Wang, Jason
- Nguyen, Meiji M. and Jensen-Clem, Rebecca, el al. (2021) An exposure time calculator for high-contrast polarimeters; ISBN 9781510644847; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets X; Art. No. 118231X; 10.1117/12.2597978
- Carter, Aarynn L. and Skemer, Andrew J. I., el al. (2021) Simulating JWST high contrast observations with PanCAKE; ISBN 9781510644847; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets X; Art. No. 118230H; 10.1117/12.2594501
- Wang, Jason J. and Delorme, Jacques-Robert, el al. (2021) High resolution spectroscopy of directly imaged exoplanets with KPIC; 10.1117/12.2596484
- Echeverri, Daniel and Ruane, Garreth, el al. (2021) Broadband vortex fiber nulling: high-dispersion exoplanet science at the diffraction limit; 10.1117/12.2597160
- Morris, Evan C. and Wang, Jason J., el al. (2020) The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer: Phase I fiber injection unit early performance and commissioning; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 1144761; 10.1117/12.2560852
- Lacour, S. and Wang, J. J., el al. (2020) The ExoGRAVITY project: using single mode interferometry to characterize exoplanets; ISBN 9781510636798; Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII; Art. No. 114460O; 10.1117/12.2561667
- Martin, Emily C. and Skemer, Andrew J., el al. (2020) The Planet as Exoplanet Analog Spectrograph (PEAS): design and first-light; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 114470T; 10.1117/12.2560706
- Mazoyer, Johan and Arriaga, Pauline, el al. (2020) DiskFM: A forward modeling tool for disk analysis with coronagraphic instruments; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 1144759; 10.1117/12.2560091
- Echeverri, Daniel and Ruane, Garreth J., el al. (2020) Detecting and characterizing close-in exoplanets with vortex fiber nulling; ISBN 9781510636798; Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VII; Art. No. 1144619; 10.1117/12.2563142
- De Rosa, Robert J. and Esposito, Thomas M., el al. (2020) Gemini Planet Imager observational calibrations XV: instrument calibrations after six years on sky; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 114475A; 10.1117/12.2561071
- Jovanovic, N. and Calvin, B., el al. (2020) Enhanced high-dispersion coronagraphy with KPIC phase II: design, assembly and status of sub-modules; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 114474U; 10.1117/12.2563107
- Limbach, Mary Anne and Chilcote, Jeffrey, el al. (2020) GPI 2.0: Upgrades to the IFS including new spectral modes; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 114475D; 10.1117/12.2576331
- Delorme, Jacques-Robert and Jovanovic, Nemanja, el al. (2020) The Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer: A dedicated single-mode fiber injection unit for high resolution exoplanet spectroscopy; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 114471P; 10.1117/12.2562836
- Wang, Jason J. and Wallace, J. Kent, el al. (2020) An atmospheric dispersion corrector design with milliarcsecond-level precision from 1 to 4 microns for high dispersion coronagraphy; ISBN 9781510636811; Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII; Art. No. 1144754; 10.1117/12.2562654
- Echeverri, Daniel and Ruane, Garreth, el al. (2019) The vortex fiber nulling mode of the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC); ISBN 9781510629271; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IX; Art. No. 111170V; 10.1117/12.2528529
- Jovanovic, Nemanja and Delorme, Jacques-Robert, el al. (2019) Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer: demonstrating advanced exoplanet characterization techniques for future extremely large telescopes (Conference Presentation); ISBN 9781510629271; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IX; Art. No. 111170T; 10.1117/12.2529330
- Ruane, Garreth and Echeverri, Daniel, el al. (2019) Vortex fiber nulling for exoplanet observations: conceptual design, theoretical performance, and initial scientific yield predictions; ISBN 9781510629271; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IX; Art. No. 1111716; 10.1117/12.2528555
- Pezzato, Jacklyn and Jovanovic, Nemanja, el al. (2019) Status of the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer phase II development; ISBN 9781510629271; Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets IX; Art. No. 111170U; 10.1117/12.2529685