Zmuidzinas, Jonas
Moncelsi, L. and Ade, Peter A., el al. (2020) Receiver development for BICEP Array, a next-generation CMB polarimeter at the South Pole ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 1145314; 10.1117/12.2561995
Kang, Jae Hwan and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2020) Observing low elevation sky and the CMB Cold Spot with BICEP3 at the South Pole ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114532D; 10.1117/12.2562066
Redford, Joseph G. and Barry, Peter S., el al. (2020) SuperSpec: On-chip spectrometer design, characterization, and performance ; 10.1117/12.2563110
Murphy, J. D. and Burke, D., el al. (2020) Calibration of QUBIC: The Q and U bolometric interferometer for cosmology ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114532G; 10.1117/12.2560172
Colditz, Sebastian and Looney, Leslie W., el al. (2020) Upgrading the field-imaging far-infrared line spectrometer for the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) with KIDs: enabling large sample (extragalactic) surveys ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 1145334; 10.1117/12.2560120
Shaw, E. C. and Ade, P.A.R., el al. (2020) Design and pre-flight performance of SPIDER 280 GHz receivers ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114532F; 10.1117/12.2562941
Stankowiak, G. and Piat, Michel, el al. (2020) Detection chain and electronic readout of the QUBIC instrument ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 1145328; 10.1117/12.2561567
Janssen, Reinier M. J. and Liu, Lunjun, el al. (2020) Terahertz intensity mapper focal plane and array design ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114531N; 10.1117/12.2560705
Wandui, Albert K. and Bock, James J., el al. (2020) Antenna-coupled thermal kinetic inductance detectors for ground-based millimeter-wave cosmology ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114531E; 10.1117/12.2563373
Cornelison, J. and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2020) Polarization calibration of the BICEP3 CMB polarimeter at the South Pole ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 1145327; 10.1117/12.2562905
Sayers, Jack and Day, Peter K., el al. (2020) A four kilopixel 150 GHz KID imager paired with a 1.5 m crossed Dragone telescope ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114531C; 10.1117/12.2561647
Crites, Abigail T. and Bock, Jamie, el al. (2020) A status update on TIME: a mm-wavelength spectrometer designed to probe the Epoch of Reionization ; ISBN 9781510636934; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X; Art. No. 114530G; 10.1117/12.2561865
Fyhrie, Adalyn and Zmuidzinas, Jonas, el al. (2018) Progress towards ultra sensitive KIDs for future far-infrared missions: a focus on recombination times ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107083A; 10.1117/12.2312867
Soliman, A. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2018) Design and performance of wide-band corrugated walls for the BICEP Array detector modules at 30/40 GHz ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107082G; 10.1117/12.2312942
O'Brient, Roger C. and Steinbach, Bryan, el al. (2018) Thermal kinetic inductance detectors for CMB and sub millimeter observations (Conference Presentation) ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 1070809; 10.1117/12.2314372
Karkare, Kirit S. and Barry, Peter S., el al. (2018) On-sky demonstration of the SuperSpec millimeter-wave spectrometer (Conference Presentation) ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107081R; 10.1117/12.2313786
Defrance, Fabien and Chattopadhyay, Goutam, el al. (2018) Multilayer antireflection coating for silicon optics at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths (Conference Presentation) ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107081F; 10.1117/12.2315785
Wheeler, Jordan D. and Hailey-Dunsheath, Steven, el al. (2018) SuperSpec: the on-chip spectrometer: characterization of a full 300 channel filterbank (Conference Presentation) ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107080P; 10.1117/12.2314364
Kang, Jae Hwan and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2018) 2017 upgrade and performance of BICEP3: a 95GHz refracting telescope for degree-scale CMB polarization ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107082N; 10.1117/12.2313854
Barlis, Alyssa and Hailey-Dunsheath, Steven, el al. (2018) Development of aluminum LEKIDs for balloon-borne far-infrared spectroscopy (Conference Presentation) ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107080V; 10.1117/12.2311394
Barkats, Denis and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2018) Ultra-thin large-aperture vacuum windows for millimeter wavelengths receivers ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107082K; 10.1117/12.2312585
O'Sullivan, C. and Schillaci, A. (2018) Simulations and performance of the QUBIC optical beam combiner ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107082I; 10.1117/12.2313256
Li, Chao-Te and Bradford, C. M., el al. (2018) TIME millimeter wave grating spectrometer ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107083F; 10.1117/12.2311415
Hui, Howard and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2018) BICEP Array: a multi-frequency degree-scale CMB polarimeter ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 1070807; 10.1117/12.2311725
Salatino, M. and Schillaci, A. (2018) Performance of NbSi transition-edge sensors readout with a 128 MUX factor for the QUBIC experiment ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 1070845; 10.1117/12.2312080
Franceschet, Cristian and Cleary, Kieran A., el al. (2018) The STRIP instrument of the Large Scale Polarization Explorer: microwave eyes to map the Galactic polarized foregrounds ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107081G; 10.1117/12.2313558
May, A. J. and Schillaci, A. (2018) Thermal architecture for the QUBIC cryogenic receiver ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107083V; 10.1117/12.2312085
Redford, J. and Wheeler, J., el al. (2018) The design and characterization of a 300 channel, optimized full-band millimeter filterbank for science with SuperSpec ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107081O; 10.1117/12.2313666
O'Sullivan, C. and Schillaci, A. (2018) QUBIC: the Q and U bolometric interferometer for cosmology ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107082B; 10.1117/12.2313332
Crumrine, Michael and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2018) BICEP Array cryostat and mount design ; ISBN 9781510619692; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX; Art. No. 107082D; 10.1117/12.2312829
Wheeler, J. and Hailey-Dunsheath, S., el al. (2016) SuperSpec: development towards a full-scale filter bank ; ISBN 978-1-5106-0207-6; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99143K; 10.1117/12.2233798
Hui, H. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2016) BICEP3 focal plane design and detector performance ; ISBN 978-1-5106-0207-6; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99140T; 10.1117/12.2232986
Fyhrie, Adalyn and McKenney, Christopher, el al. (2016) Responsivity boosting in FIR TiN LEKIDs using phonon recycling: simulations and array design ; ISBN 9781510602076; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99142B; 10.1117/12.2231476
Karkare, K. S. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2016) Optical characterization of the BICEP3 CMB polarimeter at the South Pole ; ISBN 978-1-5106-0207-6; Conference on Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 991430; 10.1117/12.2231747
Wheeler, Caleb H. and Neric, Marko, el al. (2016) Results of using permanent magnets to suppress Josephson noise in the KAPPa SIS receiver ; ISBN 9781510602076; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99141W; 10.1117/12.2231358
Hunacek, Jonathon and Bock, James, el al. (2016) Detector modules and spectrometers for the TIME-Pilot [CII] intensity mapping experiment ; ISBN 9781510602076; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99140L; 10.1117/12.2233762
Grayson, J. A. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2016) BICEP3 performance overview and planned Keck Array upgrade ; ISBN 978-1-5106-0207-6; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99140S; 10.1117/12.2233894
Lamb, James W. and Cleary, Kieran A., el al. (2016) Sideband-separating MMIC receivers for observation in the 3-mm band ; 10.1117/12.2233106
McCarrick, Heather and Abitbol, Maximilian H., el al. (2016) Development of dual-polarization LEKIDs for CMB observations ; ISBN 9781510602076; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99140O; 10.1117/12.2231830
Hubmayr, Johannes and Moncelsi, Lorenzo (2016) Design of 280 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES arrays for the balloon-borne polarimeter SPIDER ; ISBN 978-1-5106-0207-6; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 99140V; 10.1117/12.2231896
Crites, A. T. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2014) The TIME-Pilot Intensity Mapping Experiment ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91531W; 10.1117/12.2057207
Araujo, D. C. and Ade, P. A. R., el al. (2014) A LEKID-based CMB instrument design for large-scale observations in Greenland ; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530W; 10.1117/12.2056828
Bradford, C. M. and Hailey-Dunsheath, S., el al. (2014) X-Spec, A Multi-Object, Trans-Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for CCAT ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91531Y; 10.1117/12.2056750
Ahmed, Z. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2014) BICEP3: a 95GHz refracting telescope for degree-scale CMB polarization ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91531N; 10.1117/12.2057224
Buder, I. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2014) BICEP2 and Keck Array: upgrades and improved beam characterization ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915312; 10.1117/12.2055713
Karkare, K. S. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2014) Keck array and BICEP3: spectral characterization of 5000+ detectors ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91533B; 10.1117/12.2056779
O'Brient, R. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2014) Lithographed spectrometers for tomographic line mapping of the Epoch of Reionization ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530F; 10.1117/12.2057319
Stacey, Gordon J. and Dowell, Charles D., el al. (2014) SWCam: the short wavelength camera for the CCAT Observatory ; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530L; 10.1117/12.2057101
Sayers, Jack and Duan, Ran P., el al. (2014) The Status of MUSIC: The Multiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915304; 10.1117/12.2055444
Hailey-Dunsheath, S. and Shirokoff, E., el al. (2014) Status of SuperSpec: a broadband, on-chip millimeter-wave spectrometer ; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530M; 10.1117/12.2057229
Naylor, David and Gom, Brad, el al. (2014) Preliminary design of the wavefront front sensor for CCAT ; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915326; 10.1117/12.2055372
Rahlin, A. S. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2014) Pre-flight integration and characterization of the SPIDER balloon-borne telescope ; ISBN 9780819496218; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915313; 10.1117/12.2055683
Sieth, Matthew and Devaraj, Kiruthika, el al. (2014) Argus: A 16-pixel Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for the Green Bank Telescope ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91530P; 10.1117/12.2055655
Ji, C. and Beyer, A., el al. (2014) Design of antenna-coupled lumped-element titanium nitride KIDs for long-wavelength multi-band continuum imaging ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915321; 10.1117/12.2056777
Benson, B. A. and Padin, S. (2014) SPT-3G: A Next-Generation Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Experiment on the South Pole Telescope ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91531P; 10.1117/12.2057305
Naylor, David and Gom, Brad, el al. (2014) Preliminary design of the wavefront sensor for CCAT ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915326; 10.1117/12.2055372
Wheeler, Jordan D. and Koopman, Brian, el al. (2014) Anti-reflection coatings for submillimeter silicon lenses ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 91532Z; 10.1117/12.2057011
Chapman, S. C. and Tikhomirov, A., el al. (2014) A quasioptical steering system for the CCAT/XSPEC submillimeter multi-object spectrometer ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9621-8; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VII; Art. No. 915320; 10.1117/12.2055649
Henning, J. W. and Lueker, M., el al. (2012) Feedhorn-Coupled TES Polarimeter Camera Modules at 150 GHz for CMB Polarization Measurements with SPTpol ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84523A; 10.1117/12.927172
Suzuki, Aritoki and Arnold, Kam, el al. (2012) Multi-chroic dual-polarization bolometric detectors for studies of the Cosmic Microwave Background ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimiter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84523H; 10.1117/12.924869
Sayre, J. T. and Lueker, M., el al. (2012) Design and characterization of 90 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES polarimeter pixels in the SPTPol camera ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 845239; 10.1117/12.927035
Ogburn, R. W., IV and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2012) BICEP2 and Keck Array operational overview and status of observations ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84521A; 10.1117/12.925731
O'Brient, R. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2012) Antenna-coupled TES bolometers for the Keck Array, Spider, and Polar-1 ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84521G; 10.1117/12.927214
Kloosterman, Jenna and Cottam, Tiara, el al. (2012) First observations with SuperCam and future plans ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; 845204; 10.1117/12.925088
Shirokoff, E. and Barry, P. S., el al. (2012) MKID development for SuperSpec: an on-chip, mm-wave,
filter-bank spectrometer ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84520R; 10.1117/12.927070
Golwala, Sunil R. and Bockstiegel, Clint, el al. (2012) Status of MUSIC, the MUltiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 845205; 10.1117/12.926055
Kernasovskiy, S. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2012) Optimization and sensitivity of the Keck Array ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84521B; 10.1117/12.926934
Austermann, J. E. and Lueker, M., el al. (2012) SPTpol: an instrument for CMB polarization measurements with the South Pole Telescope ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84521E; 10.1117/12.927286
George, E. M. and Lueker, M., el al. (2012) Performance and on-sky optical characterization of the SPTpol instrument ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84521F; 10.1117/12.925586
Barry, P. S. and Shirokoff, E., el al. (2012) Electromagnetic design for SuperSpec: a lithographically-patterned millimetre-wave spectrograph ; ISBN 9780819491534; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84522F; 10.1117/12.927089
Swenson, Loren J. and Day, Peter K., el al. (2012) MAKO: a pathfinder instrument for on-sky demonstration of low-cost 350 micron imaging arrays ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84520P; 10.1117/12.926223
Vieregg, A. G. and Aikin, R., el al. (2012) Optical Characterization of the Keck Array Polarimeter at the South Pole ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 845226; 10.1117/12.926639
Hayton, D. J. and Gao, J. R., el al. (2012) Active local oscillator power stabilization for a hot electron bolometer heterodyne receiver ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; 84520Z; 10.1117/12.925851
Laurent, Glenn T. and Vaillancourt, John E., el al. (2012) POLOCAM: a millimeter wavelength cryogenic polarimeter prototype for MUSIC-POL ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84521S; 10.1117/12.926430
Groppi, Christopher E. and Wheeler, Caleb H., el al. (2012) The Kilopixel Array Pathfinder Project (KAPPa), a 16 pixel integrated heterodyne focal plane array ; ISBN 9780819491534; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84520Y; 10.1117/12.927358
Kovács, Attila and Barry, Peter S., el al. (2012) SuperSpec: design concept and circuit simulations ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84522G; 10.1117/12.927160
McKenney, Christopher M. and Leduc, Henry G., el al. (2012) Design considerations for a background limited 350 micron
pixel array using lumped element superconducting
microresonators ; ISBN 978-0-8194-9153-4; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy VI; Art. No. 84520S; 10.1117/12.925759
Sheehy, C. D. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) The Keck Array: a pulse tube cooled CMB polarimeter ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411R; 10.1117/12.857871
Gudmundsson, J. E. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2010) Thermal architecture for the SPIDER flight cryostat ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411M; 10.1117/12.857925
Filippini, J. P. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2010) SPIDER: a balloon-borne CMB polarimeter for large angular scales ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411N; 10.1117/12.857720
Schlaerth, James A. and Czakon, Nicole G., el al. (2010) MKID multicolor array status and results from DemoCam ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 774109; 10.1117/12.857688
King, Oliver G. and Pearson, Timothy J., el al. (2010) The C-Band All-Sky Survey: instrument design, status, and first-look data ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77411I; 10.1117/12.858011
Bryan, Sean A. and Bock, James J., el al. (2010) Modeling and characterization of the SPIDER half-wave plate ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77412B; 10.1117/12.857837
Karasik, Boris S. and Pereverzev, Sergey V., el al. (2010) Development of the nano-HEB array for low-background far-IR applications ; ISBN 9780819482310; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 774119; 10.1117/12.856682
Matsumura, Tomotake and Bock, James J., el al. (2010) Absolute polarization angle calibration using polarized diffuse Galactic emission observed by BICEP ; ISBN 9780819482310; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77412O; 10.1117/12.856855
Orlando, A. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) Antenna-coupled TES Bolometer Arrays for BICEP2/Keck and SPIDER ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77410H; 10.1117/12.857914
Hollister, Matthew I. and Czakon, Nicole G., el al. (2010) The cryomechanical design of MUSIC: a novel imaging instrument for millimeter-wave astrophysics at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411L; 10.1117/12.856780
Maloney, Philip R. and Czakon, Nicole G., el al. (2010) MUSIC for sub/millimeter astrophysics ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77410F; 10.1117/12.857751
Duan, Ran and McHugh, Sean, el al. (2010) An open-source readout for MKIDs ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77411V; 10.1117/12.856832
Czakon, Nicole G. and Schlaerth, James A., el al. (2010) Optimization of MKID Noise Performance Via Readout Technique for Astronomical Applications ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77410Q; 10.1117/12.857866
Ogburn, R. W., IV and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) The BICEP2 CMB polarization experiment ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411G; 10.1117/12.857864
Tan, Boon-Kok and Yassin, Ghassan, el al. (2010) A 700 GHz unilateral finline SIS mixer fed by a multi-flare angle smooth-walled horn ; ISBN 9780819482310; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 774110; 10.1117/12.856711
Sieth, Matthew and Lau, Judy M., el al. (2010) Development of MMIC receivers for cosmic microwave background interferometry ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77412I; 10.1117/12.857830
Runyan, M. C. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2010) Design and performance of the SPIDER instrument ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77411O; 10.1117/12.857715
Bintley, Dan and Hollister, Matthew I. (2010) Characterising the SCUBA-2 superconducting bolometer arrays ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 774106; 10.1117/12.856839
Reichborn-Kjennerud, Britt and Matsumura, Tomotake (2010) EBEX: a balloon-borne CMB polarization experiment ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411C; 10.1117/12.857138
Sayers, Jack and Czakon, Nicole G., el al. (2010) Optics for MUSIC: a new (sub)millimeter camera for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77410W; 10.1117/12.857324
Walker, C. and Kulesa, C., el al. (2010) Large format heterodyne arrays for observing far-infrared lines with SOFIA ; ISBN 9780819482310; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art No. 751884; 10.1117/12.857811
Aikin, Randol W. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2010) Optical Performance of the BICEP2 Telescope at the South Pole ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77410V; 10.1117/12.857868
Brevik, J. A. and Aikin, R. W., el al. (2010) Initial performance of the BICEP2 antenna-coupled superconducting bolometers at the South Pole ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, submillimeter, and far-infrared detectors and instrumentation for astronomy V; Art. No. 77411H; 10.1117/12.857861
Aubin, François and Matsumura, Tomotake (2010) First implementation of TES bolometer arrays with SQUID-based multiplexed readout on a balloon-borne platform ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 77411T; 10.1117/12.857596
Billot, Nicolas and Sauvage, M., el al. (2010) CEA Bolometer Arrays: the First Year in Space ; ISBN 978-0-81948-231-0; Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy V; Art. No. 774102; 10.1117/12.856449
Golwala, Sunil and Ameglio, Silvia, el al. (2009) Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Studies of Galaxy Clusters with Bolocam (and Future Instrumentation) ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 311-324
Zmuidzinas, Jonas (2009) Chasing Tom Phillips ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 365-376
Radford, Simon J. E. and Giovanelli, Riccardo, el al. (2009) CCAT ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter Astrophysics and Technology : A Symposium Honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 113-124
Kooi, J. W. (2009) Heterodyne Receiver Development at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 377-410
Lis, Dariusz C. and Goldsmith, Paul F., el al. (2009) Hydrides in Space: Past, Present, and Future ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 23-36
Shinnaga, Hiroko and Young, Ken H., el al. (2009) IRC+10216's Innermost Envelope — The eSMA'S View ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 301-304
Carpenter, John M. and Isella, Andrea, el al. (2009) Recent Results from CARMA ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 305-308
Blake, Geoffrey A. (2009) Terahertz Spectroscopy in the Lab and at Telescopes ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillip; 231-242
Woody, D. P. (2009) Early Days of SIS Receivers ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 3-10
Phillips, T. G. (2009) Development of the Submillimeter Band ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Development of the Submillimeter Band; 37-56
Dowell, C. Darren (2009) Submillimeter (λ < 1 mm) Continuum Imaging at CSO: A Retrospective ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 143-150
Blain, Andrew W. (2009) Finding and Studying Luminous Dust-Enshrouded Galaxies ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 325-336
Leong, Melanie and Peng, Ruisheng, el al. (2009) A Caltech Submillimeter Observatory Active Optics System ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 131-136
Sayers, J. and Golwala, S. R., el al. (2008) Studies of atmospheric noise on Mauna Kea at 143 GHz with Bolocam ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201Q; 10.1117/12.790029
Nguyen, Hien Trong and Kovac, John, el al. (2008) BICEP2/SPUD: searching for inflation with degree scale polarimetry from the South Pole ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201F; 10.1117/12.787997
Grainger, Will and Matsumura, Tomotake (2008) EBEX: the E and B Experiment ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70202N; 10.1117/12.789627
Inami, Hanae and Bradford, Matt, el al. (2008) A broadband millimeter-wave spectrometer Z-Spec: sensitivity and ULIRGs ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201T; 10.1117/12.788711
Kuo, C. L. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2008) Antenna-coupled TES bolometer arrays for CMB polarimetry ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201I; 10.1117/12.788588
Edgar, Michael L. and Karpov, Alexandre, el al. (2008) CASIMIR, The Caltech airborne submillimeter interstellar medium investigations receiver ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 702012; 10.1117/12.790121
Takahashi, Yuki D. and Barkats, Denis, el al. (2008) CMB polarimetry with BICEP: instrument characterization, calibration,
and performance ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70201D; 10.1117/12.790306
Glenn, Jason and Day, Peter K., el al. (2008) A microwave kinetic inductance camera for sub/millimeter astrophysics ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70200B; 10.1117/12.790050
Marsden, G. and Bock, J. J. (2008) The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Submillimeter Telescope for polarization: BLAST-pol ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 702002; 10.1117/12.788413
Schulz, Bernhard and Bock, James J., el al. (2008) Noise performance of the Herschel-SPIRE bolometers during instrument ground tests ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. no. 702022; 10.1117/12.790163
Groppi, Christopher and Walker, Christopher, el al. (2008) SuperCam: a 64 pixel heterodyne imaging spectrometer ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 702011; 10.1117/12.790284
Woodcraft, Adam L. and Nguyen, Hien, el al. (2008) Understanding the Herschel-SPIRE bolometers ; ISBN 9780819472304; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IV; Art. No. 70200F; 10.1117/12.788789
Stacey, G. J. and Golwala, S. R., el al. (2006) Instrumentation for the CCAT Telescope ; ISBN 081946340X; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751G; 10.1117/12.672176
Groppi, Christopher and Walker, Christopher, el al. (2006) SuperCam: a 64-pixel heterodyne imaging array for the 870-micron atmospheric window ; 10.1117/12.671856
Karpov, A. and Miller, D., el al. (2006) Development of 1.25 THz SIS mixer for Herschel Space Observatory ; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751U; 10.1117/12.684534
Earle, L. and Ade, P., el al. (2006) Z-Spec: a broadband direct-detection millimeter-wave spectrometer -- instrument status and first results ; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 627510; 10.1117/12.672309
Gao, Jiansong and Mazin, Benjamin, el al. (2006) Power dependence of phase noise in microwave kinetic inductance detectors ; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 627509; 10.1117/12.672590
Kuo, C. L. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2006) Antenna-coupled TES bolometers for CMB polarimetry ; ISBN 081946340X; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751M; 10.1117/12.672737
Shiao, Yu-Shao and Looney, Leslie W., el al. (2006) Water vapor in the atmosphere: an examination for CARMA phase correction ; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62750Y; 10.1117/12.672245
Day, Peter K. and LeDuc, Henry G., el al. (2006) Distributed antenna-coupled transition edge sensors ; ISBN 9780819463401; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751R; 10.1117/12.672690
Bradford, C. M. and Ade, P., el al. (2004) Z-Spec: a broadband millimeter-wave grating spectrometer: design, construction, and first cryogenic measurements ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 257-267; 10.1117/12.552182
Berg, T. and Cherednichenko, S., el al. (2004) Stability of HEB receivers at THz frequencies ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 605-615; 10.1117/12.553162
Pearson, J. C. and Zmuidzinas, J., el al. (2004) THz instrumentation for the Herschel Space Observatory's heterodyne instrument for far infrared ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 486-497; 10.1117/12.552397
Staguhn, Johannes and Benford, Dominic, el al. (2004) FIBRE: a broadband submillimeter spectrometer using superconducting bolometer arrays ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 438-445; 10.1117/12.552128
Day, Peter K. and LeDuc, Henry, el al. (2004) Far-infrared/submillimeter imager-polarimeter using distributed antenna-coupled transition edge sensors ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 857-865; 10.1117/12.552440
Herter, Terry and Brown, Robert, el al. (2004) The large Atacama submillimeter telescope ; ISBN 0819454303; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 55-62; 10.1117/12.551893
Woody, D. P. and Beasley, A. J., el al. (2004) CARMA: a new heterogeneous millimeter-wave interferometer ; ISBN 0819454303; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 30-41; 10.1117/12.552446
Groppi, C. E. and Walker, C. K., el al. (2004) First results from DesertSTAR: a 7-pixel 345-GHz heterodyne array receiver for the Heinrich Hertz Telescope ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 290-299; 10.1117/12.552492
Kooi, J. W. and Kovács, A., el al. (2004) Heterodyne instrumentation upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 332-348; 10.1117/12.552539
Nguyen, H. T. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2004) A report on the laboratory performance of the spectroscopic detector arrays for SPIRE/HSO ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 196-207; 10.1117/12.548974
Silverberg, R. F. and Allen, C. A., el al. (2004) Two bolometer arrays for far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 187-195; 10.1117/12.552422
Hawkins, D. W. and Woody, D. P., el al. (2004) The CARMA correlator ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 567-578; 10.1117/12.552430
Karpov, A. and Miller, D., el al. (2004) Low-noise SIS mixer for far-infrared radio astronomy ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 616-621; 10.1117/12.553190
Haig, Douglas J. and Ade, Peter A. R., el al. (2004) Bolocam: status and observations ; ISBN 0819454303; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 78-94; 10.1117/12.553154
Engargiola, G. and Navarrini, A., el al. (2004) Simple 1-mm receivers with fixed tuned double sideband SIS mixer and wideband InP MMIC amplifier ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 556-566; 10.1117/12.552401
Cahill, Gary and Bock, James J., el al. (2004) The quasi-optical design of the QUaD Telescope ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 396-406; 10.1117/12.551680
Yun, Minhee and Beeman, Jeffrey, el al. (2003) Bolometric detectors for the Planck surveyor ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 136-147; 10.1117/12.459199
Mehdi, Imran and Schlecht, E., el al. (2003) Terahertz local oscillator sources: performance and capabilities ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 435-446; 10.1117/12.459185
Rice, F. and Sumner, M., el al. (2003) SIS mixer design for a broadband millimeter spectrometer suitable for rapid line surveys and redshift determinations ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 301-311; 10.1117/12.459710
Kooi, J. W. and Kovács, A., el al. (2003) Heterodyne Instrumentation Upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 265-278; 10.1117/12.459114
Jones, W. C. and Bhatia, R. S., el al. (2003) A Polarization Sensitive Bolometric Receiver for Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 227-238; 10.1117/12.459194
Walker, C. K. and Groppi, C. E., el al. (2003) Integrated heterodyne array receivers for submillimeter astronomy ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 349-354; 10.1117/12.459375
Rownd, B. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2003) Design and performance of feedhorn-coupled bolometer arrays for SPIRE ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 510-519; 10.1117/12.459372
Goldin, Alexey and Bock, James J., el al. (2003) Design of broadband filters and antennas for SAMBA ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 163-171; 10.1117/12.459677
Beasley, Anthony J. and Vogel, Stuart N. (2003) CARMA: specifications and status ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 254-264; 10.1117/12.459357
Hunt, Cynthia L. and Bock, James J., el al. (2003) Transition-edge superconducting antenna-coupled bolometer ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 318-321; 10.1117/12.459110
Staguhn, Johannes and Benford, Dominic, el al. (2003) Astronomical demonstration of superconducting bolometer arrays ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 100-107; 10.1117/12.459377
Naylor, Bret J. and Ade, Peter A. R., el al. (2003) Z-Spec: a broadband, direct-detection, millimeter-wave spectrometer ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 239-248; 10.1117/12.459419
Holmes, W. and Bock, J., el al. (2003) Preliminary performance measurements of bolometers for the Planck high-frequency instrument ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 208-216; 10.1117/12.459421
Dowell, C. Darren and Allen, Christine A., el al. (2003) SHARC II: a Caltech Submillimeter Observatory facility camera with 384 pixels ; ISBN 0-8194-4634-3; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 73-87; 10.1117/12.459360