Tombrello, Thomas A.
Tombrello, T. A. (1998) Simulating cluster-ion impacts ; ISBN 9781563967146; Similarities and differences between atomic nuclei and clusters : toward a unified development of cluster science; 378-385; 10.1063/1.54524
Nikzad, Shouleh and Smith, Aimée L., el al. (1997) Low-energy electron detection with delta-doped CCDs ; ISBN 0-8194-2430-7; Solid State Sensor Arrays: Development and Applications; 241-248; 10.1117/12.275183
Geyer, U. and Schneider, S., el al. (1997) Small atom diffusion and breakdown on Stokes-Einstein relation in the supercooled liquid state of Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be alloys ; ISBN 1-55899-359-2; Structure and Dynamics of Glasses and Glass Formers; 301-306; 10.1557/PROC-455-301
Smith, Aimée L. and Yu, Qiuming, el al. (1996) Modification of the surface band-bending of a silicon CCD for low-energy electron detection ; ISBN 1-55899-352-5; Control of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces; 177-183; 10.1557/PROC-448-177
Geyer, U. and Schneider, S., el al. (1996) Beryllium Diffusion in the Supercooled Liquid and Glassy State of the Zr_(41.2)Ti_(13.8)Cu_(12.5)Ni_(10)Be_(22.5) Alloy ; ISBN 0-87849-738-2; Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials; 89-94; 10.4028/
Naud, J. D. and Tombrello, T. A., el al. (1995) The Role of Cerium Sites in the Scintillation Mechanism of LSO ; ISBN 0-7803-3181-8; 1995 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record; 367-371; 10.1109/NSSMIC.1995.504246
Visser, R. and Melcher, C. L., el al. (1993) Photostimulated Luminescence and Thermoluminescence of LSO Scintillators ; ISBN 0-7803-1487-5; Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS-MIC 93); 19-23; 10.1109/NSSMIC.1993.701642
Tombrello, T. A. (1993) Sputtering in Planetary Science ; ISBN 9788773042496; Fundamental processes in sputtering of atoms and molecules (SPUT92) : $b symposium on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, 30 August - 4 September, 1992 : invited reviews; 659-675
Suzuki, H. and Tombrello, T. A., el al. (1993) Energy Transfer Mechanism In Gd_2(SiO_4)O:Ce Scintillators ; ISBN 0-7803-1487-5; 1993 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference; 14-18; 10.1109/NSSMIC.1993.701640
Suzuki, H. and Tombrello, T. A., el al. (1992) Light Emission Mechanism of Lu_2(SiO_4)O:Ce ; ISBN 0-7803-0884-0; Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 1992; 120-122; 10.1109/NSSMIC.1992.301135
Tombrello, T. A. (1992) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cluster-Ion Impacts ; ISBN 9783540557746; Materials Research with Ion Beams; 44-56; 10.1007/978-3-662-02794-3_5
Tombrello, T. A. (1992) MeV Ion Implantation in Electronic Materials ; ISBN 978-1558991637; Materials Modification by Energetic Atoms and Ions; 273-280; 10.1557/PROC-268-273
Jiang, W. and Yeh, N.-C., el al. (1992) Effects of Controlled Defects on the Vortex-Solid Melting Transition of Y-Ba-Cu-O Single Crystals ; ISBN 1-55899-170-0; Layered Superconductors : fabrication, properties, and applications; 789-794; 10.1557/PROC-275-789
Tombrello, T. A. (1992) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Cluster-Ion Impacts ; ISBN 9783540557746; Materials Research with Ion Beams; 44-56; 10.1007/978-3-662-02794-3_5
Xiong, Fulin and Tsai, C. J., el al. (1990) Lattice Disordering, Phase Transition, and Substrate Temperature Effects in MeV-ion-Implanted III-V Compound Semiconductors ; ISBN 9781558990074; Surface Chemistry and Beam-Solid Interactions; 375-380; 10.1557/PROC-201-375
Shapiro, Mark H. and Tombrello, T. A. (1990) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cluster Impacts on Metallic Targets ; ISBN 9781558990821; Atomic Scale Calculations of Structure in Materials; 319-324; 10.1557/PROC-193-319
Xiong, Fulin and Tombrello, T. A., el al. (1989) Fabrication of GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Lasers with MeV Oxygen Ion Implantation ; ISBN 1-55899-017-8; Advances in materials, processing, and devices in III-V compound semiconductors; 367-372; 10.1557/PROC-144-367
Nieh, C. W. and Xiong, F., el al. (1988) Formation of Buried Oxide in MeV Oxygen Implanted Silicon ; ISBN 9780931837753; Silicon-on-Insulator and Buried Metals in Semiconductors; 73-78; 10.1557/PROC-107-73
Xiong, Fulin and Nieh, C. W., el al. (1988) Amorphization and recrystallization in MeV ion implanted InP crystals ; ISBN 9780931837685; Fundamentals of Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal Processing; 105-111; 10.1557/PROC-100-105
Wie, C. R. and Jones, T., el al. (1987) Radiation Defect-Induced Lattice Contraction of InP ; ISBN 9780931837401; Beam-solid interactions and transient processes; 517-522; 10.1557/PROC-74-517
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Wie, C. R. and Vreeland, T., Jr., el al. (1984) Strain/Damage in Crystalline Materials Bombarded by MeV Ions: Recrystallization of GaAs by High-Dose Irradiation ; ISBN 9780931837005; Energy Beam-Solid Interactions and Transient Thermal Processing; 305-313; 10.1557/PROC-35-305
Tombrello, T. A. (1983) Erosion of Dielectric Solids by High-Energy Ions ; ISBN 978-3-642-45552-0; Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET I; 207-214; 10.1007/978-3-642-45550-6_20
Tombrello, T. A. (1983) Desorption of Condensed Gases and Organic Molecules by Electronic Processes ; ISBN 9783642455520; Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET I; 239-246; 10.1007/978-3-642-45550-6_25
Tombrello, T. A. (1972) Few Nucleon Problems in Astrophysics ; ISBN 0444104399; Few particle problems in the nuclear interaction; 928-939