Zheng, Guoan
- Zheng, Guoan and Ou, Xiaoze, el al. (2012) Towards giga-pixel microscopy; ISBN 978-1-4673-1839-6; 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; 1-2
- Zheng, Guoan and Lee, Seung Ah, el al. (2012) Digital Petri dish for on-chip cell monitoring; ISBN 978-1-4673-1839-6; 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics; 1-2
- Lee, Seung Ah and Leitao, Ricardo, el al. (2011) Color sub-pixel resolving optofluidic microscope and its application to blood cell imaging for malaria diagnosis; ISBN 9781618395955; 15th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011; 1947-1949
- Zheng, Guoan and Lee, Seung Ah, el al. (2011) Subpixel resolving optofluidic microscope based on super resolution algorithm; ISBN 978-1-4244-4127-3; 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) - From Nano to Macro; 1362-1365; 10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872653
- Zheng, Guoan and Yang, Samuel, el al. (2011) Boosting detection sensitivity by using a surface-wave-enabled darkfield aperture (SWEDA); ISBN 9780819484482; Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine VIII; Art. No. 79110X; 10.1117/12.871044
- Zheng, Guoan and Yang, Samuel, el al. (2011) Boosting Detection Sensitivity by Using a Surface-Wave-Enabled
Darkfield Aperture (SWEDA); ISBN 978-0-8194-8448-2; Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine VIII; Art. No. 79110X; 10.1117/12.871044
- Wu, Jigang and Cui, Xiquan, el al. (2010) A wide field-of-view microscope based on holographic focus grid; ISBN 978-0-8194-7966-2; Three-dimensional and multidimensional microscopy : image acquisition and processing XVII; 10.1117/12.842303