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- Schwendeman, Donald William (1986) Numerical Shock Propagation Using Geometrical Shock Dynamics; 10.7907/Q5VX-AF72
- Smyth, Noel Frederick (1984) Part I: Soliton on a Beach and Related Problems. Part II: Modulated Capillary Waves; 10.7907/VXDD-1M21
- Rosales, Rodolfo Rubén (1977) I. Exact Solution of Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations. II. The Similarity Solution for the Korteweg-De Vries Equation and the Related Painlevé Transcendent; 10.7907/5vas-ge83
- Minzoni Alessio, Antonmaria (1976) Some Problems of Edge Waves and Standing Waves on Beaches; 10.7907/jyc7-f650
- Miklovic, Donald W. (1976) Topics in Linear and Nonlinear Dispersive Waves; 10.7907/KPRH-JK65
- Small, Robert Donald (1973) Nonlinear Dispersive Waves in Nonlinear Optics; 10.7907/KKBY-7364
- Jiménez Sendín, Javier (1973) I. Nonlinear Gas Oscillations in Pipes. II. Wavetrains with Small Dissipation; 10.7907/HRSK-FC56
- Myers, John Richard (1972) New Variational Principles for Systems of Partial Differential Equations; 10.7907/X8KY-4K24
- Delaney, Michael Ernest (1971) I. Singular Perturbation Problems Involving Singular Points and Turning Points. II. On the Averaged Lagrangian Technique for Nonlinear Dispersive Waves; 10.7907/D9B7-N756
- Wiscombe, Warren Jackman (1970) Non-Linear Dispersive Waves with a Small Dissipation; 10.7907/4QJW-9809
- Seliger, Robert Lewis (1968) Part I. On the Breaking of Nonlinear Dispersive Waves. Part II. Variational Principles in Continuum Mechanics; 10.7907/K2AZ-JX87
- Yeh, Tyan (1968) I. Nonexistence of Looping Trajectories in Hydromagnetic Waves of Finite Amplitude. II. Breaking of Waves in a Cold Collision-Free Plasma in a Magnetic Field. III. On Stability of Periodic Waves in a Cold Collision-Free Plasma in a Magnetic Field; 10.7907/5T79-R738
- Luke, Jon Christian (1966) Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Problems; 10.7907/EFW2-CC09
- Rupert, Viviane Claude (1963) Influence of Radiative Dissipation on the Shock Wave Structure; 10.7907/41E3-T691