Tollestrup, Alvin V.
- Barish, B. and Gomez, R., el al. (1974) π0 and ρ0 photoproduction from 6 to 18 GeV; Physical Review D; Vol. 9; No. 3; 566-570; 10.1103/PhysRevD.9.566
- Nicholson, H. and Barish, B. C., el al. (1973) Antiproton-Proton Annihilation into Charged Pion and Kaon Pairs from 0.7 to 2.4 GeV/c; Physical Review D; Vol. 7; No. 9; 2572-2590; 10.1103/PhysRevD.7.2572
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- Yoh, J. K. and Barish, B., el al. (1971) p̅ p Annihilation into π+ρ at Small Angles Between 1 and 2 GeV / c; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 26; No. 15; 922-925; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.26.922
- Atwood, W. and Barish, B., el al. (1970) Measurement of Antiproton-Proton Forward Charge-Exchange Scattering; Physical Review D; Vol. 2; No. 11; 2519-2525; 10.1103/PhysRevD.2.2519
- Sciulli, F. J. and Gallivan, J. D., el al. (1970) Measurement of the ΔS=-ΔQ Amplitude from K_(e3)^0 Decay; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 25; No. 17; 1214-1218; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.25.1214
- Barish, B. C. and Nicholson, H., el al. (1969) Comparison of p(bar)p annihilations and πp and Kp backward elastic scattering using crossing relations; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 23; No. 11; 607-610; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.23.607
- Nicholson, H. and Barish, B. C., el al. (1969) Detailed structure of the reactions in pp→π+π- and pp→K+K- from 0.7 to 2.4 GeV/c; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 23; No. 11; 603-606; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.23.603
- Yoh, J. K. and Barish, B. C., el al. (1969) p̅ p Backward Elastic Scattering from 0.7 to 2.16 GeV/c; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 23; No. 9; 506-510; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.23.506
- Hartill, D. L. and Barish, B. C., el al. (1969) Antiproton-proton annihilation into electron-positron pairs and gamma-ray pairs; Physical Review; Vol. 184; No. 5; 1415-1423; 10.1103/PhysRev.184.1415
- Barish, B. and Fong, D., el al. (1966) pp elastic scattering for incident momenta between 1.0 and 2.50 BeV/c; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 17; No. 13; 720-722; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.17.720
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- Ruderman, H. and Gomez, R., el al. (1962) Lead Glass Total Absorption Counters; 10.7907/Z9154F21
- Tollestrup, A. V. (1961) R. F. Synchronization during Transfer in the Cascade Synchrotron; 10.7907/Z9HX19P7
- Myers, H. and Gomez, R., el al. (1961) Photodisintegration of the deuteron from 500 to 900 Mev; Physical Review; Vol. 121; No. 2; 630-635; 10.1103/PhysRev.121.630
- Bacher, R. F. and Keck, J. C., el al. (1953) Photoproduction of Positive Mesons from Hydrogen: Results; Physical Review; Vol. 90; No. 4; 1090-1091
- Tollestrup, A. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1950) Nuclear Mass Determinations from Nuclear Q-Values; Physical Review; Vol. 78; No. 4; 372-374; 10.1103/PhysRev.78.372
- Fowler, W. A. and Lauritsen, C. C., el al. (1949) Investigations of the capture of protons and deuterons by deuterons; Physical Review; Vol. 76; No. 12; 1767-1768; 10.1103/PhysRev.76.1767
- Tollestrup, A. V. and Fowler, W. A., el al. (1949) Energy Release in Beryllium and Lithium Reactions with Protons; Physical Review; Vol. 76; No. 3; 428-430; 10.1103/PhysRev.76.428.2
- Tollestrup, A. V. and Jenkins, F. A., el al. (1949) Neutron-Hydrogen Mass Difference from the D - D Reactions; Physical Review; Vol. 75; No. 12; 1947-1948; 10.1103/PhysRev.75.1947.2