Wyllie, Peter
- Wyllie, Peter J. (2004) Hans Ertel and International Science: The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
- Wyllie, P. J. (2003) The century before the millennium: selected advances in petrology; ISBN 81-85867-55-0; Milestones in Petrology and Future Perspectives; 1-19
- Wyllie, P. J. and Lee, W.-J. (1999) Kimberlites, Carbonatites, Peridotites and Silicate-carbonate
Liquid Immiscibility Explained in Parts of the System CaO-(Na_2O+K_2O)-(MgO+FeO)-(SiO_2+Al_2O_3)-CO_2; ISBN 0799218650; Proceedings of the 7th International Kimberlite Conference; 923-932
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1999) Hot little crucibles are pressured to reveal and calibrate igneous processes; ISBN 9781862390263; James Hutton — Present and Future; 37-57; 10.1144/GSL.SP.1999.150.01.03
- Wyllie, P. J. and Wolf, M. B., el al. (1997) Conditions for formation of tonalites and trondhjemites: magmatic sources and products; ISBN 9780198540564; Greenstone Belts; 256-266
- Nichols, Geoffrey T. and Wyllie, Peter J., el al. (1996) Experimental Melting of Pelagic Sediment, Constraints Relevant to Subduction; ISBN 9780875900780; Subduction Top to Bottom; 293-298; 10.1029/GM096p0293
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1996) Carbonate and Carbonate-Rich Liquids in the Earth's Interior, and Critical Fluids in Diamond Inclusions; ISBN 4944122012; Advanced materials '96: new trends in high pressure research; 69-74
- Wyllie, P. J. and Jones, A. P., el al. (1996) Rare earth elements in carbonate-rich melts from mantle to crust; ISBN 0412610302; Rare Earth minerals: chemistry, origin and ore deposits; 77-103
- Wyllie, P. J. (1995) Where's the petrology in "Earth Sciences and Society"; ISBN 9789054102755; Magmatism in relation to diverse tectonic settings; 3-15
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1995) High pressure ultrametamorphism: reaching the solidus boundary
- Wyllie, Peter J. and Wolf, Michael B. (1993) Amphibolite dehydration-melting: sorting out the solidus; ISBN 9780585281353; Magmatic processes and plate tectonics; 405-416; 10.1144/GSL.SP.1993.076.01.20
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1992) Experimental Petrology: Earth Materials Science; ISBN 9780521370202; Understanding the Earth; 67-87
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1991) Does Ocean Water Reach Mantle Plume Sources? If So What Are The Consequences?
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1991) Magmatic consequences of volatile fluxes from the mantle; ISBN 052139077X; Progress in metamorphic and magmatic petrology: a memorial volume in honor of D.S. Korzhinskiy; 477-503
- White, Bradford S. and van der Laan, Sieger, el al. (1990) The early siliceous component of planetary crusts: experimental petrology of the tonalite-trondhjemite rock series
- van der Laan, Sieger R. and Johnston, A. Dana, el al. (1990) Phase equilibria constraints on Archean crustal genesis from crystallization experiments on trondhjemite with water at 10-17 kbar
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1990) Steps toward understanding the Earth's dynamic interior; ISBN 0195625811; From mantle to meteorites: a garland of perspectives; 239-248
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1989) Solidus Curves, Mantle Plumes, and Magma Generation Beneath Hawaii; ISBN 9781118782064; How Volcanoes Work; 4171-4181; 10.1002/9781118782064.ch5
- Wyllie, P. J. (1989) The genesis of kimberlites and some low-SiO_2, high-alkali magmas; ISBN 0867930330; Kimberlites and related rocks; 603-615
- Wyllie, P. J. (1989) Origin of Carbonatites: Evidence from Phase Equilibrium Studies; ISBN 0044450680; Carbonatites: genesis and evolution; 500-545
- Stern, Charles R. and Wyllie, Peter J. (1989) Phase Relationships of I-Type Granite With H_2O to 35 Kilobars: The Dinkey Lakes Biotite-Granite From the Sierra Nevada Batholith; ISBN 9781118782057; Granites and Rhyolites; 10412-10422; 10.1002/9781118782057.ch17
- Wyllie, P. J. (1987) Metasomatism and fluid generation in mantle xenoliths; ISBN 0471912093; Mantle Xenoliths; 609-621
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1987) Transfer of subcratonic carbon into kimberlites and rare earth carbonatites; ISBN 0941809005; Magmatic processes : physicochemical principles: a volume in honor of Hatten S. Yoder, Jr.; 107-119
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1986) A Petrologic Viewpoint
- Fanelli, M. F. and Cava, N., el al. (1986) Calcite and Dolomite without Portlandite at a new Eutectic in CaO-MgO-CO_2-H2_O with Applications to Carbonatites
- Wyllie, Peter J. and Jones, Adrian P. (1985) Experimental Data Bearing on the Origin of Carbonatites, with Particular Reference to the Mountain Pass Rare Earth Deposit; ISBN 0895204878; Applied Mineralogy; 935-949
- Sekine, Toshimori and Wyllie, Peter J. (1984) Hybridization of magmas above subducted oceanic crust; ISBN 9067640093; Petrology: Igneous and metamorphic rocks; 561-579
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1984) Conditions for melting and metasomatism in the Earth's mantle; ISBN 9067640093; Petrology: Igneous and metamorphic rocks; 581-604
- Huang, Wuu-Liang and Wyllie, Peter J. (1984) Carbonation reactions for mantle lherzolite and harzburgite; ISBN 9067640093; Petrology: Igneous and metamorphic rocks; 455-473
- Wyllie, P. J. (1983) Experimental studies on biotite- and muscovite-granites and some crustal magmatic sources; ISBN 0906812267; Migmatites, Melting and Metamorphism: Proceedings of the Geochemical Group of the Mineralogical Society; 12-26
- Wyllie, P. J. (1983) Experimental and thermal constraints on the deep-seated parentage of some granitoid magmas in subduction zones; ISBN 0906812267; Migmatites, Melting and Metamorphism: Proceedings of the Geochemical Group of the Mineralogical Society; 37-51
- Wyllie, Peter J. and Donaldson, Colin H., el al. (1981) Experimental petrology of basalts and their source rocks; ISBN 0080280862; Basaltic volcanism on the terrestrial planets; 493-630
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1981) Magma Sources in Cordilleran Settings
- Wyllie, P. J. (1980) Influence of volatile components on upper mantle processes
- Ellis, David E. and Wyllie, Peter J. (1979) A model of phase relations in the system MgO-SiO_2-H_2O-CO_2 and prediction of the compositions of liquids coexisting with forsterite and enstatite
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1979) Kimberlite Magmas from the System Peridotite-CO_2-H_2O
- Wyllie, P. J. (1979) Petrogenesis and the Physics of the Earth; ISBN 9780691082233; The Evolution of the Igneous Rocks: Fiftieth Anniversary Perspectives; 483-520
- Wyllie, P. J. (1978) Silicate-carbonate systems with bearing on the origin and crystallization of carbonatites
- Wyllie, P. J. (1977) From crucible through subduction to batholiths; ISBN 978-3-642-86576-3; Energetics of geological processes: Hans Ramberg on his 60th birthday; 389-433
- Wyllie, P. J. (1976) Experimental Studies on the Influence of CO_2 and H_2O in the Upper Mantle; ISBN 0124687504; High-Pressure research: applications in geophysics; 77-106
- Wyllie, P. J. (1974) Limestone assimilation; ISBN 9780471813835; The Alkaline Rocks; 459-474
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1974) Plate tectonics, sea-floor spreading, and continental drift: an introduction
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1971) A Discussion of Water in the Crust; ISBN 0875900143; The Structure and Physical Properties of the Earth's Crust; 257-260; 10.1029/GM014p0257
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1971) Experimental Limits for Melting in the Earth's Crust and Upper Mantle; ISBN 0875900143; The Structure and Physical Properties of the Earth's Crust; 279-301
- Smith, J. V. and Anderson, A. T., el al. (1970) Petrologic history of the moon inferred from petrography, mineralogy, and petrogenesis of Apollo 11 rocks; ISBN 0080163920; Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference; 897-925
- Wyllie, P. J. (1970) Analysis and interpretation of lunar samples
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1970) Ultramafic Rocks and the Upper Mantle
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1969) The ultramafic belts; 10.1029/GM013p0480
- Wyllie, P. J. (1967) Mafic and Ultramafic Nodules - Introduction
- Wyllie, P. J. (1967) Ultramafic and Ultrabasic Rocks
- Wyllie, P. J. (1967) Petrogenesis of Ultramafic and Ultrabasic Rocks - Review
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1967) Ultramafic and related rocks - Preface
- Franz, G. W. and Wyllie, P. J. (1967) Experimental Studies in the System CaO-MgO-SiO_2-H_2O
- Wyllie, P. J. (1966) High pressure techniques
- Wyllie, P. J. (1966) Experimental Studies of Carbonatite Problems: The Origin and Differentiation of Carbonatite Magmas
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1963) Effects of the changes in slope occurring on liquidus and solidus paths in the system diopside-anorthite-albite
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1963) Applications of High Pressure Studies to the Earth Sciences
- Wyllie, P. J. and Tuttle, O. F. (1960) Melting in the Earth's Crust
- Wyllie, P. J. and Tuttle, O. F. (1960) Experimental verification for the magmatic origin of carbonatites
- Wyllie, P. J. (1958) Geomorphology
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1957) Rocks and Muskoxen
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1957) Final geological journeys
- Wyllie, Peter J. (1957) The geologists' spring journeys