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- Beebe, Wayne Metcalf (1966) An Experimental Investigation of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Plastic and Metals; 10.7907/PC0B-4P13
- Lindsey, Gerald Herbert (1966) Hydrostatic Tensile Fracture of a Polyurethane Elastomer; 10.7907/K12J-X907
- Swedlow, Jerold Lindsay (1965) The Thickness Effect and Plastic Flow in Cracked Plates; 10.7907/0WVE-W364
- Folias, Efthymios Stefanos (1964) The Stresses in a Spherical Shell Containing a Crack; 10.7907/N4ST-K607
- Arenz, Robert James (1964) Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Materials; 10.7907/E8KM-6M98
- Ko, William L. (1963) Application of Finite Elastic Theory to the Behavior of Rubber-Like Materials; 10.7907/WMS4-A521
- Knauss, Wolfgang Gustav (1963) Rupture Phenomena in Viscoelastic Materials; 10.7907/KZSV-0Y32
- Schapery, Richard Allan (1962) Irreversible Thermodynamics and Variational Principles with Applications to Viscoelasticity; 10.7907/QEB0-N308
- Lindquist, David Max Wadsworth (1960) Exact and Approximate Solutions to the Pressure-Loaded Plate Strip with Temperature Distribution; 10.7907/G7PZ-8898
- Ang, Dang Dinh (1958) Some Radiation Problems in Elastodynamics; 10.7907/TF74-2977
- Chase, Robert Apperson (1955) Pressurized Fuselage Stress Analysis; 10.7907/ZCGR-N460
- Berger, Howard Martin (1954) A New Approach to the Analysis of Large Deflections of Plates; 10.7907/FA0E-1X79
- Dervishyan, Aram Ohannes (1952) Fatigue Stress Concentration Studies on Aluminum Alloys; 10.7907/4BCE-M652
- Geisberg, Ralph Lewis (1950) Transient Analysis Methods for Determining the Longitudinal Stability Derivatives of a Submerged Body from Free Flight Tests; 10.7907/H9NV-2777
- Matzdorff, Roger Edward (1950) Castable Plastics in Photoelastics Stress Analysis; 10.7907/1CAZ-4A36