Stevenson, David
Hofstadter, Mark David and Helled, Ravit, el al. (2024) The Mysterious Interior of Uranus: Final Report of the 2023 KISS Study ; 10.7907/1k6kh-fjs61
Helled, Ravit and Stevenson, David J. (2024) The Fuzzy Cores of Jupiter and Saturn ; AGU Advances; Vol. 5; No. 2; e2024AV001171; 10.1029/2024av001171
Bloxham, Jeremy and Cao, Hao, el al. (2024) A rapidly time-varying equatorial jet in Jupiter's deep interior ; Nature; Vol. 627; No. 8002; 64-66; 10.1038/s41586-024-07046-3
Stevenson, David (2024) Multidimensional measurements ; Physics Today; Vol. 77; No. 2; 11-11; 10.1063/pt.ogyk.yscx
Cao, Hao and Bloxham, Jeremy, el al. (2023) Strong Resemblance between Surface and Deep Zonal Winds inside Jupiter Revealed by High-degree Gravity Moments ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 959; No. 2; 78; 10.3847/1538-4357/ad0cbb
Kaspi, Y. and Galanti, E., el al. (2023) Observational evidence for cylindrically oriented zonal flows on Jupiter ; Nature Astronomy; 10.1038/s41550-023-02077-8
Howard, S. and Guillot, T., el al. (2023) Jupiter's interior from Juno: Equation-of-state uncertainties and dilute core extent ; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 672; Art. No. A33; 10.1051/0004-6361/202245625
Jermyn, Adam S. and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2023) 1/f laws found in non-human music ; Scientific Reports; Vol. 13; Art. No. 1324; PMCID PMC9873655; 10.1038/s41598-023-28444-z
Moore, K. M. and Barik, A., el al. (2022) Dynamo Simulations of Jupiter's Magnetic Field: The Role of Stable Stratification and a Dilute Core ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets; Vol. 127; No. 11; Art. No. e2022JE007479; 10.1029/2022je007479
Miyazaki, Yoshinori and Stevenson, David J. (2022) A Subsurface Magma Ocean on Io: Exploring the Steady State of Partially Molten Planetary Bodies ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 3; No. 11; Art. No. 256; 10.3847/psj/ac9cd1
Markham, S. and Guillot, T., el al. (2022) Convective inhibition with an ocean ; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 665; Art. No. A12; 10.1051/0004-6361/202243359
Militzer, Burkhard and Hubbard, William B., el al. (2022) Juno Spacecraft Measurements of Jupiter's Gravity Imply a Dilute Core ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 3; No. 8; Art. No. 185; 10.3847/psj/ac7ec8
Miguel, Y. and Bazot, M., el al. (2022) Jupiter's inhomogeneous envelope ; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 662; Art. No. A18; 10.1051/0004-6361/202243207
Helled, Ravit and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2022) Revelations on Jupiter's formation, evolution and interior: Challenges from Juno results ; Icarus; Vol. 378; Art. No. 114937; 10.1016/j.icarus.2022.114937
Bloxham, Jeremy and Moore, Kimberly M., el al. (2022) Differential Rotation in Jupiter's Interior Revealed by Simultaneous Inversion for the Magnetic Field and Zonal Flux Velocity ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets; Vol. 127; No. 5; Art. No. e2021JE007138; 10.1029/2021je007138
Stevenson, David J. and Bodenheimer, Peter, el al. (2022) Mixing of Condensable Constituents with H-He during the Formation and Evolution of Jupiter ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 3; No. 4; Art. No. 74; 10.3847/psj/ac5c44
Stevenson, David J. and Bodenheimer, Peter, el al. (2022) Mixing of Condensable Constituents with H–He during the Formation and Evolution of Jupiter ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 3; No. 4; Art. No. 74; 10.3847/psj/ac5c44
Idini, Benjamin and Stevenson, David J. (2022) The Gravitational Imprint of an Interior–Orbital Resonance in Jupiter–Io ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 3; No. 4; Art. No. 89; 10.3847/psj/ac6179
Idini, Benjamin and Stevenson, David J. (2022) The gravitational imprint of an interior-orbital resonance in Jupiter-Io ; 10.48550/arXiv.2203.13175
Idini, Benjamin and Stevenson, David J. (2022) The Lost Meaning of Jupiter's High-degree Love Numbers ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 3; No. 1; Art. No. 11; 10.3847/psj/ac4248
Idini, Benjamin and Stevenson, David J. (2022) The Lost Meaning of Jupiter's High-degree Love Numbers ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 3; No. 1; Art. No. 11; 10.3847/psj/ac4248
Bolton, S. J. and Levin, S. M., el al. (2021) Microwave observations reveal the deep extent and structure of Jupiter's atmospheric vortices ; Science; Vol. 374; No. 6570; 968-972; 10.1126/science.abf1015
Markham, Steve and Stevenson, Dave (2021) Constraining the Effect of Convective Inhibition on the Thermal Evolution of Uranus and Neptune ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 2; No. 4; Art. No. 146; 10.3847/PSJ/ac091d
Markham, Steve and Durante, Daniele, el al. (2021) Possible evidence of p-modes in Cassini measurements of Saturn's gravity field ; 10.48550/arXiv.2106.04648
Debras, Florian and Chabrier, Gilles, el al. (2021) Superadiabaticity in Jupiter and Giant Planet Interiors ; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 913; No. 2; Art. No. L21; 10.3847/2041-8213/abfdcc
Bailey, Elizabeth and Stevenson, David J. (2021) Thermodynamically Governed Interior Models of Uranus and Neptune ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 2; No. 2; Art. No. 64; 10.3847/PSJ/abd1e0
Idini, Benjamin and Stevenson, David J. (2021) Dynamical Tides in Jupiter as Revealed by Juno ; Planetary Science Journal; Vol. 2; No. 2; Art. No. 69; 10.3847/PSJ/abe715
Stevenson, Dave (2020) Juno at Jupiter ; Physics Today; Vol. 73; No. 9; Art. No. 62; 10.1063/PT.3.4577
Guillot, Tristan and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2020) Storms and the Depletion of Ammonia in Jupiter: I. Microphysics of "Mushballs" ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets; Vol. 125; No. 8; Art. No. e2020JE006403; 10.1029/2020je006403
Guillot, Tristan and Li, Cheng, el al. (2020) Storms and the Depletion of Ammonia in Jupiter: II. Explaining the Juno Observations ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets; Vol. 125; No. 8; Art. No. e2020JE006404; 10.1029/2020je006404
Kaspi, Yohai and Galanti, Eli, el al. (2020) Comparison of the deep atmospheric dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in light of the Juno and Cassini gravity measurements ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 216; No. 5; Art. No. 84; 10.1007/s11214-020-00705-7
Cao, Hao and Dougherty, Michele K., el al. (2020) The landscape of Saturn's internal magnetic field from the Cassini Grand Finale ; Icarus; Vol. 344; Art. No. 113541; 10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113541
Stevenson, David J. (2020) Jupiter's Interior as Revealed by Juno ; Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Vol. 48; 465-489; 10.1146/annurev-earth-081619-052855
Moore, K. M. and Cao, H., el al. (2019) Time-variation of Jupiter's internal magnetic field consistent with zonal wind advection ; Nature Astronomy; Vol. 3; No. 8; 730-735; 10.1038/s41550-019-0772-5
Durante, Daniele and Hemingway, D. J., el al. (2019) Titan's gravity field and interior structure after Cassini ; Icarus; Vol. 326; 123-132; 10.1016/j.icarus.2019.03.003
de Kleer, Katherine and McEwen, Alfred S., el al. (2019) Tidal Heating: Lessons from Io and the Jovian System - Final Report ; 10.26206/d4wc-6v82
Chachan, Yayaati and Stevenson, David J. (2019) A linear approximation for the effect of cylindrical differential rotation on gravitational moments: Application to the non-unique interpretation of Saturn's gravity ; Icarus; Vol. 323; 87-98; 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.12.020
Kao, Melodie M. and Pineda, J. Sebastian, el al. (2019) Magnetism in the Brown Dwarf Regime ; 10.48550/arXiv.1903.11586
Park, R. S. and de Kleer, K., el al. (2019) Tidal Heating: Lessons from Io and the Jovian System (Report from the KISS Workshop)
Bodenheimer, Peter and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2018) New Formation Models for the Kepler-36 System ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 868; No. 2; Art. No. 138; 10.3847/1538-4357/aae928
Stevenson, David J. (2018) Commentary: The habitability mantra: Hunting the Snark ; Physics Today; Vol. 71; No. 11; 10-12; 10.1063/PT.3.4054
Moore, Kimberly M. and Yadav, Rakesh K., el al. (2018) A complex dynamo inferred from the hemispheric dichotomy of Jupiter's magnetic field ; Nature; Vol. 561; No. 7721; 76-78; 10.1038/s41586-018-0468-5
Kao, Melodie M. and Hallinan, Gregg, el al. (2018) The Strongest Magnetic Fields on the Coolest Brown Dwarfs ; Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series; Vol. 237; No. 2; Art. No. 25; 10.3847/1538-4365/aac2d5
Markham, Steve and Stevenson, Dave (2018) Excitation mechanisms for Jovian seismic modes ; Icarus; Vol. 306; 200-213; 10.1016/j.icarus.2018.02.015
Nakajima, Miki and Stevenson, David J. (2018) Inefficient volatile loss from the Moon-forming disk: Reconciling the giant impact hypothesis and a wet Moon ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 487; 117-126; 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.01.026
Iess, L. and Folkner, W. M., el al. (2018) Measurement of Jupiter's asymmetric gravity field ; Nature; Vol. 555; No. 7695; 220-222; 10.1038/nature25776
Guillot, T. and Miguel, Y., el al. (2018) A suppression of differential rotation in Jupiter's deep interior ; Nature; Vol. 555; No. 7695; 227-230; 10.1038/nature25775
Kaspi, Y. and Galanti, E., el al. (2018) Jupiter's atmospheric jet streams extend thousands of kilometres deep ; Nature; Vol. 555; No. 7695; 223-226; 10.1038/nature25793
Chachan, Yayaati and Stevenson, David J. (2018) On the Role of Dissolved Gases in the Atmosphere Retention of Low-mass Low-density Planets ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 854; No. 1; Art. No. 21; 10.3847/1538-4357/aaa459
Cao, Hao and Stevenson, David J. (2017) Zonal Flow Magnetic Field Interaction in the Semi-Conducting Region of Giant Planets ; Icarus; Vol. 296; 59-72; 10.1016/j.icarus.2017.05.015
Bolton, S. J. and Ingersoll, A., el al. (2017) Jupiter's interior and deep atmosphere: The initial pole-to-pole passes with the Juno spacecraft ; Science; Vol. 356; No. 6340; 821-825; 10.1126/science.aal2108
Helled, Ravit and Stevenson, David (2017) The Fuzziness of Giant Planets' Cores ; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 840; No. 1; L4; 10.3847/2041-8213/aa6d08
Cao, Hao and Stevenson, David J. (2017) Gravity and Zonal Flows of Giant Planets: From the Euler Equation to the Thermal Wind Equation ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets; Vol. 122; No. 4; 686-700; 10.1002/2017JE005272
Stevenson, David (2017) In defense of Crazy Ideas ; Physics Today; Vol. 70; No. 4; 10-11; 10.1063/PT.3.3507
O'Rourke, Joseph G. and Korenaga, Jun, el al. (2017) Thermal evolution of Earth with magnesium precipitation in the core ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 458; 263-272; 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.10.057
Ehlmann, B. L. and Anderson, F. S., el al. (2016) The Sustainability of Habitability on Terrestrial Planets: Insights, Questions, and Needed Measurements from Mars for Understanding the Evolution of Earth-like Worlds ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets; Vol. 121; No. 10; 1927-1961; 10.1002/2016JE005134
Fortney, Jonathan J. and Helled, Ravit, el al. (2016) The Interior of Saturn ; 10.48550/arXiv.1609.06324
Bartlett, Benjamin C. and Stevenson, David J. (2016) Analysis of a Precambrian resonance-stabilized day length ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 43; No. 11; 5716-5724; 10.1002/2016GL068912
Kao, Melodie M. and Hallinan, Gregg, el al. (2016) Auroral radio emission from late L and T dwarfs: A new constraint on dynamo theory in the substellar regime ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 818; No. 1; Art. No. 24; 10.3847/0004-637X/818/1/24
O'Rourke, Joseph G. and Stevenson, David J. (2016) Powering Earth's dynamo with magnesium precipitation from the core ; Nature; Vol. 529; No. 7586; 387-389; 10.1038/nature16495
Nakajima, Miki and Stevenson, David J. (2015) Melting and mixing states of the Earth's mantle after the Moon-forming impact ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 427; 286-295; 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.023
Nakajima, Miki and Stevenson, David J. (2015) Melting and mixing states of the Earth's mantle after the Moon-forming impact ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 427; 286-295; 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.023
Wolf, Aaron S. and Asimow, Paul D., el al. (2015) Coordinated Hard Sphere Mixture (CHaSM): A simplified model for oxide and silicate melts at mantle pressures and temperatures ; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 163; 40-58; 10.1016/j.gca.2015.04.018
Stevenson, David J. and Cutts, James A., el al. (2015) Probing the Interior Structure of Venus ; 10.26206/C1CX-EV12
Stevenson, David (2015) Alternative hypotheses for making the Moon ; Physics Today; Vol. 68; No. 4; 10; 10.1063/PT.3.2733
Stevenson, D. J. (2015) Evolution of the Earth: An Introduction and Overview ; 10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00151-2
Stevenson, David J. (2014) Making the Moon ; Physics Today; Vol. 67; No. 11; 32-38; 10.1063/PT.3.2583
Stevenson, D. J. and Halliday, A. N. (2014) The origin of the Moon ; Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; Vol. 372; No. 2024; Art. No. 20140289; 10.1098/rsta.2014.0289
Piskorz, Danielle and Stevenson, David J. (2014) The formation of pure anorthosite on the Moon ; Icarus; Vol. 239; 238-243; 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.06.015
Meng, Huan Y. A. and Su, Kate Y. L., el al. (2014) Large impacts around a solar-analog star in the era of terrestrial planet formation ; Science; Vol. 345; No. 6200; 1032-1035; 10.1126/science.1255153
Nakajima, Miki and Stevenson, David J. (2014) Investigation of the initial state of the Moon-forming disk: Bridging SPH simulations and hydrostatic models ; Icarus; Vol. 233; 259-267; 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.01.008
Iess, L. and Stevenson, D. J., el al. (2014) The Gravity Field and Interior Structure of Enceladus ; Science; Vol. 344; No. 6179; 78-80; 10.1126/science.1250551
O'Rourke, Joseph G. and Stevenson, David J. (2014) Stability of ice/rock mixtures with application to a partially differentiated Titan ; Icarus; Vol. 227; 67-77; 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.09.010
Melosh, H. Jay and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2013) Credit for Impact Theory ; Science; Vol. 342; No. 6165; 1445-1446; 10.1126/science.342.6165.1445-b
Gao, Peter and Stevenson, David J. (2013) Nonhydrostatic effects and the determination of icy satellites' moment of inertia ; Icarus; Vol. 226; No. 2; 1185-1191; 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.07.034
Batygin, Konstantin and Stanley, Sabine, el al. (2013) Magnetically Controlled Circulation on Hot Extrasolar Planets ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 776; No. 1; Art. No. 53; 10.1088/0004-637X/776/1/53
Batygin, Konstantin and Stevenson, David J. (2013) Mass-Radius Relationships for Very Low Mass Gaseous Planets ; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 769; No. 1; Art. No. L9; 10.1088/2041-8205/769/1/L9
Tsai, Victor C. and Ampuero, Jean-Paul, el al. (2013) Estimating the effect of Earth elasticity and variable water density on tsunami speeds ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 40; No. 3; 492-496; 10.1002/grl.50147
Stevenson, David J. (2012) Fluctuating gravity of Earth's core ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 109; No. 47; 19039-19040; PMCID PMC3511148; 10.1073/pnas.1216731109
Iess, Luciano and Jacobson, Robert A., el al. (2012) The Tides of Titan ; Science; Vol. 337; No. 6093; 457-459; 10.1126/science.1219631
Stevenson, David J. (2012) Mercury's mysteries start to unfold ; Nature; Vol. 485; No. 7396; 52-53; 10.1038/485052a
Helled, Ravit and Anderson, John D., el al. (2011) Jupiter's moment of inertia: A possible determination by Juno ; Icarus; Vol. 216; No. 2; 440-448; 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.09.016
Dwyer, C. A. and Stevenson, D. J., el al. (2011) A long-lived lunar dynamo driven by continuous mechanical stirring ; Nature; Vol. 479; No. 7372; 212-214; 10.1038/nature10564
Batygin, Konstantin and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2011) Evolution of Ohmically Heated Hot Jupiters ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 738; No. 1; Art. No. 1; 10.1088/0004-637X/738/1/1
Kramm, U. and Nettelmann, N., el al. (2011) On the degeneracy of the tidal Love number k_2 in multi-layer
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Pahlevan, Kaveh and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2011) Chemical fractionation in the silicate vapor atmosphere of the Earth ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 301; No. 3-4; 433-443; 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.10.036
Stevenson, David and Rochester, Michael, el al. (2010) A broader picture of Rutherford's geophysicists ; Physics Today; Vol. 63; No. 11; 8-10; 10.1063/1.3518222
Stevenson, David J. (2010) A Grand Tour in Its Historical Context ; Science; Vol. 330; No. 6001; 180-180; 10.1126/science.1196200
Dahl, Tais W. and Stevenson, David J. (2010) Turbulent mixing of metal and silicate during planet accretion — And interpretation of the Hf–W chronometer ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 295; No. 1-2; 177-186; 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.03.038
Batygin, Konstantin and Stevenson, David J. (2010) Inflating Hot Jupiters with Ohmic Dissipation ; Astrophysical Journal Letters; Vol. 714; No. 2; L238-L243; 10.1088/2041-8205/714/2/L238
Stevenson, David J. (2010) Planetary Magnetic Fields: Achievements and Prospects ; Space Science Reviews; Vol. 152; No. 1-4; 651-664; 10.1007/s11214-009-9572-z
Iess, Luciano and Rappaport, Nicole J., el al. (2010) Gravity Field, Shape, and Moment of Inertia of Titan ; Science; Vol. 327; No. 5971; 1367-1369; 10.1126/science.1182583
Stevenson, David J. (2008) Metallic helium in massive planets ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 105; No. 32; 11035-11036; PMCID PMC2516209; 10.1073/pnas.0806430105
Liu, Junjun and Goldreich, Peter M., el al. (2008) Constraints on deep-seated zonal winds inside Jupiter and Saturn ; Icarus; Vol. 196; No. 2; 653-664; 10.1016/j.icarus.2007.11.036
Hernlund, John W. and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2008) Buoyant melting instabilities beneath extending lithosphere: 2. Linear analysis ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 113; No. B4; Art. No. B04406; 10.1029/2006JB004863
Hernlund, John W. and Tackley, Paul J., el al. (2008) Buoyant melting instabilities beneath extending lithosphere: 1. Numerical models ; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 113; No. B4; Art. No. B04405; 10.1029/2006JB004862
Tsai, Victor C. and Stevenson, David J. (2007) Theoretical constraints on true polar wander ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 112; No. B5; Art. No. B05415; 10.1029/2005JB003923
Stevenson, David J. (2006) A new spin on Saturn ; Nature; Vol. 441; No. 7089; 34-35; 10.1038/441034a
Kanda, Ravi V. S. and Stevenson, David J. (2006) Suction mechanism for iron entrainment into the lower mantle ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 33; No. 2; Art. No. L02310; 10.1029/2005GL025009
Stevenson, David (2005) Tsunamis and earthquakes: What physics is interesting? ; Journal of the Geological Society of India; Vol. 66; No. 4; 497-499
Stevenson, David (2005) Tsunamis and Earthquakes: What Physics is Interesting? ; Physics Today; Vol. 58; No. 6; 10-11; 10.1063/1.1996451
Allen, Clarence R. and Stevenson, David J. (2005) Robert Phillip Sharp ; Physics Today; Vol. 58; No. 5; 84-85; 10.1063/1.1995761
Stevenson, David J. (2004) Volcanoes on Quaoar? ; Nature; Vol. 432; No. 7018; 681-682; 10.1038/432681a
Stevenson, David J. (2004) Formation of Giant Planets ; ISBN 0-7354-0190-X; The Search for Other Worlds: Fourteenth Astrophysics Conference, College Park, MD, 13-14 October 2003; 133-141; 10.1063/1.1774513
Stevenson, David J. (2004) Exploring Mercury: The Iron Planet ; Eos; Vol. 85; No. 19; 192-192; 10.1029/2004EO190011
Stevenson, David (2004) Inside history in depth ; Nature; Vol. 428; No. 6982; 476-477; 10.1038/428476a
Stevenson, David J. (2004) Planetary Diversity ; Physics Today; Vol. 57; No. 4; 43-48; 10.1063/1.1752421
Guillot, Tristan and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2004) The Interior of Jupiter ; ISBN 9780521818087; Jupiter: the planet, satellites, and magnetosphere; 35-57
Stevenson, David J. (2003) Insightful Storytelling on Geodynamics ; Science; Vol. 301; No. 5640; 1674-1674; 10.1126/science.1088555
Stevenson, David J. (2003) Mission to Earth's core — a modest proposal ; Nature; Vol. 423; No. 6937; 239-240; 10.1038/423239a
Stevenson, David J. (2003) Planetary magnetic fields ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 208; No. 1-2; 1-11; 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)01126-3
Stevenson, David J. (2003) Styles of mantle convection and their influence on planetary evolution ; Comptes Rendus Geoscience; Vol. 335; No. 1; 99-111; 10.1016/S1631-0713(03)00009-9
Kono, Masaru and Stevenson, David J. (2003) Dynamo Processes and Magnetic Field of the Earth and Planets ; Jishin; Vol. 56; 311-325
Stevenson, David J. (2002) Planetary Oceans ; Sky and Telescope; 38-44
Stevenson, D. J. (2002) Introduction to Planetary Interiors ; ISBN 9781586032692; High Pressure Phenomena; 587-606
Stevenson, David J. (2001) Jupiter and Its Moons ; Science; Vol. 294; No. 5540; 71-72; 10.1126/science.1065306
Stevenson, David J. (2001) Mars' core and magnetism ; Nature; Vol. 412; No. 6843; 214-219; 10.1038/35084155
Weizman, A. and Stevenson, D. J., el al. (2001) Modeling the Volcanism on Mars ; Icarus; Vol. 150; No. 2; 195-205; 10.1006/icar.2000.6572
Nimmo, F. and Stevenson, D. J. (2001) Estimates of Martian crustal thickness from viscous relaxation of topography ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 106; No. E3; 5085-5098; 10.1029/2000JE001331
Stevenson, David (2000) Europa's Ocean - the Case Strengthens ; Science; Vol. 289; No. 5483; 1305-1307; 10.1126/science.289.5483.1305
Nimmo, F. and Stevenson, D. J. (2000) Influence of early plate tectonics on the thermal evolution and magnetic field of Mars ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 105; No. E5; 11969-11979; 10.1029/1999JE001216
Clayton, Donald D. and Stevenson, David J. (2000) Planetary Solids Older than Earth ; Science; Vol. 288; No. 5466; 617; 10.1126/science.288.5466.617f
Stevenson, David J. (2000) Planetary Science: A Space Odyssey ; Science; Vol. 287; No. 5455; 997-1005; 10.1126/science.287.5455.997
Pritchard, M. E. and Stevenson, D. J. (2000) Thermal constraints on the Origin of the Moon ; ISBN 9780816520732; Origin of the earth and moon; 179-196
Stevenson, David J. (1999) Life-sustaining planets in interstellar space? ; Nature; Vol. 400; No. 6739; 32-32; 10.1038/21811
Stevenson, David J. (1999) An ocean in Callisto? ; The Planetary Report; Vol. 19; No. 3; 7-11
Kivelson, M. G. and Khurana, K. K., el al. (1999) Europa and Callisto: Induced or intrinsic fields in a periodically varying plasma environment ; Journal of Geophysical Research A; Vol. 104; No. A3; 4609-4625; 10.1029/1998JA900095
Stevenson, David J. (1998) States of matter in massive planets ; Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter; Vol. 10; No. 49; 11227-11234; 10.1088/0953-8984/10/49/012
Khurana, K. K. and Kivelson, M. G., el al. (1998) Induced magnetic fields as evidence for subsurface oceans in Europa and Callisto ; Nature; Vol. 395; No. 6704; 777-780; 10.1038/27394
Stevenson, David J. (1998) The World Between Crust and Core ; Science; Vol. 281; No. 5382; 1462-1463; 10.1126/science.281.5382.1462
Showman, Adam P. and Stevenson, David J., el al. (1997) Coupled orbital and thermal evolution of Ganymede ; Icarus; Vol. 129; No. 2; 367-383; 10.1006/icar.1997.5778
Stevenson, David J. (1996) When Galileo met Ganymede ; Nature; Vol. 384; No. 6609; 511-512; 10.1038/384511a0
Takata, Toshiko and Stevenson, David J. (1996) Despin Mechanism for Protogiant Planets and Ionization State of Protogiant Planetary Disks ; Icarus; Vol. 123; No. 2; 404-421; 10.1006/icar.1996.0167
Kemp, David V. and Stevenson, David J. (1996) A tensile, flexural model for the initiation of subduction ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 125; No. 1; 73-94; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1996.tb06535.x
Stevenson, David J. and Lunine, Jonathan I. (1996) Lunine Receives Macelwane Medal ; Eos; Vol. 77; No. 7; 63-67; 10.1029/96EO00045
Stevenson, David J. (1996) The subtle taste of Jupiter ; Nature; Vol. 379; 495-496; 10.1038/379495a0
Stevenson, David J. (1995) Light from tungsten on core construction ; Nature; Vol. 378; 763-764; 10.1038/378763a0
Hubbard, W. D. and Podolak, M., el al. (1995) The interior of Neptune ; ISBN 9780816515257; Neptune and Triton; 109-138
Lissauer, Jack J. and Pollack, James B., el al. (1995) Formation of the Neptune system ; ISBN 9780816515257; Neptune and Triton; 37-108
Stevenson, David J. and Hutchison, R., el al. (1994) Physico-Chemical Processes in Planetary Evolution ; Philosophical Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering; Vol. 349; No. 1690; 171-179
Stevenson, David J. (1994) Weakening under stress ; Nature; Vol. 372; No. 6502; 129-130; 10.1038/372129a0
Tackley, Paul J. and Stevenson, David J., el al. (1994) Effects of multiple phase transitions in a three-dimensional spherical model of convection in Earth's mantle ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 99; No. B8; 15877-15901; 10.1029/94JB00853
Solomatov, Viatcheslav S. and Stevenson, David J. (1994) Can sharp seismic discontinuities be caused by non-equilibrium phase transformations? ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 125; No. 1-4; 267-279; 10.1016/0012-821X(94)90220-8
Tanimoto, Toshiro and Stevenson, David J. (1994) Seismic constraints on a model of partial melts under ridge axes ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 99; No. B3; 4549-4558; 10.1029/93JB03402
Solomatov, Viatcheslav S. and Olson, Peter, el al. (1993) Entrainment from a bed of particles by thermal convection ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 120; No. 3-4; 387-393; 10.1016/0012-821X(93)90252-5
Solomatov, Viatcheslav S. and Stevenson, David J. (1993) Kinetics of crystal growth in a terrestrial magma ocean ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 98; No. E3; 5407-5418; 10.1029/92JE02839
Solomatov, Viatcheslav S. and Stevenson, David J. (1993) Suspension in convective layers and style of differentiation of a terrestrial magma ocean ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 98; No. E3; 5375-5390; 10.1029/92JE02948
Solomatov, Viatcheslav S. and Stevenson, David J. (1993) Nonfractional Crystallization of a Terrestrial Magma Ocean ; Journal of Geophysical Research E; Vol. 98; No. E3; 5391-5406; 10.1029/92JE02579
Tackley, Paul J. and Stevenson, David J., el al. (1993) Effects of an Endothermic Phase-Transition at 670 km Depth in a Spherical Model of Convection in the Earth's Mantle ; Nature; Vol. 361; No. 6414; 699-704; 10.1038/361699a0
Tackley, P. J. and Stevenson, D. J. (1993) A mechanism for spontaneous self-perpetuating volcanism on the terrestrial planets ; ISBN 9780792321484; Flow and creep in the solar system: observations, modeling, and theory; 307-321
Kedar, S. and Anderson, D. L., el al. (1993) Relationship between hotspots and mantle structure: Correlation with whole mantle seismic tomography ; ISBN 9780792321484; Flow and creep in the solar system: observations, modeling, and theory; 249-259
Stevenson, David J. (1992) An insider's view ; Nature; Vol. 356; No. 6368; 396-396; 10.1038/356396a0
Stevenson, David J. (1992) Interior of Titan ; ISBN 9789290921943; Symposium on Titan; 29-33
Davies, J. Huw and Stevenson, David J. (1992) Physical model of source region of subduction zone volcanics ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 97; No. B2; 2037-2070; 10.1029/91JB02571
Stevenson, David J. (1992) Stalking the magma ocean ; Nature; Vol. 355; 301-301; 10.1038/355301a0
Stevenson, David J. (1991) The Search for Brown Dwarfs ; Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 29; 163-193; 10.1146/annurev.astro.29.1.163
Kedar, Sharon and Anderson, Don L., el al. (1991) Relationship between Hotspots and Mantle Structure: Correlation with Whole Mantle Seismic Tomography
Stevenson, David J. and Scott, David R. (1991) Mechanics of Fluid-Rock Systems ; Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 23; 305-339; 10.1146/annurev.fluid.23.1.305
Stevenson, David J. (1991) Giant planets and their satellites: What are the relationships between their properties and how they formed ; ISBN 9780309043335; Planetary sciences: American and Soviet research; 163-173
Podolak, M. and Hubbard, W. D., el al. (1991) Models of Uranus' interior and magnetic field ; ISBN 9780816512089; Uranus; 29-61
Kohler, Monica D. and Stevenson, David J. (1990) Modeling core fluid motions and the drift of magnetic field patterns at the CMB by use of topography obtained by seismic inversion ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 17; No. 10; 1473-1476; 10.1029/GL017i010p01473
Eluszkiewicz, Janusz and Stevenson, David J. (1990) Rheology of solid methane and nitrogen: applications to Triton ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 17; No. 10; 1753-1756; 10.1029/GL017i010p01753
Herrick, David L. and Stevenson, David J. (1990) Extensional and compressional instabilities in Icy satellite lithospheres ; Icarus; Vol. 85; No. 1; 191-204; 10.1016/0019-1035(90)90110-U
Stevenson, David J. (1990) Chemical heterogeneity and imperfect mixing in the solar nebula ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 348; No. 2; 730-737; 10.1086/168282
Stevenson, D. J. (1990) Fluid dynamics of core formation ; ISBN 9780195066197; Origin of the earth; 231-249
Ojakangas, Gregory W. and Stevenson, David J. (1989) Polar wander of an ice shell on Europa ; Icarus; Vol. 81; No. 2; 242-270; 10.1016/0019-1035(89)90053-5
Ojakangas, Gregory W. and Stevenson, David J. (1989) Thermal State of an Ice Shell on Europa ; Icarus; Vol. 81; No. 2; 220-241; 10.1016/0019-1035(89)90052-3
Stevenson, David J. (1989) Planetary Science ; Science; Vol. 245; No. 4924; 1402-1403; 10.1126/science.245.4924.1402
Kirk, Randolph L. and Stevenson, David J. (1989) The Competition Between Thermal Contraction and Differentiation in the Stress History of the Moon ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 94; No. B9; 12133-12144; 10.1029/JB094iB09p12133
Stevenson, David J. (1989) Spontaneous small-scale melt segregation in partial melts undergoing deformation ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 16; No. 9; 1067-1070; 10.1029/GL016i009p01067
Stevenson, Dave (1989) Hydrogen: molecules, metal or plasma? ; Physics World; Vol. 2; No. 17; 17-17
Cynn, H. C. and Boone, S., el al. (1989) Phase Diagram for Ammonia-Water Mixtures at High Pressures:
Implications for Icy Satellites ; ISBN 9780521374095; Proceedings of the Nineteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 433-441
Stevenson, David J. (1989) Looking Ahead to Neptune ; Sky and Telescope; Vol. 77; No. 5; 481-483
Scott, David R. and Stevenson, David J. (1989) A self-consistent model of melting, magma migration and buoyancy-driven circulation beneath mid-ocean ridges ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 94; No. B3; 2973-2988; 10.1029/JB094iB03p02973
Stevenson, David J. (1989) Implications of the giant planets for the formation and evolution of Planetary Systems ; ISBN 9780521366335; The formation and evolution of planetary systems; 75-90
Stevenson, David J. (1989) Formation and Early Evolution of the Earth ; ISBN 9780677221205; Mantle convection: plate tectonics and global dynamics; 817-873
Stevenson, David J. and McNamara, S. C. (1988) Background heatflow on hotspot planets: Io and Venus ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 15; No. 13; 1455-1458; 10.1029/GL015i013p01455
Stevenson, David J. (1988) The structure of the planets ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 53; No. 1-2; 183-184; 10.1016/0031-9201(88)90146-X
Stevenson, David J. (1988) Greenhouses and magma oceans ; Nature; Vol. 335; No. 6191; 587-588; 10.1038/335587a0
Thompson, Christopher and Stevenson, David J. (1988) Gravitational instability in two-phase disks and the origin of the moon ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 333; 452-481; 10.1086/166760
Stevenson, David J. and Lunine, Jonathan I. (1988) Rapid Formation of Jupiter by Diffusive Redistribution of Water Vapor in the Solar Nebula ; Icarus; Vol. 75; No. 1; 146-155; 10.1016/0019-1035(88)90133-9
Maher, Kevin A. and Stevenson, David J. (1988) Impact frustration of the origin of life ; Nature; Vol. 331; No. 6157; 612-614; 10.1038/331612a0
Stevenson, David J. (1988) The role of high pressure experiment and theory in our understanding of gaseous and icy planets ; ISBN 9780444870971; Shock waves in condensed matter; 51-54
Crawford, Glen D. and Stevenson, David J. (1988) Gas-driven water volcanism and the resurfacing of Europa ; Icarus; Vol. 73; No. 1; 66-79; 10.1016/0019-1035(88)90085-1
Schubert, G. and Ross, M. N., el al. (1988) Mercury's thermal history and the generation of its magnetic field ; ISBN 9780816510856; Mercury; 429-460
Kirk, R. L. and Stevenson, D. J. (1987) Hydromagnetic constraints on deep zonal flow in the giant planets ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 316; No. 2; 836-846; 10.1086/165248
Webb, Erik K. and Stevenson, David J. (1987) Subsidence of Topography on Io ; Icarus; Vol. 70; No. 2; 348-353; 10.1016/0019-1035(87)90140-0
Stevenson, D. J. (1987) Origin of the Moon - The Collision Hypothesis ; Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Vol. 15; 271-315; 10.1146/annurev.ea.15.050187.001415
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J. (1987) Clathrate and Ammonia Hydrates at High Pressure: Application to the Origin of Methane on Titan ; Icarus; Vol. 70; No. 1; 61-77; 10.1016/0019-1035(87)90075-3
Stevenson, D. J. (1987) Mercury's magnetic field: a thermoelectric dynamo? ; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 82; No. 1-2; 114-120; 10.1016/0012-821X(87)90111-7
Kirk, R. L. and Stevenson, D. J. (1987) Thermal Evolution of a Differentiated Ganymede and Implications for Surface Features ; Icarus; Vol. 69; No. 1; 91-134; 10.1016/0019-1035(87)90009-1
Stevenson, D. J. (1987) Limits on lateral density and velocity variations in the
Earth's outer core ; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 88; No. 1; 311-319; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.1987.tb01383.x
Stevenson, D. J. and Scott, D. R. (1987) Melt migration in deformable media ; ISBN 9789024735006; Structure and dynamics of partially solidified systems; 401-415
Stevenson, David J. (1986) Lunar Origin ; Science; Vol. 234; No. 4779; 1016-1017; 10.1126/science.234.4779.1016-a
Stevenson, D. J. (1986) On the role of surface tension in the migration of melts and fluids ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 13; No. 11; 1149-1152; 10.1029/GL013i011p01149
Stevenson, David J. and Lunine, Jonathan I. (1986) Mobilization of cryogenic ice in outer Solar System satellites ; Nature; Vol. 323; No. 6083; 46; 10.1038/323046a0
Scott, David R. and Stevenson, David J. (1986) Magma ascent by porous flow ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B9; 9283-9296; 10.1029/JB091iB09p09283
Ojakangas, G. W. and Stevenson, D. J. (1986) Episodic Volcanism of Tidally Heated Satellites with Application to Io ; Icarus; Vol. 66; No. 2; 341-358; 10.1016/0019-1035(86)90163-6
Stevenson, D. J. (1986) Comparative planetology ; Eos; Vol. 67; No. 13; 163-163; 10.1029/EO067i013p00163-01
Scott, David R. and Stevenson, David J., el al. (1986) Observations of solitary waves in a viscously deformable pipe ; Nature; Vol. 319; No. 6056; 759-761; 10.1038/319759a0
Stevenson, David J. and Potter, Brian E. (1986) Titan's latitudinal temperature distribution and seasonal cycle ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 13; No. 2; 93-96; 10.1029/GL013i002p00093
Stevenson, David (1986) An ocean in Uranus? ; The Planetary Report; Vol. 6; 16-16
Stevenson, D. J. and Harris, A. W., el al. (1986) Origins of satellites ; ISBN 9780816509836; Satellites; 39-88
Stevenson, D. J. (1986) High mass planets and low mass stars ; ISBN 9780521323376; Astrophysics of brown dwarfs; 218-232
Stevenson, David J. (1986) Origin, evolution and structure of the giant planets ; ISBN 9780138219277; The Solar system: observations and interpretations; 254-274
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J. (1985) Physics and Chemistry of Sulfur Lakes on Io ; Icarus; Vol. 64; No. 3; 345-367; 10.1016/0019-1035(85)90060-0
Stevenson, David J. (1985) Melt migration in the Earth ; Nature; Vol. 317; No. 6040; 767-768; 10.1038/317767a0
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J. (1985) Physical state of volatiles on the surface of Triton ; Nature; Vol. 317; No. 6034; 238-240; 10.1038/317238a0
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J. (1985) Thermodynamics of clathrate hydrate at low and high pressures with application to the outer solar system ; Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series; Vol. 58; No. 3; 493-531
Stevenson, David J. (1985) Cosmochemistry and structure of the giant planets and their satellites ; Icarus; Vol. 62; No. 1; 4-15; 10.1016/0019-1035(85)90168-X
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J. (1985) Evolution of Titan's coupled Ocean-Atmosphere system and interaction of ocean with bedrock ; ISBN 9789027720627; Ices in the solar system; 741-757
Stevenson, David J. (1984) Planets and their atmospheres ; Icarus; Vol. 60; No. 3; 720-721; 10.1016/0019-1035(84)90178-7
Stevenson, D. J. (1984) High pressure physics and chemistry in giant planets and their satellites ; Journal de Physique Colloques; Vol. 45; No. 11; 97-103; 10.1051/jphyscol:1984819
Scott, David R. and Stevenson, David J. (1984) Magma solitons ; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 11; No. 11; 1161-1164; 10.1029/GL011i011p01161
Stevenson, D. J. (1984) The Energy Flux Number and Three Types of Planetary Dynamo ; Astronomische Nachrichten; Vol. 305; No. 5; 257-264; 10.1002/asna.2113050512
Stevenson, David J. (1984) Physics and chemistry of planets debated ; Geotimes; Vol. 29; 18-19
Stevenson, David J. (1984) No clear consensus on planetary origins ; Geotimes; Vol. 29; 15-16
Matteson, Donald S. and Lunine, Jonathan I., el al. (1984) Acetylene on Titan - Reply ; Science; Vol. 223; No. 4641; 1131; 10.1126/science.223.4641.1131-b
Stevenson, D. J. (1984) Condensed matter physics of planets: Puzzles, progress and predictions ; ISBN 9780444009326; High pressure in science and technology : proceedings of the 9th AIRAPT International High Pressure Conference, Albany, New York, U.S.A., July 24-29, 1983; 357-368
Hubbard, W. B. and Stevenson, D. J. (1984) Interior structure of Saturn ; ISBN 9780816508297; Saturn; 47-87
Stevenson, David J. (1984) Composition, structure and evolution of Uranian and Neptunian satellites
Hunten, D. M. and Tomasko, M. G., el al. (1984) Interior and Surface of Titan ; ISBN 9780816508297; Saturn; 743-759
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J., el al. (1983) Ethane Ocean on Titan ; Science; Vol. 222; No. 4629; 1229-1230
Friedson, A. J. and Stevenson, D. J. (1983) Viscosity of Rock-Ice Mixtures and Applications to the Evolution of Icy Satellites ; Icarus; Vol. 56; No. 1; 1-14; 10.1016/0019-1035(83)90124-0
Stevenson, D. J. (1983) Satellites of Jupiter [Book Review] ; Eos; Vol. 64; No. 33; 507; 10.1029/EO064i033p00507-07
Stevenson, David J. and Spohn, Tilman, el al. (1983) Magnetism and thermal evolution of the terrestrial planets ; Icarus; Vol. 54; No. 3; 466-489; 10.1016/0019-1035(83)90241-5
Stevenson, D. J. (1983) Planetary magnetic fields ; Reports on Progress in Physics; Vol. 46; No. 5; 555-620; 10.1088/0034-4885/46/5/001
Stevenson, D. J. (1983) Anomalous Bulk Viscosity of Two-Phase Fluids and Implications for Planetary Interiors ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 88; No. B3; 2445-2455; 10.1029/JB088iB03p02445
Stevenson, David J. (1983) Onions or Plum Puddings? ; Engineering and Science; Vol. 46; No. 3; 16-21
Walker, James C. G. and Klein, Cornelis, el al. (1983) Environmental Evolution of the Archean-early Proterozoic Earth ; ISBN 9780691083230; Earth's earliest biosphere: its origin and evolution; 260-290
Stevenson, David J. (1983) The nature of the Earth prior to the oldest known rock record: the Hadean Earth ; ISBN 9780691083230; Earth's earliest biosphere: its origin and evolution; 32-40
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J. (1982) Formation of the Galilean satellites in a gaseous nebula ; Icarus; Vol. 52; No. 1; 14-39; 10.1016/0019-1035(82)90166-X
Stevenson, D. J. (1982) Formation of the giant planets ; Planetary and Space Science; Vol. 30; No. 8; 755-764; 10.1016/0032-0633(82)90108-8
Stevenson, D. J. (1982) Volcanism and igneous processes in small icy satellites ; Nature; Vol. 298; No. 5870; 142-144; 10.1038/298142a0
Stevenson, D. J. (1982) Interiors of the Giant Planets ; Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Vol. 10; 257-295; 10.1146/annurev.ea.10.050182.001353
Stevenson, D. J. (1982) Reducing the non-axisymmetry of a planetary dynamo and an application to Saturn ; Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 21; No. 1-2; 113-127; 10.1080/03091928208209008
Stevenson, D. J. (1981) Models of the Earth's Core ; Science; Vol. 214; No. 4521; 611-619
Schubert, G. and Stevenson, D. J., el al. (1981) Internal structures of the Galilean satellites ; Icarus; Vol. 47; No. 1; 46-59; 10.1016/0019-1035(81)90090-7
Stevenson, D. J. (1981) Interiors of the Planets [Book Review] ; Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics; Vol. 18; No. 3-4; 328-330; 10.1080/03091928108208846
Stevenson, D. J. (1980) Lunar asymmetry and palaeomagnetism ; Nature; Vol. 287; No. 5782; 520-521; 10.1038/287520a0
Stevenson, D. J. (1980) Saturn's Luminosity and Magnetism ; Science; Vol. 208; No. 4445; 746-748; 10.1126/science.208.4445.746
Schubert, Gerald and Stevenson, David, el al. (1980) Whole Planet Cooling and the Radiogenic Heat Source Contents of the Earth and Moon ; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 85; No. B5; 2531-2538; 10.1029/JB085iB05p02531
Stevenson, D. J. (1980) Applications of liquid state physics to the Earth's core ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 22; No. 1; 42-52; 10.1016/0031-9201(80)90099-0
Stevenson, D. J. (1980) The condensed matter physics of planetary interiors
Schubert, G. and Ellsworth, K., el al. (1980) Ice in the interiors of Ganymede and Callisto
Merrill, R. T. and McElhinny, M. W., el al. (1979) Evidence for long-term asymmetries in the Earth's magnetic field and possible implications for dynamo theories ; Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors; Vol. 20; No. 2-4; 75-82; 10.1016/0031-9201(79)90029-3
Stevenson, David J. (1979) The Saturn System [Book Review] ; Eos; Vol. 60; No. 44; 774-774
Stevenson, D. J. (1979) A eutectic in carbon-oxygen white dwarfs? ; ISBN 9782902731152; Physique de la Matière Dense; 61-64
Stevenson, D. J. (1979) Semiconvection as the occasional breaking of weakly amplified internal waves ; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society; Vol. 187; No. 2; 129-144; 10.1093/mnras/187.2.129
Stevenson, D. J. (1979) Solubility of helium in metallic hydrogen ; Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics; Vol. 9; No. 5; 791-801; 10.1088/0305-4608/9/5/007
Stevenson, D. J. (1979) Magnetic Field Generation in Electrically Conducting
Fluids [Book Review] ; Icarus; Vol. 37; No. 1; 358-359; 10.1016/0019-1035(79)90142-8
Stevenson, D. J. and Turner, J. S. (1979) Fluid Models of Mantle Convection ; ISBN 9780124827509; The Earth, its origin, structure, and evolution; 227-263
Stevenson, David J. (1979) Turbulent Thermal Convection in the Presence of Rotation and a Magnetic Field: A Heuristic Theory ; Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Mechanics; Vol. 12; No. 1; 139-169; 10.1080/03091927908242681
Stevenson, David J. (1978) Induced suction and lithospheric plate pull ; Nature; Vol. 275; No. 5678; 346-346; 10.1038/275346a0
McElhinny, M. W. and Taylor, S. R., el al. (1978) Limits to the expansion of Earth, Moon, Mars and Mercury and to changes in the gravitational constant ; Nature; Vol. 271; No. 5643; 316-321; 10.1038/271316a0
Stevenson, D. J. (1978) Brown and Black Dwarfs: Their structure, evolution and contribution to the missing mass ; Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia; Vol. 3; No. 3-4; 227-229
Stevenson, D. J. (1978) The outer planets and their satellites ; ISBN 9780471995296; The origin of the solar system; 395-431
Stevenson, D. J. and Turner, J. S. (1977) Angle of subduction ; Nature; Vol. 270; No. 5635; 334-336; 10.1038/270334a0
Stevenson, D. J. and Salpeter, E. E. (1977) The phase diagram and transport properties for hydrogen-helium fluid planets ; Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series; Vol. 35; No. 10; 221-237; 10.1086/190478
Stevenson, D. J. and Salpeter, E. E. (1977) The dynamics and helium distribution in hydrogen-helium fluid planets ; Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series; Vol. 35; 239-261; 10.1086/190479
Stevenson, D. J. (1977) Immiscibilities in cold, degenerate stars ; Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia; Vol. 3; 167-168
Stevenson, D. J. (1977) A semitheory for semiconvection ; Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia; Vol. 3; 165-166
Stevenson, D. J. (1977) Hydrogen in the Earth's core ; Nature; Vol. 268; 130-131; 10.1038/268130a0
Stevenson, D. J. (1976) Miscibility gaps in fully pressure-ionized binary alloys ; Physics Letters A; Vol. 58; No. 4; 282-284; 10.1016/0375-9601(76)90100-6
Salpeter, E. E. and Stevenson, D. J. (1976) Heat transport in a stratified two-phase fluid ; Physics of Fluids; Vol. 19; No. 4; 502-509; 10.1063/1.861506
Stevenson, D. J. and Salpeter, E. E. (1976) Interior models of Jupiter ; ISBN 9780816505302; Jupiter: studies of the interior, atmosphere, magnetosphere, and satellites; 85-112
Stevenson, D. J. (1975) Does metallic ammonium exist? ; Nature; Vol. 258; No. 5532; 222-223; 10.1038/258222a0
Stevenson, D. J. (1975) Thermodynamics and phase separation of dense fully ionized hydrogen-helium fluid mixtures ; Physical Review B; Vol. 12; No. 10; 3999-4007; 10.1103/PhysRevB.12.3999
Stevenson, D. J. (1975) Dynamo generation in Mercury ; Nature; Vol. 256; No. 5519; 634-634; 10.1038/256634a0
Stevenson, D. J. (1975) Planetary magnetism ; ISBN 978-0-88318-123-2; Magnetism and magnetic materials; 781-784; 10.1063/1.30285
Stevenson, David (1974) Planetary Magnetism ; Icarus; Vol. 22; No. 4; 403-415; 10.1016/0019-1035(74)90073-6
Stevenson, D. J. and Ashcroft, N. W. (1974) Conduction in fully ionized liquid metals ; Physical Review A; Vol. 9; No. 2; 782-789; 10.1103/PhysRevA.9.782
Stevenson, D. J. (1973) Optical Absorption in the Alkali Metals: Detailed Calculations ; Physical Review B; Vol. 7; No. 6; 2348-2358; 10.1103/PhysRevB.7.2348
Clark, D. H. and Stevenson, D. J. (1970) A fast correlation method for studying drifting patterns associated with ionospheric irregularities ; Australian Journal of Physics; Vol. 23; No. 5; 947-949; 10.1071/PH700947