressure Distributions at High Speed About the N.A.C.A. 4412 Airfoil; 10.7907/YTRV-NM88
- Howland, Walter Lavern (1939) Strength of Thin-Walled Elliptical Cylinders Supported at the Minor Axis; 10.7907/KQK7-V396
- Wang, Tsun-Kuei (1939) A Theoretical Investigation of the Distribution of Maximum Shearing Stresses in a Stiffened Flat Panel; 10.7907/A1JY-DH94
- Tsien, Hsue Shen (1939) Problems in Motion of Compressible Fluids and Reaction Propulsion; 10.7907/2698-R671
- Knoblock, Frederick Delbridge (1939) Investigations on the Applications of the Hot Wire Anemometer for Turbulence Measurements; 10.7907/DKG6-T043
- Lombard, Albert Eaton (1939) An Investigation of the Conditions for the Occurrence of Flutter in Aircraft and the Development of Criteria for the Prediction and Elimination of Such Flutter; 10.7907/80H8-TB52
- Schairer, Robert Sorg (1939) Unsymmetrical Lift Distributions on a Stalled Monoplane Wing; 10.7907/3WX9-JZ33
- Fan, Hsu-Tsi (1939) A Study of "Shear Lag" Phenomenon in a Stiffened Flat Panel by Photoelastic Methods; 10.7907/WANC-TP12
- Dykes, John Christopher (1938) Stability Derivatives of Helicopter Rotors; 10.7907/N0GE-EA65
- Mechling, Wallace Bristol and Jack, Samuel Sloan (1938) An Evaluation of the Tension Impact Test by Correlation With the Physical Properties of Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/7XWB-QP81
- Sears, William Rees (1938) A Systematic Presentation of the Theory of Thin Airfoils in Non-Uniform Motion; 10.7907/EM5X-CZ66
- Bowen, William Harold (1938) Tests of Axial Flow Fans Designed by Lattice Theory; 10.7907/M6E1-0T44
- Bell, Willard Newton and Bussey, John Kenneth (1938) A Photoelastic Investigation of the Distribution of Shearing Stresses in a Stiffened Flat Panel; 10.7907/9JFS-SF60
- Charters, Alexander Crane (1938) The Effect of Curvature on Boundary Layer Transition; 10.7907/Z13V-F628
- Moore, Charles Kenneth and Nollan, John Lloyd (1937) Age Hardening of Heat Treated Aluminum Alloy. An Investigation of the Fluctuation of Hardness with Time of Ageing of Heat Treated Aluminum Alloy Sheet; 10.7907/3G1Z-F889
- Clauser, Milton Ure and Clauser, Francis Hettinger (1937) The Effect of Curvature on the Transition from Laminar to the Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/E5EQ-DA15
- Clauser, Francis Hettinger and Clauser, Milton Ure (1937) New Methods of Solving the Equations for the Flow of a Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/ZAWH-VK93
- Howland, Walter Lavern (1936) Effect of Rivet Spacing on Stiffened Thin Sheet Under Compression; 10.7907/KCDP-9732
- Childers, Milford Carlson (1936) Stresses in Metal Beams with Flat Sheet Webs of Medium Thickness; 10.7907/Y3QT-J764
- Whelan, Thomas Murray (1936) The Calculated Flight Path of the U.S.S. Macon; 10.7907/PC07-4F03
- Bollay, William (1936) A New Theory for Wings of Small Aspect Ratio; 10.7907/8BV2-QH84
- Ippen, Arthur Thomas (1936) An Analytical and Experimental Study of High Velocity Flow in Curved Sections of Open Channels; 10.7907/162E-WA65
- Colman, Philip Abbey (1936) The Oscillating Vane-Type Fan; 10.7907/0TZ7-7Q11
- Wood, Carlos Claude (1935) Axial Flow Fan Design by Lattice Theory; 10.7907/6H0T-G579
- Alcock, Edward Day (1935) Experimental Investigation of the Effect of an Electric Field on the Viscosity of Liquids; 10.7907/YSEX-ZY95
- Parr, Warren Sherman and Beakley, Wallace Morris (1935) Investigation of Duralumin Channel Section Strut Under Compression; 10.7907/9VQN-K047
- Lipp, James Everett (1935) Strength of Thin Walled Cylinders Subjected to Combined Compression and Torsion; 10.7907/6Z0W-XJ59
- Mills, Roscoe Harlan (1935) The Boundary Layer for Some Axial Symmetric Flows; 10.7907/R7Q5-V769
- Root, Leonard Eugene (1934) A Study of the Dynamic Longitudinal Stability of Airplanes with Special Application to Design; 10.7907/an7m-3j68
- Krick, Irving Parkhurst (1934) I. Foehn Winds of Southern California. II. Foehn Wind Cyclo-Genesis. III. Weather Conditions Associated With the Akron Disaster. IV. The Los Angeles Storm of December 30, 1933 to January 1, 1934; 10.7907/R9ZR-0776
- Vosseller, Aurelius Bartlett and Jerome, Clayton Charles (1934) Investigation of Relation Between Euler and Flat Plate Buckling of "L" Section Struts; 10.7907/6HFP-5R14
- Moore, Norton Bartlett (1934) The Boundary Layer and Skin Friction for a Body of Revolution at Large Reynold's Numbers; 10.7907/JZW9-JZ15
- Goldstein, Julian Richard (1934) Investigation of Turbulence in Circular Tubes by Means of a Hot-Wire Anemometer; 10.7907/A5KY-WY52
- Rassieur, William Theodore (1934) Hinge Moments; 10.7907/5P3S-7022
- Sechler, Ernest Edwin (1934) The Ultimate Compressive Strength of Thin Sheet Metal Panels; 10.7907/HX3P-3Y69
- Kuethe, Arnold Martin (1933) Investigations of Turbulent Mixing Regions; 10.7907/VRK9-6566
- Smits, Howard Gardner (1933) The Stress Determination by the Photo Elastic Method of the Shrinkage Stresses in a Gravity Dam; 10.7907/g3vr-5d04
- Wattendorf, Frank Leslie (1933) A Study of the Effect of Curvature on Fully Developed Turbulent Flow; 10.7907/RWZE-DP61
- Brahtz, John Henry Augustus (1932) Stresses at Two-Dimensional Corners for Various Force Distributions; 10.7907/4QRC-A816
- Biot, Maurice A. (1932) Transient Oscillations in Elastic Systems; 10.7907/ZHSH-T443
- Oswald, W. Bailey (1932) The Transverse Force Distribution on Ellipsoidal and Nearly Ellipsoidal Bodies Moving in an Arbitrary Potential Flow; 10.7907/QK4H-C181
- Folsom, Richard Gilman (1932) An Experimental Investigation of the Phenomena Produced by the Highly Turbulent Flow of Water Past a Series of Sharp Obstacles; 10.7907/BJ70-1607
- Nagashi, Masahiro Howard (1931) A Study of Fully Developed Turbulent Flow at a Very High Reynolds Number; 10.7907/815A-2M78