Yazami, Rachid
- Han, Sang Soo and Yu, Ted H., el al. (2010) Unraveling Structural Models of Graphite Fluorides by Density Functional Theory Calculations; Chemistry of Materials; Vol. 22; No. 6; 2142-2154; 10.1021/cm903760t
- Gabrisch, H. and Yazami, R. (2010) Electron Diffraction Studies of LiNi_(1/3)Mn_(1/3)Co_(1/3)O_2
After Charge–Discharge Cycling; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; Vol. 13; No. 7; A88-A90; 10.1149/1.3424884
- Yazami, Rachid (2009) Thermodynamics of Electrode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries; ISBN 9783527319831; Lithium Ion Rechargeable Batteries; 67-102; 10.1002/9783527629022.ch5
- Gabrisch, Heike and Yi, Tanghong, el al. (2008) Transmission Electron Microscope Studies of LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 before and after Long-Term Aging at 70°C; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; Vol. 11; No. 7; A119-A124; 10.1149/1.2919713
- Filhol, J.-S. and Combelles, C., el al. (2008) Phase Diagrams for Systems with Low Free Energy Variation: A Coupled Theory/Experiments Method Applied to Li-Graphite; Journal of Physical Chemistry C; Vol. 112; No. 10; 3982-3988; 10.1021/jp076597n
- Yazami, R. and Ozawa, Y., el al. (2007) The Kinetics of Sub-Fluorinated Carbon Fluoride Cathodes For Lithium Batteries; ECS Transactions; Vol. 3; No. 36; 199-211; 10.1149/1.2795121
- Whitacre, J. F. and West, W. C., el al. (2007) Enhanced Low-Temperature Performance of Li–CFx Batteries; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; Vol. 10; No. 7; A166-A170; 10.1149/1.2735823
- Miao, Shu and Kocher, Michael, el al. (2007) Local Electronic Structure of Olivine Phases of Li_xFePO_4; Journal of Physical Chemistry A; Vol. 111; No. 20; 4242-4247; 10.1021/jp068605q
- Reynier, Y. and Yazami, R., el al. (2007) Evolution of lithiation thermodynamics with the graphitization of carbons; Journal of Power Sources; Vol. 165; No. 2; 552-558; 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2006.10.024
- Reynier, Yvan and Yazami, Rachid, el al. (2007) XRD evidence of macroscopic composition inhomogeneities in the graphite–lithium electrode; Journal of Power Sources; Vol. 165; No. 2; 616-619; 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2006.10.023
- Chamssedine, F. and Dubois, M., el al. (2007) Reactivity of Carbon Nanofibers with Fluorine Gas; Chemistry of Materials; Vol. 19; No. 2; 161-172; 10.1021/cm061731m
- Gabrisch, Heike and Ozawa, Yasunori, el al. (2006) Crystal structure studies of thermally aged LiCoO_2 and LiMn_2O_4 cathodes; Electrochimica Acta; Vol. 52; No. 4; 1499-1506; 10.1016/j.electacta.2006.02.050
- Yazami, R. and Reynier, Y., el al. (2006) Entropymetry of Lithium Intercalation in Spinel Manganese Oxide: Effect of Lithium Stoichiometry; ECS Transactions; Vol. 1; No. 26; 87-96; 10.1149/1.2209361
- Yazami, R. and Ozawa, Y. (2006) Probing the Self-Discharge Current in LiMn_2O_4, LiCoO_2 and Li(NiMnCo)_(1/3)O_2 Cathodes; ECS Transactions; Vol. 1; No. 26; 151-159; 10.1149/1.2209365
- Dodd, J. and Ait Salah, A., el al. (2006) The electronic properties of chemically delithiated Li_xFePO_4; ECS Transactions; Vol. 1; No. 26; 39-45; 10.1149/1.2209355
- Dodd, J. L. and Yazami, R., el al. (2006) Determining the Phase Diagram of Li_xFePO_4; ECS Transactions; Vol. 1; No. 26; 27-38; 10.1149/1.2209354
- Stevens, R. and Dodd, J. L., el al. (2006) Phonons and Thermodynamics of Unmixed and Disordered Li_(0.6)FePO_4; Journal of Physical Chemistry B; Vol. 110; No. 45; 22732-22735; 10.1021/jp063831l
- Dodd, J. L. and Yazami, R., el al. (2006) Phase Diagram of Li_xFePO_4; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; Vol. 9; No. 3; A151-A155; 10.1149/1.2164548
- Lam, P. and Yazami, R. (2006) Physical characteristics and rate performance of (CF_x)_n (0.33 < x < 0.66) in lithium batteries; Journal of Power Sources; Vol. 153; No. 2; 354-359; 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.05.022
- Yazami, R. and Ozawa, Y. (2006) A kinetics study of self-discharge of spinel electrodes in Li/Li_xMn_2O_4 cells; Journal of Power Sources; Vol. 153; No. 2; 251-257; 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.10.012
- Yazami, Rachid and Reynier, Yvan (2006) Thermodynamics and crystal structure anomalies in lithium-intercalated graphite; Journal of Power Sources; Vol. 153; No. 2; 312-318; 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2005.05.087
- Miao, Shu and Kocher, Michael, el al. (2005) Local Electronic Structure of Layered Li_xNi_(0.5)Mn_(0.5)O_2 and Li_xNi_(1/3)Mn_(1/3)Co_(1/3)O_2; Journal of Physical Chemistry B; Vol. 109; No. 49; 23473-23479; 10.1021/jp0542266
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- Ozawa, Yasunori and Yazami, Rachid, el al. (2005) An XRD Study of Chemical Self-Discharge in Delithiated Cobalt Oxide; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; Vol. 8; No. 1; A38-A41; 10.1149/1.1830395
- Reynier, Yvan and Graetz, Jason, el al. (2004) Entropy of Li intercalation in LixCoO2; Physical Review B; Vol. 70; No. 17; Art. No. 174304; 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.174304
- Gabrisch, Heike and Yazami, Rachid, el al. (2004) Hexagonal to Cubic Spinel Transformation in Lithiated Cobalt Oxide; Journal of the Electrochemical Society; Vol. 151; No. 6; A891-A897; 10.1149/1.1738677
- Graetz, J. and Ahn, C. C., el al. (2004) Nanocrystalline and Thin Film Germanium Electrodes with High Lithium Capacity and High Rate Capabilities; Journal of the Electrochemical Society; Vol. 151; No. 5; A698-A702; 10.1149/1.1697412
- Reynier, Y. F. and Yazami, R., el al. (2004) Thermodynamics of Lithium Intercalation into Graphites and Disordered Carbons; Journal of the Electrochemical Society; Vol. 151; No. 3; A422-A426; 10.1149/1.1646152
- Graetz, J. and Ahn, C. C., el al. (2003) Highly Reversible Lithium Storage in Nanostructured Silicon; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; Vol. 6; No. 9; A194-A197; 10.1149/1.1596917
- Graetz, J. and Ahn, C. C., el al. (2003) An Electron Energy-Loss Spectrometry Study of Charge Compensation in LiNi_(0.8)Co_(0.2)O_2; Journal of Physical Chemistry B; Vol. 107; No. 13; 2887-2891; 10.1021/jp026484y
- Gabrisch, H. and Yazami, R., el al. (2002) The Character of Dislocations in LiCoO2; Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters; Vol. 5; No. 6; A111-A114; 10.1149/1.1472257
- Graetz, J. and Yazami, R., el al. (2002) Electronic Structure of Oxygen in Delitiated LiTMO₂ Studied by Electron Energy-Loss Spectrometry; ISBN 978-1-4020-0595-4; New Trends in Intercalation Compounds for Energy Storage; 469-474; 10.1007/978-94-010-0389-6_32
- Yazami, Rachid and Gabrisch, Heike, el al. (2001) Self-organized carbon nanostrips with a new LiC10 structure derived from carbon nanotubes; Journal of Chemical Physics; Vol. 115; No. 23; 10585-10588; 10.1063/1.1427704