Stevenson, David
Park, R. S. and de Kleer, K., el al. (2019) Tidal Heating: Lessons from Io and the Jovian System (Report from the KISS Workshop)
Stevenson, D. J. (2015) Evolution of the Earth: An Introduction and Overview ; 10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00151-2
Stevenson, David J. (2004) Formation of Giant Planets ; ISBN 0-7354-0190-X; The Search for Other Worlds: Fourteenth Astrophysics Conference, College Park, MD, 13-14 October 2003; 133-141; 10.1063/1.1774513
Guillot, Tristan and Stevenson, David J., el al. (2004) The Interior of Jupiter ; ISBN 9780521818087; Jupiter: the planet, satellites, and magnetosphere; 35-57
Stevenson, D. J. (2002) Introduction to Planetary Interiors ; ISBN 9781586032692; High Pressure Phenomena; 587-606
Pritchard, M. E. and Stevenson, D. J. (2000) Thermal constraints on the Origin of the Moon ; ISBN 9780816520732; Origin of the earth and moon; 179-196
Hubbard, W. D. and Podolak, M., el al. (1995) The interior of Neptune ; ISBN 9780816515257; Neptune and Triton; 109-138
Lissauer, Jack J. and Pollack, James B., el al. (1995) Formation of the Neptune system ; ISBN 9780816515257; Neptune and Triton; 37-108
Kedar, S. and Anderson, D. L., el al. (1993) Relationship between hotspots and mantle structure: Correlation with whole mantle seismic tomography ; ISBN 9780792321484; Flow and creep in the solar system: observations, modeling, and theory; 249-259
Tackley, P. J. and Stevenson, D. J. (1993) A mechanism for spontaneous self-perpetuating volcanism on the terrestrial planets ; ISBN 9780792321484; Flow and creep in the solar system: observations, modeling, and theory; 307-321
Stevenson, David J. (1992) Interior of Titan ; ISBN 9789290921943; Symposium on Titan; 29-33
Kedar, Sharon and Anderson, Don L., el al. (1991) Relationship between Hotspots and Mantle Structure: Correlation with Whole Mantle Seismic Tomography
Podolak, M. and Hubbard, W. D., el al. (1991) Models of Uranus' interior and magnetic field ; ISBN 9780816512089; Uranus; 29-61
Stevenson, David J. (1991) Giant planets and their satellites: What are the relationships between their properties and how they formed ; ISBN 9780309043335; Planetary sciences: American and Soviet research; 163-173
Stevenson, D. J. (1990) Fluid dynamics of core formation ; ISBN 9780195066197; Origin of the earth; 231-249
Cynn, H. C. and Boone, S., el al. (1989) Phase Diagram for Ammonia-Water Mixtures at High Pressures:
Implications for Icy Satellites ; ISBN 9780521374095; Proceedings of the Nineteenth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference; 433-441
Stevenson, David J. (1989) Implications of the giant planets for the formation and evolution of Planetary Systems ; ISBN 9780521366335; The formation and evolution of planetary systems; 75-90
Stevenson, David J. (1989) Formation and Early Evolution of the Earth ; ISBN 9780677221205; Mantle convection: plate tectonics and global dynamics; 817-873
Stevenson, David J. (1988) The role of high pressure experiment and theory in our understanding of gaseous and icy planets ; ISBN 9780444870971; Shock waves in condensed matter; 51-54
Schubert, G. and Ross, M. N., el al. (1988) Mercury's thermal history and the generation of its magnetic field ; ISBN 9780816510856; Mercury; 429-460
Stevenson, D. J. and Scott, D. R. (1987) Melt migration in deformable media ; ISBN 9789024735006; Structure and dynamics of partially solidified systems; 401-415
Stevenson, D. J. (1986) High mass planets and low mass stars ; ISBN 9780521323376; Astrophysics of brown dwarfs; 218-232
Stevenson, David J. (1986) Origin, evolution and structure of the giant planets ; ISBN 9780138219277; The Solar system: observations and interpretations; 254-274
Stevenson, D. J. and Harris, A. W., el al. (1986) Origins of satellites ; ISBN 9780816509836; Satellites; 39-88
Lunine, Jonathan I. and Stevenson, David J. (1985) Evolution of Titan's coupled Ocean-Atmosphere system and interaction of ocean with bedrock ; ISBN 9789027720627; Ices in the solar system; 741-757
Stevenson, D. J. (1984) Condensed matter physics of planets: Puzzles, progress and predictions ; ISBN 9780444009326; High pressure in science and technology : proceedings of the 9th AIRAPT International High Pressure Conference, Albany, New York, U.S.A., July 24-29, 1983; 357-368
Stevenson, David J. (1984) Composition, structure and evolution of Uranian and Neptunian satellites
Hunten, D. M. and Tomasko, M. G., el al. (1984) Interior and Surface of Titan ; ISBN 9780816508297; Saturn; 743-759
Hubbard, W. B. and Stevenson, D. J. (1984) Interior structure of Saturn ; ISBN 9780816508297; Saturn; 47-87
Stevenson, David J. (1983) The nature of the Earth prior to the oldest known rock record: the Hadean Earth ; ISBN 9780691083230; Earth's earliest biosphere: its origin and evolution; 32-40
Walker, James C. G. and Klein, Cornelis, el al. (1983) Environmental Evolution of the Archean-early Proterozoic Earth ; ISBN 9780691083230; Earth's earliest biosphere: its origin and evolution; 260-290
Stevenson, D. J. (1980) The condensed matter physics of planetary interiors
Schubert, G. and Ellsworth, K., el al. (1980) Ice in the interiors of Ganymede and Callisto
Stevenson, D. J. (1979) A eutectic in carbon-oxygen white dwarfs? ; ISBN 9782902731152; Physique de la Matière Dense; 61-64
Stevenson, D. J. and Turner, J. S. (1979) Fluid Models of Mantle Convection ; ISBN 9780124827509; The Earth, its origin, structure, and evolution; 227-263
Stevenson, D. J. (1978) The outer planets and their satellites ; ISBN 9780471995296; The origin of the solar system; 395-431
Stevenson, D. J. and Salpeter, E. E. (1976) Interior models of Jupiter ; ISBN 9780816505302; Jupiter: studies of the interior, atmosphere, magnetosphere, and satellites; 85-112
Stevenson, D. J. (1975) Planetary magnetism ; ISBN 978-0-88318-123-2; Magnetism and magnetic materials; 781-784; 10.1063/1.30285