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- Sivo, Joseph Michael (1997) Rotordynamic Forces Due to Annular Leakage Flows in Shrouded Centrifugal Pumps; 10.7907/bpfm-0a24
- Burnley, Victor Scott (1996) Nonlinear Combustion Instabilities and Stochastic Sources; 10.7907/013z-q287
- Kendrick, Donald William (1995) An experimental and numerical investigation into reacting vortex structures associated with unstable combustion; 10.7907/9QDG-AP23
- Shih, Angela Chao-Hsuan (1994) The study of Taylor-Couette flows with superimposed isothermal and heated axial flows at high Taylor numbers; 10.7907/3r06-hm27
- Al Juhany, Khalid Ahmed Bin Talal (1994) Supersonic Film Cooling Including the Effect of Shock Wave Interaction; 10.7907/7ry6-fy87
- Huang, Mei-Jiau (1994) Theoretical and computational studies of isotropic homogeneous turbulence; 10.7907/CQ2T-Z242
- Zsak, Thomas William (1993) An investigation of the reacting vortex structures associated with pulse combustion; 10.7907/aja3-z307
- Yeung, Moon-Tai (1993) Chemical Reactions in a Scramjet Combustor and Two-Dimensional Nozzles; 10.7907/vw7e-nq49
- Chan, Wingsiu Richard (1993) Experimental and numerical studies on two-dimensional gravity currents in a horizontal channel; 10.7907/d44w-pm14
- Dugan, Regina E. (1993) Axisymmetric Buoyant Jets in a Cross Flow with Shear: Transition and Mixing; 10.7907/1jmz-kj71
- Budzinski, John Michael (1992) Planar Rayleigh Scattering Measurements of Shock Enhanced Mixing; 10.7907/pwj0-h036
- Guinzburg, Adiel (1992) Rotordynamic forces generated by discharge-to-suction leakage flows in centrifugal pumps; 10.7907/dv7v-hy83
- Sugioka, Ichiro (1991) Particle Transport by Rapid Vaporization of Superheated Liquid; 10.7907/ZS1H-VE29
- Gilbrech, Richard Joseph (1991) An experimental investigation of chemically-reacting, gas-phase turbulent jets; 10.7907/p80s-h321
- Morehart, James Henry (1991) Species produced in fires burning in two-layered and homogenous vitiated environments; 10.7907/9xja-9n92
- Dumas, Guy (1991) Study of spherical couette flow via 3-D spectral simulations: large and narrow-gap flows and their transitions; 10.7907/Z6DW-4T51
- Ceccio, Steven Louis (1990) Observations of the Dynamics and Acoustics of Travelling Bubble Cavitation; 10.7907/427S-BC75
- Ng, Kit Yin (1990) Thermal plumes from staged multiport diffusers in uniform quiescent environment; 10.7907/58bk-6222
- Franz, Ronald John (1989) Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Cavitation on the Rotordynamic Forces on a Whirling Centrifugal Pump Impeller; 10.7907/5JXT-CZ84
- Anilkumar, A. V. (1989) Experimental Studies of High-Speed Dense Dusty Gases; 10.7907/5B1B-AY62
- Rasi, Marco (1989) Mixing in Density-Stratified Conjugate Flows; 10.7907/2s6d-kv47
- Northrop, Paul Scott (1988) A Fundamental Study of Char Combustion: Changes in Particle Morphology during Oxidation; 10.7907/5R3H-DV43
- Arndt, Norbert Karl Erhard (1988) Experimental Investigation of Rotor-Stator Interaction in Diffuser Pumps; 10.7907/MR43-SR51
- Dowling, David Russell (1988) Mixing in Gas Phase Turbulent Jets; 10.7907/9233-5476
- Sahu, Ranajit (1988) On the Combustion of Bituminous Coal Chars; 10.7907/zrnz-qc25
- Hannoun, Imad A. (1987) Turbulent Mixing in Stably-Stratified Fluids Subjected to Zero-Mean Shear; 10.7907/N4NS-MP03
- Lin, Jane Ming-Chin (1987) Transient Gas Jets into Liquid; 10.7907/4qp0-4x37
- Toner, Stephen James (1987) Entrainment, Chemistry, and Structure of Fire Plumes; 10.7907/jazd-8n24
- Humphrey, Joseph William, III (1987) Linear and Nonlinear Acoustics with Nonuniform Entropy in Combustion Chambers; 10.7907/ZXQ4-SA60
- Sterling, James David (1987) Longitudinal Mode Combustion Instabilities in Air Breathing Engines; 10.7907/2WKT-AY26
- d'Agostino, Luca (1987) Experimental and Theoretical Study on Cavitation Inception and Bubbly Flow Dynamics: I. Design, Development and Operation of a Cavitation Susceptibility Meter. II. Linearized Dynamics of Bubbly and Cavitating Flows with Bubble Dynamics Effects; 10.7907/HK8Q-VQ14
- Papamoschou, Dimitri (1987) Experimental Investigation of Heterogeneous Compressible Shear Layers; 10.7907/M7PQ-Y494
- Lacerda, Nehemias Lima (1987) On the Start Up of Supersonic Underexpanded Jets; 10.7907/W3CX-2Z48
- Chobotov, Michael V. (1987) Gravity Currents with Heat Transfer Effects; 10.7907/3rnv-em84
- Sobota, Thomas Henry (1987) An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Swirling Flows in a Rectangular Nozzle; 10.7907/dw4x-ex64
- O'Hern, Timothy John (1987) Cavitation Inception Scale Effects: I. Nuclei Distributions in Natural Waters. II. Cavitation Inception in a Turbulent Shear Flow; 10.7907/G8TY-K105
- Adkins, Douglas Ray (1986) Analyses of Hydrodynamic Forces on Centrifugal Pump Impellers; 10.7907/X6KZ-W852
- Hendricks, Gavin Julian (1986) Two Mechanisms of Vorticity Generation in Combusting Flow Fields; 10.7907/kj79-eq14
- Taylor, Stephen (1986) The Effects of Large-Eddy Manipulator Devices on the Turbulent Spot and the Turbulent Boundary Layer; 10.7907/7520-qj30
- Sigurdson, Lorenz Willard (1986) The Structure and Control of a Turbulent Reattaching Flow; 10.7907/prfm-x404
- Hermanson, James Carl (1985) Heat Release Effects in a Turbulent, Reacting Shear Layer; 10.7907/y722-za34
- Patton, James Scott (1985) Experimental Study of Shear Flows and Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of Granular Materials; 10.7907/f3ja-cj26
- Dahm, Werner Johann Anton (1985) Experiments on Entrainment, Mixing and Chemical Reactions in Turbulent Jets at Large Schmidt Number; 10.7907/k93g-jh12
- Smith, Duane A. (1985) An Experimental Study of Acoustically Excited, Vortex Driven, Combustion Instability within a Rearward Facing Step Combustor; 10.7907/xn67-7h10
- Roberts, Fredrick Allen (1985) Effects of a Periodic Disturbance on Structure and Mixing in Turbulent Shear Layers and Wakes; 10.7907/syy5-a334
- Papanicolaou, Panayiotis Nikolas (1985) Mass and Momentum Transport in a Turbulent Buoyant Vertical Axisymmetric Jet; 10.7907/6khx-sv30
- Senior, Constance Lynn (1984) Submicron Aerosol Formation During Combustion of Pulverized Coal; 10.7907/70GT-H495
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- Yang, Vigor (1984) Pressure Oscillations in Liquid-Fueled Ramjet Engines; 10.7907/rfpg-es59
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- Norton, Olin Perry (1983) The Effects of a Vortex Field on Flames with Finite Reaction Rates; 10.7907/7vn8-4078
- Mungal, Mark Godfrey (1983) Experiments on Mixing and Combustion with Low Heat Release in a Turbulent Shear Flow; 10.7907/QZ4F-V692
- Zondervan, Keith Peter (1983) Optimal Low Thrust, Three Burn Orbit Transfers with Large Plane Changes; 10.7907/NXPK-GE17
- Gharib, Morteza (1983) The Effect of Flow Oscillations on Cavity Drag, and a Technique for their Control; 10.7907/JJYA-CK31
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- Bernier, Robert J. N. (1982) Unsteady Two-Phase Flow Instrumentation and Measurement; 10.7907/8KSZ-8796
- Ooi, Kean Khoon (1982) Scale Effects on Cavitation Inception in Submerged Jets; 10.7907/qvn5-1075
- Nosenchuck, Daniel Mark (1982) Passive and Active Control of Boundary Layer Transition; 10.7907/CKFA-E875
- Karagozian, Ann Renee (1982) An Analytical Study of Diffusion Flames in Vortex Structures; 10.7907/NE3D-T576
- Trebitz, Bernd Otto (1982) Acoustic Transmission Imaging for Flow Diagnostics; 10.7907/pnsp-rk30
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