Walker, Robert Lee
- Barnes, Alan Voltz (1980) Measurements of Pion Charge Exchange and Other Things at Fermilab Energies; 10.7907/766f-x186
- Kennett, Rosemary Gillian (1980) Experimental Tests of Triple Regge Theory; 10.7907/39r5-n946
- Metcalf, William James (1974) The Recoil Proton Polarization in π⁻ Photoproduction From Deuterium Between 450 and 950 MeV and a Partial Wave Analysis of γn → π⁻ p in the Resonance Region; 10.7907/06Y0-2Z64
- Scheffler, Paul Erick (1972) π⁻ Photoproduction from Deuterium and a Partial Wave Analysis of π⁺ and π⁻ Photoproduction in the Energy Region 500 to 1250 MeV; 10.7907/T5Y8-PR50
- Walden, Patrick Lorne (1972) Photo Production of π⁻ from Deuterium at Laboratory Energies 600 to 1250 MeV and CM π Production Angles 6° to 260°; 10.7907/3N4E-QA07
- Wolverton, Franklin Bruce (1968) Pi Zero Photoproduction from Hydrogen Between 574 and 1211 MeV; 10.7907/9NH0-HE85
- Ecklund, Stanley Duane (1967) π⁺ Photoproduction at Angles from 6° to 90° C.M. and Energies from 589 to 1269 MeV; 10.7907/BHTV-Z120
- Bloom, Elliott Daniel (1967) Polarixation of Recoil Protons from the Photoproduction of Neutral Pions in Hydrogen Between 750 and 1450 MeV; 10.7907/SEXB-B858
- Hauser, Michael George (1967) Photoproduction of Charged Pion Pairs and N*(U38)⁺⁺ in Hydrogen from 0.9 to 1.3 GEV; 10.7907/YA2S-Z261
- Thiessen, Henry Archer (1967) π⁺ Photoproduction at Angles from 50° to 165° CM. and Energies from 500 to 1350 MeV; 10.7907/A91P-5Z84
- Prescott, Charles Young (1966) Eta Meson Photoproduction in the Region of the Third Nucleon Resonance; 10.7907/S727-JD45
- Groom, Donald Eugene (1965) A Polarization at 90° in K⁺ Λ Photoproduction; 10.7907/0N2W-SD31
- Marshall, J. Howard, III (1965) K'Λ Photoproduction from Hydrogen near 90° in the Center of Mass; 10.7907/AJGX-5661
- Peck, Charles William (1964) K⁺ Λ Photoproduction at 1200 MeV in the Forward Hemisphere; 10.7907/SAD3-ZJ67
- Kilner, Joseph R. (1963) The Photoproduction of Positive Pions from Hydrogen at Energies of 1.1 to 1.4 GeV; 10.7907/G211-PZ76
- Diebold, Robert Ernest (1963) Photoproduction of Neutral Pions from Protons at Center of Mass Angles of 60°,90°, and 120° from .6 to 1.2 Bev; 10.7907/5MBQ-GV63
- Alyea, Ethan Davidson (1962) Photoproduction of K° Mesons from Carbon: A Freon Bubble Chamber Experiment; 10.7907/QM7F-G944
- Chang, Tseng-Hsu (1962) The Ratio of π° Photoproductions from Neutrons and Protons in Deuterium in the Energy Range of 700 to 1100 mev; 10.7907/T44R-NP54
- Boyden, James Harrison (1961) Photoproduction of Positive Pions from Hydrogen at Small Angles at Energies 700 to 1025 Mev; 10.7907/DN4T-5P09
- Maloy, John Owen (1961) Polarization of Recoil Protons from the Photoproduction of Neutral Pions in Hydrogen at 585 and 660 Mev.; 10.7907/418S-MZ02
- Wales, Walter D. (1960) Charged Pion Photoproduction from Deuterium for Photon Energies Between 500 and 1000 Mev; 10.7907/99FD-QN12
- Dixon, Franklin Painter (1960) Photoproduction of Positive Pions from Hydrogen in the 600 to 1000 Mev Region; 10.7907/JKSM-5V32
- Neugebauer, Gerry (1960) The Ratio of Negative to Positive Pion Photoproduction from Deuterium by Photons with Energies between 500 and 1000 Mev; 10.7907/9S38-5H74
- Bingham, Harry Hobart (1960) π° Photoproduction from Deuterium in the Energy Range l/2 to 1 Bev; 10.7907/KACN-VG70
- Ernstene, Marshall Paul (1959) Counter Telescope Investigations of K Meson Photoproduction and Production of Pion Pairs by 1 Bev Photons; 10.7907/J7ET-9S50
- Brody, Howard M. (1959) Photoproduction of Positive K Mesons in Hydrogen; 10.7907/7CFM-VZ47
- Vette, James Ira (1958) Photoproduction of Neutral Pions in Hydrogen from 500 to 950 Mev; 10.7907/KAHJ-0H20
- Donoho, Paul Leighton (1958) Photoproduction of Positive K Mesons in Hydrogen; 10.7907/7E23-FM47
- Worlock, Robert Montague (1958) Photoproduction of Neutral Pions in Hydrogen from 600 to 800 Mev; 10.7907/JGJQ-MC58
- Cooper, Duane Herbert (1955) Pair Spectrometer Measurements in 500 MEV Bremsstrahlung; 10.7907/6MPX-3Q78
- Oakley, David Charles (1955) The Photoproduction of Neutral Pions from Hydrogen; 10.7907/2HG5-JB37