Weinstein, Alan
- Lo, Ka Lok (Rico) (2024) Gravitational Wave Exotica - Advancing the Search for Signatures of Exotic Compact Objects and Gravitational Lensing from Data-Analysis and Theoretical Perspectives; 10.7907/gycj-ch63
- Li, Ka Yue Alvin (2024) Probing the Higher Redshift Universe by Studying Strong Lensing of Gravitational Waves and Enhancing Search Sensitivity of the GstLAL Search Pipeline; 10.7907/hc11-h960
- Anand, Shreya (2024) Cosmic Gold Mining: Hunting for the Astrophysical Sites of r-Process Nucleosynthesis; 10.7907/145k-w841
- Mitman, Keefe Edward Alden (2024) Asymptotics with Numerical Relativity: Gravitational Memory, BMS Frames, and Nonlinearities; 10.7907/7akc-yg91
- Chen, Ge (2024) Localized Fast Radio Bursts Using DSA-110; 10.7907/xchy-q017
- Mao, Jiajing (2023) Search for Supersymmetry Using Higgs Boson to Diphoton Decays and Search for Long-Lived Particles Using Out-of-Time Trackless Jets at √s = 13 TeV; 10.7907/pwpe-ef70
- Xiao, Liting (2023) Searching for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences and Stochastic Backgrounds in the LIGO–Virgo Detector Network; 10.7907/zgtx-0582
- Li, Xiang (2023) Topics in Gravitational Wave Physics: Quantum Theory for Detector Improvement and High-Precision Modeling of Binary Black Hole Ringdown Waveform; 10.7907/ks5c-zn93
- Pike, Sean Nicholas (2023) Exploring the Mass Accretion Rates of Neutron Star X-Ray Binaries and the Properties of Cadmium Zinc Telluride for Hard X-Ray Astronomy; 10.7907/ctjf-2768
- Cerri, Olmo (2023) New Physics Tools for Discovery, a New Era of Timing Detector, and Lepton Flavor Universality Test at CMS; 10.7907/bqsn-sp82
- Ma, Sizheng (2023) Topics in Gravitational Wave Physics: Black-Hole Spectroscopy, Neutron Star Dynamical Tides, and Numerical Relativity; 10.7907/0t48-ka91
- Tso, Rhondale (2022) Fundamental Ways to Probe Gravitational Waves Across Its Spectrum and Propagation; 10.7907/jeja-rr34
- Nguyen, Thong Quang (2022) Searches for Nonresonant Higgs Boson Pair Production and Long-Lived Particles at the LHC and Machine-Learning Solutions for the High-Luminosity LHC Era; 10.7907/knfz-q495
- Zhang, Zhicai (2021) First Observation of the Production of Three Massive Vector Bosons and Search for Long-Lived Particles using Delayed Photons in pp Collisions at √s = 13 TeV; 10.7907/vnec-zj29
- Xu, Yanjun (2021) Probing the Inner Accretion Flow Properties Around Black Holes with X-ray Observations; 10.7907/9kkg-4b58
- Cahillane, Craig Russell (2021) Controlling and Calibrating Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors; 10.7907/76jj-mr73
- Callister, Thomas Alfred, III (2020) Searching for the Astrophysical Gravitational-Wave Background and Prompt Radio Emission from Compact Binaries; 10.7907/xthf-1p70
- Gossan, Sarah Elizabeth (2019) Core-Collapse Supernova Physics in the Multi-Messenger Era; 10.7907/ZF1A-6394
- Barkett, Kevin Michael Canice (2019) Computational Methods for Gravitational Wave Physics: Spectral Cauchy-Characteristic Extraction and Tidal Splicing; 10.7907/3DH5-7773
- Okounkova, Maria (2019) Numerical Relativity Beyond General Relativity; 10.7907/WPAT-PS25
- Varma, Vadapalli Vijay S. (2019) Black Hole Simulations: From Supercomputers to Your Laptop; 10.7907/YT07-Q639
- Korth, William Zachary (2019) Mitigating Noise in Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors; 10.7907/4H7V-W213
- Du, Song Ming (2019) Fundamental Physics Through Gravitational Waves: From No-Hair Theorem to Quantum Structures of Black Holes; 10.7907/YSDX-J506
- Isi Bañales, Maximiliano (2019) Fundamental Physics in the Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: The Direct Measurement of Gravitational-Wave Polarizations and Other Topics; 10.7907/S15R-3495
- Sachdev, Surabhi (2019) Searching for Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences in Advanced LIGO Data; 10.7907/XNPA-PN03
- Chatwin-Davies, Aidan Émile (2018) Gravity Informed; 10.7907/ZD4W-4C63
- Anderson, Dustin James (2018) Inclusive Searches for Supersymmetry at √s = 13 TeV Using Razor Kinematic Variables, and Data Scouting Using the CMS Trigger System; 10.7907/BHGN-VY70
- Quintero, Eric Antonio (2018) Improving the Performance and Sensitivity of Gravitational Wave Detectors; 10.7907/Z9DZ06HS
- Pollack, Jason Aaron (2017) Constraints on Cosmology and Quantum Gravity from Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory; 10.7907/Z9W093ZG
- Remmen, Grant Newton (2017) Defining Gravity: Effective Field Theory, Entanglement, and Cosmology; 10.7907/Z90R9MD1
- Peña Herrera, Cristián (2017) Searches for New Physics at the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment and Precision Timing Calorimetry; 10.7907/Z9MK69Z6
- Blackman, Jonathan Lloyd (2017) Surrogate Models of Gravitational Waves from Numerical Relativity Simulations of Binary Black Hole Mergers; 10.7907/Z93F4MPJ
- Hall, Evan Drew (2017) Long-Baseline Laser Interferometry for the Detection of Binary Black-Hole Mergers; 10.7907/Z9PG1PQ9
- Duarte, Javier Mauricio Gonzalez (2017) Naturalness Confronts Nature: Searches for Supersymmetry with the CMS Detector in pp Collisions at √s = 8 and 13 TeV; 10.7907/Z9GX48JV
- Yeaton-Massey, David Joseph (2016) Cryogenic Silicon Optical Reference Cavities; 10.7907/Z91V5BWT
- Martynov, Denis V. (2015) Lock Acquisition and Sensitivity Analysis of Advanced LIGO Interferometers; 10.7907/Z9Q81B1F
- Handmer, Casey John (2015) [Gauge Invariant Spectral Cauchy Characteristic Extraction of Gravitational Waves in Computational General Relativity
](https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05282015-131606315); 10.7907/Z9NP22DZ
](https://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechTHESIS:05282015-131606315); 10.7907/Z9NP22DZ
- Driggers, Jennifer Clair (2015) Noise Cancellation for Gravitational Wave Detectors; 10.7907/Z94F1NNP
- Tucker, Rebecca Suzanne (2014) Characterization of Detectors and Instrument Systematics for the SPIDER CMB Polarimeter; 10.7907/HNHF-HA43
- Zhang, Fan (2014) Tools for the Study of Dynamical Spacetimes; 10.7907/Z9WD3XHF
- Zhang, Fan (2014) Tools for the Study of Dynamical Spacetimes; 10.7907/Z9WD3XHF
- Kaplan, Jeffrey Daniel (2014) Where Tori Fear to Trend: Hypermassive Neutron Star Remnants and Absolute Event Horizons or Topics in Computational General Relativity
; 10.7907/WAB5-8460
- Hodge, Kari Alison (2014) The Search for Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of Black Hole Binary Systems in Data from the LIGO and Virgo Detectors. Or: A Dark Walk through a Random Forest; 10.7907/HY26-2059
- Mendenhall, Michael Praetorius (2014) Measurement of the Neutron Beta Decay Asymmetry using Ultracold Neutrons; 10.7907/9TS2-SG08
- Schmid, Riccardo (2014) New Search for the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Using Ultracold Neutrons at the Spallation Neutron Source
; 10.7907/Z9K35RMK
- Privitera, Stephen M. (2014) The Importance of Spin for Observing Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Compact Binaries with LIGO and Virgo; 10.7907/Q6KC-1957
- Chalermsongsak, Tara (2014) High Fidelity Probe and Mitigation of Mirror Thermal Fluctuations; 10.7907/7202-WT21
- Boddy, Kimberly K. (2014) Cosmological Consequences of Dark Matter Interactions and Vacuum Fluctuations; 10.7907/9YN7-RS46
- Veverka, Jan (2013) Studies of Zγ Production and Constraints on Anomalous Triple Gauge Couplings in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV; 10.7907/QTWD-J259
- Ogin, Gregory H. (2013) Measurement of Thermo-Optic Properties of Thin Film Dielectric Coatings; 10.7907/A1CR-G214
- Yang, Yong (2013) Search for a Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Photons in CMS at the LHC; 10.7907/MTVR-9R70
- Nichols, David Andrew (2012) Visualizing, Approximating, and Understanding Black-Hole Binaries; 10.7907/8D56-9Y02
- Orchanian, Mhair-Armen Hagop (2012) Electron Neutrino Appearance in the MINOS Experiment; 10.7907/T4JJ-BM32
- O'Connor, Evan Patrick (2012) Topics in Core-Collapse Supernova Theory: The Formation of Black Holes and the Transport of Neutrinos; 10.7907/RAAR-4C77
- Cohen, Michael Isaac (2011) Topics in Gravitation – Numerical Simulations of Event Horizons and Parameter Estimation for LISA; 10.7907/TG6W-Z732
- Himmel, Alexander I. (2011) Antineutrino Oscillations in the Atmospheric Sector; 10.7907/7E4S-QQ82
- Patel, Pinkesh Kiritbhai (2011) Search for Gravitational Waves from a Nearby Neutron Star Using Barycentric Resampling; 10.7907/00AG-ZF69
- Cohen, Michael Isaac (2011) Topics in Gravitation – Numerical Simulations of Event Horizons and Parameter Estimation for LISA; 10.7907/TG6W-Z732
- Ward, Robert Lawrence (2010) Length Sensing and Control of a Prototype Advanced Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector; 10.7907/20SX-2935
- Ochoa Ricoux, Juan Pedro (2010) A Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS Experiment; 10.7907/PS40-G206
- Ochoa Ricoux, Juan Pedro (2010) A Search for Muon Neutrino to Electron Neutrino Oscillations in the MINOS Experiment; 10.7907/PS40-G206
- Keppel, Drew Garvin (2009) Signatures and Dynamics of Compact Binary Coalescences and a Search in LIGO’s S5 Data; 10.7907/03MS-2W96
- Piatenko, Timofei (2009) Search for B → (ρ/ω)γ decays at BABAR; 10.7907/JFX3-1629
- Boyle, Michael (2009) Accurate Gravitational Waveforms from Binary Black-hole Systems; 10.7907/7NSM-RW43
- Cenko, Stephen Bradley (2009) The Energetics and Environments of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts; 10.7907/SNRD-BR66
- Erickcek, Adrienne Lynn (2009) The Consequences of Modifying Fundamental Cosmological Theories; 10.7907/ST6B-1S91
- Mandel, Ilya (2008) The Three Ss of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Sources, Signals, Searches; 10.7907/GABY-T236
- Goggin, Lisa Maria (2008) A Search for Gravitational Waves from Perturbed Black Hole Ringdowns in LIGO Data; 10.7907/VKN2-K456
- Helgason, Hannes (2008) Nonparametric Detection and Estimation of Highly Oscillatory Signals; 10.7907/SAEK-MV13
- Salem, Michael Phillip (2007) Topics in Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology; 10.7907/BQ6Q-DA17
- Ogliore, Ryan Christopher (2007) The Sulfur, Argon, and Calcium Isotopic Composition of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Source; 10.7907/ZKDE-TE09
- Toner, Benjamin Francis (2007) Quantifying Quantum Nonlocality; 10.7907/69WS-N753
- Gataullin, Marat I. (2006) Studies of Electroweak Interactions and Searches for New Physics Using Photonic Events with Missing Energy at the Large Electron-Positron Collider; 10.7907/V4BM-7H20
- Samuel, Alexander (2006) Measurement of Branching Fractions and Mass Spectra in B → Kππγ Decays; 10.7907/JNY6-XG69
- Pan, Yi (2006) Topics of LIGO Physics: Template Banks for the Inspiral of Precessing, Compact Binaries, and Design of the Signal-Recycling Cavity for Advanced LIGO; 10.7907/TJB1-PQ24
- Okuda, Takuya (2005) Large N Dualities in Topological String Theory; 10.7907/YJVK-6M26
- Lee, Hok Kong (2005) Gauge Theory and Supergravity Duality in the PP-Wave Background; 10.7907/8QS9-Q326
- McLoughlin, Tristan (2005) The Near-Penrose Limit of AdS/CFT; 10.7907/EHS6-QF38
- Swanson, Ian Jakov (2005) Superstring Holography and Integrability in AdS₅ x S⁵; 10.7907/QD85-9603
- Mastromarino, Peter A. (2004) A Precision Low-Energy Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle in Møller Scattering; 10.7907/4TT3-KA76
- Lipeles, Elliot (2004) A Study of the Fully Differential Inclusive Semileptonic B Meson Decay Rate; 10.7907/W3Q5-5B34
- Leok, Melvin (2004) Foundations of Computational Geometric Mechanics; 10.7907/KDV0-WR34
- Wu, Xinkai (2004) Testing Gauge/Gravity Duality: The Eleven-Dimensional PP-Wave; 10.7907/0JV2-RT78
- Sun, Werner Man-Li (2003) Observation of B → K⁰ₛ π⁺ π⁻ and B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺ and Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺; 10.7907/B515-7D62
- Xia, Lei (2003) Search for Scalar Leptons at LEP with the L3 Detector; 10.7907/V8BF-3611
- Evans, Matthew John (2002) Lock Acquisition in Resonant Optical Interferometers; 10.7907/N1J2-M098
- Evans, Matthew John (2002) Lock Acquisition in Resonant Optical Interferometers; 10.7907/N1J2-M098
- Shvorob, Alexander (2001) A Study of W Boson Properties with Four-Jet W⁺W⁻ Events at LEP; 10.7907/5drh-kh53
- Shvorob, Alexander (2001) A Study of W Boson Properties with Four-Jet W⁺W⁻ Events at LEP; 10.7907/5drh-kh53
- Mason, James Edward (2001) Signal Extraction and Optical Design for an Advanced Gravitational Wave Interferometer; 10.7907/amrv-a028
- Mason, James Edward (2001) Signal Extraction and Optical Design for an Advanced Gravitational Wave Interferometer; 10.7907/amrv-a028
- Koh, Danny Towsian (1998) Continuous Long Term Observations of Accreting Pulsars; 10.7907/ch1h-0w87
- Bray, Bruce D. (1998) A Determination of the Neutron Spin Structure Function gⁿ₁ with the 1995 HERMES Data; 10.7907/pr7a-ed83
- Bray, Bruce D. (1998) A Determination of the Neutron Spin Structure Function gⁿ₁ with the 1995 HERMES Data; 10.7907/pr7a-ed83
- DeJongh, Don Frederic (1990) Resonant Substructure in Kπππ Decays of D Mesons; 10.7907/0wda-j731
- DeJongh, Don Frederic (1990) Resonant Substructure in Kπππ Decays of D Mesons; 10.7907/0wda-j731
- O'Callaghan-Hay, Bridget Mary Geraldine (1989) A High Pressure Xenon Time Projection Chamber for Double Beta Decay; 10.7907/eaeq-k834
- O'Callaghan-Hay, Bridget Mary Geraldine (1989) A High Pressure Xenon Time Projection Chamber for Double Beta Decay; 10.7907/eaeq-k834
- Hills, Malina Manon (1987) Characterization of Reaction Intermediates and Adsorbate Interactions on the Ru(001) Surface; 10.7907/7afx-0m86