Wise, Mark
- Aralis, Taylor Benjamin (2024) SuperCDMS SNOLAB, HVeV Run 3, and Development of KIPM Detectors; 10.7907/gxjp-0863
- Shah, Nabha Niranjan (2024) Scattering and Gravitational Effective Field Theory; 10.7907/z5r7-rr17
- Blatnik, Marie Ann (2024) Creating the Electric and Magnetic Fields for the nEDM@SNS Experiment; 10.7907/7a0n-va47
- Jadbabaie, Arian (2023) Measuring Fundamental Symmetry Violation in Polyatomic Molecules; 10.7907/2jry-1s28
- Moss, Alexander Lorenzo (2023) Ultraviolet Scalar Unification and Gravitational Radiation Reaction from Quantum Field Theory; 10.7907/f997-ts08
- Cerri, Olmo (2023) New Physics Tools for Discovery, a New Era of Timing Detector, and Lepton Flavor Universality Test at CMS; 10.7907/bqsn-sp82
- Dutta, Irene (2023) Rare Higgs Processes at CMS and Precision Timing Detector Studies for HL-LHC CMS Upgrade; 10.7907/tmt4-nq20
- Mao, Jiajing (2023) Search for Supersymmetry Using Higgs Boson to Diphoton Decays and Search for Long-Lived Particles Using Out-of-Time Trackless Jets at √s = 13 TeV; 10.7907/pwpe-ef70
- Trickle, Tanner David (2022) Direct Detection of Light Dark Matter with Electrons, Phonons, and Magnons; 10.7907/n4j3-1b24
- Tso, Rhondale (2022) Fundamental Ways to Probe Gravitational Waves Across Its Spectrum and Propagation; 10.7907/jeja-rr34
- Li, Yunxuan (2022) Search for Beyond Standard Model Physics at BaBar; 10.7907/tz7n-d662
- Mangan, James Francis (2021) Effective Field Theory Topics in the Modern S-Matrix Program; 10.7907/qg7a-7n08
- Zhang, Zhicai (2021) First Observation of the Production of Three Massive Vector Bosons and Search for Long-Lived Particles using Delayed Photons in pp Collisions at √s = 13 TeV; 10.7907/vnec-zj29
- Chun, Sungbong (2019) Quantum Groups and Integralities in Chern-Simons Theory; 10.7907/2CW7-5J29
- Barkett, Kevin Michael Canice (2019) Computational Methods for Gravitational Wave Physics: Spectral Cauchy-Characteristic Extraction and Tidal Splicing; 10.7907/3DH5-7773
- McAneny, Michael Trevor (2019) Aspects of Quasi-Single Field Inflation; 10.7907/4RBP-Q623
- Ridgway, Alexander Karas (2019) Imprints of Massive Scalars on Primordial Non-Gaussianities; 10.7907/0FD0-GY68
- Varma, Vadapalli Vijay S. (2019) Black Hole Simulations: From Supercomputers to Your Laptop; 10.7907/YT07-Q639
- Brooks, Daniel James (2018) Computational Investigation of Ionic Diffusion in Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries; 10.7907/ZE9T-V407
- McKinney, Tristan James (2018) The Effective Field Theory of Fermi Surfaces in the Vicinity of Van Hove Singularities; 10.7907/8VWF-V806
- Pang, Belinda Heyun (2018) Theoretical Foundations for Quantum Measurement in a General Relativistic Framework; 10.7907/dfyy-y188
- Bartolotta, Anthony Leo (2018) The Union of Quantum Field Theory and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics; 10.7907/F7VT-7X41
- Ye, Ke (2018) A Symphony of Supersymmetry and Geometry: Invariants, Dualities and Chiral Rings; 10.7907/K2K2-9790
- Maguire, Shaun Cohn (2018) The Spectral Theory of Multiboundary Wormholes; 10.7907/W8HM-4Y42
- Shen, Chia-Hsien (2017) Aspects of Effective Field Theories from Scattering Amplitudes; 10.7907/Z9VM49BW
- Herrmann, Enrico (2017) Scattering in N=4 Super Yang Mills and N=8 Supergravity; 10.7907/Z94J0C49
- Remmen, Grant Newton (2017) Defining Gravity: Effective Field Theory, Entanglement, and Cosmology; 10.7907/Z90R9MD1
- Pollack, Jason Aaron (2017) Constraints on Cosmology and Quantum Gravity from Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory; 10.7907/Z9W093ZG
- Blackman, Jonathan Lloyd (2017) Surrogate Models of Gravitational Waves from Numerical Relativity Simulations of Binary Black Hole Mergers; 10.7907/Z93F4MPJ
- Chen, Yi (2015) Extraction of CP Properties of the H(125) Boson Discovered in Proton-Proton Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV with the CMS Detector at the LHC; 10.7907/VT37-HT20
- Arnold, Jonathan Mark (2014) Baryon and Lepton Numbers in Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model; 10.7907/74JV-BN09
- Fornal, Bartosz (2014) Baryon Number Violation beyond the Standard Model; 10.7907/R0MY-VR06
- Schmid, Riccardo (2014) New Search for the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Using Ultracold Neutrons at the Spallation Neutron Source
; 10.7907/Z9K35RMK
- Boddy, Kimberly K. (2014) Cosmological Consequences of Dark Matter Interactions and Vacuum Fluctuations; 10.7907/9YN7-RS46
- Timciuc, Vladlen (2013) Search for Heavy Neutral Resonances in the Dielectron Channel with the CMS Detector at the LHC; 10.7907/79XY-2H30
- Tsang, Raymond Hei Man (2013) Discovery of Non-Zero Neutrino Mixing Angle θ₁₃ Using Daya Bay Antineutrino Detectors; 10.7907/CE4Y-BX48
- Veverka, Jan (2013) Studies of Zγ Production and Constraints on Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV; 10.7907/QTWD-J259
- Tseng, Chien-Yao (2013) Deviation from Standard Inflationary Cosmology and the Problems in Ekpyrosis; 10.7907/KAHC-PK38
- Engel, Kevin Thomas (2013) Charged Pion Contribution to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon; 10.7907/M463-8Z93
- Ongmongkolkul, Piti (2013) Measurement of the Direct CP Asymmetry in b→sγ via Sum of Exclusive B Meson Decays Using the BABAR Detector; 10.7907/ZNVN-R508
- Yang, Yong (2013) Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons in CMS at the LHC; 10.7907/MTVR-9R70
- Hickerson, Kevin Peter (2013) The Physics of Ultracold Neutrons and Fierz Interference in Beta Decay; 10.7907/K8CK-MQ14
- Setter, Kevin Luke (2013) Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Geometric Langlands Correspondence; 10.7907/RK2P-2H81
- Bashkirov, Denis (2012) Symmetries in Three-Dimensional Superconformal Quantum Field Theories; 10.7907/61EK-5K70
- Yaakov, Itamar (2012) Localization of Gauge Theories on the Three-Sphere; 10.7907/8AMG-0B70
- Lee, Samuel Kuhnman (2012) Three Paths to Particle Dark Matter; 10.7907/Q603-SH04
- Lee, Samuel Kuhnman (2012) Three Paths to Particle Dark Matter; 10.7907/Q603-SH04
- Orchanian, Mhair-Armen Hagop (2012) Electron Neutrino Appearance in the MINOS Experiment; 10.7907/T4JJ-BM32
- Willett, Brian M. (2012) Localization and Dualities in Three Dimensional Superconformal Field Theories; 10.7907/F9V6-HD05
- Lipstein, Arthur Elias (2011) Integrability of N = 6 Chern-Simons theory; 10.7907/QDSM-8448
- Bandrés Motola, Miguel Angel (2011) Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories and Their String Theory Duals; 10.7907/2D9D-1876
- Himmel, Alexander I. (2011) Antineutrino Oscillations in the Atmospheric Sector; 10.7907/7E4S-QQ82
- Doll, David Andrew (2011) Measurement of the Rare Transition b→sγ Using the Complete BABAR Data Set; 10.7907/E6S9-4D28
- Dulaney, Timothy Ryan (2011) Beyond the Standard Cosmology: Anisotropic Inflation and Baryophilic Dark Matter; 10.7907/ZSV6-RF08
- Pullen, Anthony Robert (2011) A Survey of Results in Modern Precision Cosmology; 10.7907/VJ9N-0J70
- Gray, Heather Mary (2011) The Charged Particle Multiplicity at Center of Mass Energies from 900 GeV to 7 TeV Measured with the ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
; 10.7907/VVAE-6186
- Schwarzkopf, Yonathan (2011) Complex Phenomena in Social and Financial Systems: From Bird Population Growth to the Dynamics of the Mutual Fund Industry; 10.7907/6Y9G-WM75
- Ochoa Ricoux, Juan Pedro (2010) A Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS Experiment; 10.7907/PS40-G206
- Grin, Daniel (2010) The Lukewarm Frontier: Some Cosmological Consequences of 'Low Energy' Physics; 10.7907/EN34-1095
- Grin, Daniel (2010) The Lukewarm Frontier: Some Cosmological Consequences of 'Low Energy' Physics; 10.7907/EN34-1095
- Ackerman Mayer, Lotty (2010) A Quest for the Physics Beyond the Cosmological Standard Model; 10.7907/F0TW-C269
- Ochoa Ricoux, Juan Pedro (2010) A Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS Experiment; 10.7907/PS40-G206
- Gresham, Moira I. (2010) Lorentz Symmetry Breaking in a Cosmological Context; 10.7907/9G69-3Z95
- Vyas, Ketan D. (2010) Topics in Topological and Holomorphic Quantum Field Theory; 10.7907/QPRX-0V43
- Piatenko, Timofei (2009) Search for B → (ρ/ω)γ decays at BABAR; 10.7907/JFX3-1629
- Tulin, Sean Michael (2009) Supersymmetry: From Baryogenesis at the Electroweak Phase Transition to Low-Energy Precision Experiments; 10.7907/HYKE-VY04
- Goyal, Kovid (2009) Using Graph States for Quantum Computation and Communication; 10.7907/WR8C-1H18
- Yang, Jie (2008) Holomorphic Anomaly Equations in Topological String Theory; 10.7907/A7K8-8W74
- Chen, Edward Tann (2007) Radiative Leptonic B Decays; 10.7907/KNQF-1R30
- Salem, Michael Phillip (2007) Topics in Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology; 10.7907/BQ6Q-DA17
- Erwin, Rebecca Joan (2007) Neutrino Mass Constraints on Electroweak Parameters; 10.7907/E3FG-2H43
- O'Connell, Dónal (2007) Unusual Signs in Quantum Field Theory; 10.7907/FEFB-JZ53
- Kile, Jennifer E. (2007) Constraints on Physics Beyond the Standard Model and its Observable Effects; 10.7907/KSBC-RD46
- Bondarescu, Mihai (2007) Topics in General Relativity; 10.7907/2DKM-A388
- Wang, Peng (2007) Neutrina Mass Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard Model; 10.7907/4AGY-DF85
- Pritchard, Jonathan Robin (2007) Extracting the Cosmic History from Diffuse Backgrounds; 10.7907/W3BF-8Q61
- Gataullin, Marat I. (2006) Studies of Electroweak Interactions and Searches for New Physics Using Photonic Events with Missing Energy at the Large Electron-Positron Collider; 10.7907/V4BM-7H20
- Samuel, Alexander (2006) Measurement of Branching Fractions and Mass Spectra in B → Kππγ Decays; 10.7907/JNY6-XG69
- Jenkins, Alejandro (2006) Topics in Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology beyond the Standard Model; 10.7907/9VSJ-XW82
- Dorsten, Matthew Paul (2006) Topics in Heavy Particle Effective Theories; 10.7907/2SCF-KR56
- Yuan, Junhua (2006) Progress Towards a High Precision Measurement of the Neutron Spin–Electron Angular Correlation in Polarized Neutron ß Decay with Ultra-Cold Neutrons; 10.7907/NT8M-7059
- Forster, Robert Burke (2006) Population Dynamics in the Presence of Quasispecies Effects and Changing Environments; 10.7907/QHEA-NV73
- Abeyesinghe, Anura Yamesh (2006) Unification of Quantum Information Theory; 10.7907/XB1H-6193
- Covrig, Silviu Doru (2005) A Measurement of Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the G0 Experiment in Forward Mode; 10.7907/K48K-KB02
- Diaconescu, Luca Radu (2005) Applications of Effective Field Theory to Electron Scattering; 10.7907/QJBW-X946
- Wessling, Margaret Ellen (2005) Heavy Pentaquarks in the Diquark Model and the Large Nc Expansion; 10.7907/6812-4G64
- Kesden, Michael Henry (2005) To the Horizon and Beyond:Weak Lensing of the CMB and Binary Inspirals into Horizonless Objects; 10.7907/BQMR-4C14
- Lee, Christopher (2005) Probing Physics and the Standard Model and Beyond with Electroweak Baryogenesis and Effective Theories of the Strong Interactions; 10.7907/GJPE-HN05
- Kellogg, Melinda Jane (2005) Evidence for Excitonic Superfluidity in a Bilayer Two-Dimensional Electron System; 10.7907/7ZKQ-QD67
- Sigurdson, Kris Raymond (2005) Variations on the Standard Model of the Universe; 10.7907/52QC-H668
- McLoughlin, Tristan (2005) The Near-Penrose Limit of AdS/CFT; 10.7907/EHS6-QF38
- Wu, Xinkai (2004) Testing Gauge/Gravity Duality: The Eleven-Dimensional PP-Wave; 10.7907/0JV2-RT78
- Wang, Guodong (2004) Polarizing ³He by Spin Exchange with Potassium; 10.7907/69BR-5G30
- Ozakin, Arkadas Inan (2004) RG-Flows, AdS/CFT Correspondence and Stability of Non-Dilatonic Branes; 10.7907/DQKG-HY63
- Ciocarlie, Calin A. (2004) D-Brane Actions and N=2 Supergravity Solutions; 10.7907/WSR1-2S04
- Lipeles, Elliot (2004) A Study of the Fully Differential Inclusive Semileptonic B Meson Decay Rate; 10.7907/W3Q5-5B34
- Spielman, Ian Bairstow (2004) Evidence for the Josephson Effect in Quantum Hall Bilayers; 10.7907/JAXZ-YV11
- Borokhov, Vadim Aleksandrovich (2004) Monopole Operators and Mirror Symmetry in Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories; 10.7907/5AP4-X614
- Mastromarino, Peter A. (2004) A Precision Low-Energy Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle in Møller Scattering; 10.7907/4TT3-KA76
- Lee, Peter Byungho (2003) D-Branes in Anti-de-Sitter Space; 10.7907/ZE9Y-RP78
- Xia, Lei (2003) Search for Scalar Leptons at LEP with the L3 Detector; 10.7907/V8BF-3611
- Sun, Werner Man-Li (2003) Observation of B → K⁰ₛ π⁺ π⁻ and B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺ and Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺; 10.7907/B515-7D62
- Sun, Werner Man-Li (2003) Observation of B → K⁰ₛ π⁺ π⁻ and B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺ and Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺; 10.7907/B515-7D62
- Nolty, Robert G. (2002) Semi-Contained Interactions of Atmospheric Neutrinos in the MACRO Detector; 10.7907/JHBC-GQ49
- Nolty, Robert G. (2002) Semi-Contained Interactions of Atmospheric Neutrinos in the MACRO Detector; 10.7907/JHBC-GQ49
- Jensen, John Steffen (2001) Measurement of the Neutron (³He) Spin Structure Function at Low Q²: A Connection between the Bjorken and Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov Sum Rules; 10.7907/wmxe-ge51
- Shvorob, Alexander (2001) A Study of W Boson Properties with Four-Jet W⁺W⁻ Events at LEP; 10.7907/5drh-kh53
- Shvorob, Alexander (2001) A Study of W Boson Properties with Four-Jet W⁺W⁻ Events at LEP; 10.7907/5drh-kh53
- Jensen, John Steffen (2001) Measurement of the Neutron (³He) Spin Structure Function at Low Q²: A Connection between the Bjorken and Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov Sum Rules; 10.7907/wmxe-ge51
- Goldberger, Walter D. (2001) Brane Models and the Hierarchy Problem; 10.7907/zmfm-yd07
- Ouellette, Stephen Michael (2001) SU(3) Chiral Symmetry in Non-Relativistic Field Theory; 10.7907/JN2B-5X12
- Carter, Paul Whitton (1999) The HERMES Experiment. I. Analyzing Powers in Pion Electroproduction. II. The Aerogel Radiator of the HERMES RICH; 10.7907/ragp-vn42
- Bradford, Kent B. (1997) Aspects of Non-Abelian Many Body Physics; 10.7907/rn7x-3882
- Kirkby, David P. (1996) A Study of Final-State Radiation in Hadronic Z Decays; 10.7907/n7fb-yw42
- Kirkby, David P. (1996) A Study of Final-State Radiation in Hadronic Z Decays; 10.7907/n7fb-yw42
- Kelsey, Michael Henderson (1996) Measurement of the Leptonic Branching Fraction of the Dₛ Meson and Determination of Its Decay Constant; 10.7907/x5qg-g497
- Chow, Chi-Keung (1995) Heavy hadrons in the large Nc limit; 10.7907/7qz6-sg17
- Adler, Mark (1990) The Persistence of Charm in the Relentless Decay of Beauty; 10.7907/91HF-NW14
- DeJongh, Don Frederic (1990) Resonant Substructure in Kπππ Decays of D Mesons; 10.7907/0wda-j731
- DeJongh, Don Frederic (1990) Resonant Substructure in Kπππ Decays of D Mesons; 10.7907/0wda-j731
- Zhu, Yanong (1989) The Decay Properties of the ψ(3770); 10.7907/2c5y-sq13
- Potterveld, David Henry (1989) A Measurement of Inclusive Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering Cross Sections at High Momentum Transfer; 10.7907/y2ef-tj92
- Potterveld, David Henry (1989) A Measurement of Inclusive Quasi-Elastic Electron Scattering Cross Sections at High Momentum Transfer; 10.7907/y2ef-tj92
- Cline, James Michael (1988) Effective Lagrangians and Infinity Cancellations for Open String Theories; 10.7907/9vpf-s680
- Ma, Hong (1988) Experimental Tests of Electroweak Theory with µ⁺µ⁻ and µ⁺µ⁻γ Final States from e⁺e⁻ Annihilation; 10.7907/p86n-k519
- Rey, Soo-Jong (1988) On the BRST Invariance of String Theory; 10.7907/MDK4-NY02
- Coffman, Daniel Mark (1987) The Properties of Semileptonic Decays of Charmed D Mesons; 10.7907/4be7-sc20
- Meredith, Dawn Christine (1987) Quantum Chaos: Spectral Fluctuations and Overlap Distributions of the Three Level Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model; 10.7907/7y5k-ex17
- Stolorz, Paul Ernest (1987) Numerical Simulations of Lattice QCD; 10.7907/eas7-km80
- Yamamoto, Hitoshi (1986) A Study of Charged D* Mesons Produced in e⁺e⁻ Annihilation at E꜀ₘ = 29 GeV; 10.7907/nms8-7v38
- Hatfield, Brian F. (1986) Gauge Fields in the Functional Schrodinger Representation; 10.7907/ys3x-qz72
- Kolawa, Adam (1986) Semianalytical Calculation of the O⁺⁺ Glueball Mass in Su(2) Gauge Theory; 10.7907/Z4HC-3T81
- Suen, Wai Mo (1985) Dynamical Electromagnetic Fields Near Black Holes and Multipole Moments of Stationary, General Relativistic Systems; 10.7907/xayq-7806
- Sonoda, Hidenori (1985) Chiral Anomalies and the Chiral Lagrangian; 10.7907/xg77-hd79
- Bijnens, Johan Lambert (1985) Chiral Perturbation Theory and the Weak Interaction; 10.7907/64qa-xw17
- Edwards, Charles David, Jr. (1985) A Study of Exclusive Final States in Radiative ψ Decays; 10.7907/evh8-gk53
- Shatz, Michael Phillip (1984) A QCD Based Model of Hadron Hadron Scattering; 10.7907/krfv-d594
- Koop, Dale E. (1984) Prompt Electron Production in Electron-Positron Annihilations at 29 GeV; 10.7907/x378-b766
- Macdonald, Douglas Alan (1984) Black-Hole Electrodynamics; 10.7907/vv78-at49