Wilts, Charles Harold
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- Ho, Kuo Ting (1984) Evolution of Nitrogen Impurities in Metal-Silicon Binary Couples and their Effect on Silicide Formation; 10.7907/tz19-ww79
- Ho, Tai-Ping (1984) The Dialogue Designing Dialogue System; 10.7907/5v76-gn68
- Papachristidis, Alexandros Christou (1984) Heterogeneous Data Base Access; 10.7907/5sdf-7w07
- Erickson, Robert Warren, Jr. (1983) Large Signals in Switching Converters; 10.7907/CN9A-WY51
- Barzegar, Farhad (1983) Problems in Switched-Mode DC and AC Power Conversion; 10.7907/qr7n-cj36
- Speriosu, Virgil Simon (1983) X-ray Rocking Curve and Ferromagnetic Resonance Investigations of Ion-Implanted Crystals; 10.7907/BET3-1831
- Ullner, Michael K. (1983) Parallel Machines for Computer Graphics; 10.7907/wxmq-sx43
- Megdal, Barry Bruce (1983) VLSI Computational Structures Applied to Fingerprint Image Analysis; 10.7907/9tyn-bc11
- Prouty, Dale Austen (1982) Investigations of Near-Zone Doppler Effects; 10.7907/vfzj-7d74
- Chen, Carl Leei (1982) Direct Output Feedback Control of Large Flexible Spacecraft; 10.7907/vx2f-yh14
- Brown, Arthur Raymond (1981) Topics in the Analysis, Measurement, and Design of High-Performance Switching Regulators; 10.7907/SQ09-ZS78