Wilts, Charles Harold
- Speriosu, Virgil Simon (1983) X-ray Rocking Curve and Ferromagnetic Resonance Investigations of Ion-Implanted Crystals; 10.7907/BET3-1831
- Ramer, O. Glenn (1976) Surface Effects on Spinwave Resonance in Thin Magnetic Films; 10.7907/PKCX-X329
- Bajorek, Christopher Henry (1972) Spin Wave Resonance in Ferromagnetic Thin Films; 10.7907/9e70-r690
- Johnson, Gordon Oliver (1972) Effects of Magnetostriction and Superlattice Formation in Ferromagnetic Thin Films; 10.7907/DYFK-DQ28
- Brownlow, Leonard William, Jr. (1971) Magnetoelastic Effects in Thin Ferromagnetic Films; 10.7907/G42T-JN47
- Evans, Edward Norton (1971) A Study of Strain Effects in Ni Alloys; 10.7907/KVSG-3T58
- Kryder, Mark Howard (1970) Flux Reversal in Ferromagnetic Thin Films; 10.7907/AP2X-M430
- Suzuki, Takao (1969) I. Anisotropy and Crystal Structure of Ferromagnetic Thin Films. II. Investigations into Magnetic Microstructure by Lorentz Microscopy; 10.7907/4gb0-gj02
- Patton, Carl Elliot, III (1967) Dynamic Processes in Magnetic Thin Films. Domain Wall Motion and Ferromagnetic Resonance; 10.7907/YST3-KN23
- Collette, René Clément (1964) Domain Walls, Demagnetizing Fields and Anisotropy in Thin Ferromagnetic Films; 10.7907/BSKM-G135
- Pinson, Elliot Neil (1961) An Adaptive Control Technique for Systems with Lightly Damped Resonances; 10.7907/6HPW-4V89
- Braham, Harold Stanley (1958) An Investigation of the Use of Feedback Control to Raise the Flutter Speed of an Aeroelastic System; 10.7907/5EVF-4945
- Upthegrove, Harry Nelson (1954) An Investigation of the Influence of Fuselage Elasticity on the Pitching Motion of a Controlled Missile; 10.7907/B4FA-2254
- Anderson, Jack Steele (1953) An Analysis of Servomechanisms Containing a Dependent Variable Nonlinearity; 10.7907/SQ9A-3G13