Steidel, Charles
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- Li, Zhihui (2024) Unveiling the Structure of the Circumgalactic Medium of High-Redshift Galaxies via Emission and Absorption Lines; 10.7907/42cq-6x31
- Shi, Yanlong (2023) Assembly of Intermediate-Mass Black Holes Along Star Formation; 10.7907/thmn-7h07
- Cheng, Yun-Ting (2022) Cosmology and Astrophysics with Intensity Mapping; 10.7907/p41n-8698
- Kamraj, Nikita (2022) Probing the Corona in Active Galactic Nuclei Using Broadband X-Ray Spectroscopy; 10.7907/cag4-k322
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- Chen, Yuguang (2022) The Absorption and Emission of Neutral Hydrogen around High-Redshift Star-Forming Galaxies; 10.7907/gsr9-9y83
- O'Sullivan, Dónal Brendan (2021) Mapping the Diffuse Universe: Integral Field Spectroscopy of Galaxy Environments; 10.7907/6g0e-n897
- Belland, Brent Roy (2021) Modeling Focal Ratio Degradation, Its Implications for Upcoming Fiber Spectrographs, and the Dynamics of NGC 6822; 10.7907/rbce-f185
- De, Kishalay (2021) The Whisper and the Bang: Cosmic Fireworks in the Lives of Compact Binaries; 10.7907/vc3g-5723
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- Ho, Anna Yen Qin (2021) The Landscape of Relativistic Stellar Explosions; 10.7907/99s8-vj17
- Escala, Ivanna Ashley (2020) Elemental Abundances in the Local Group: Tracing the Formation History of the Great Andromeda Galaxy; 10.7907/16bk-vm98
- Jencson, Jacob Edmund (2020) Hunting for Hidden Explosions: Exploring the Transient Infrared Sky with the Spitzer Space Telescope; 10.7907/Y9H7-XA93
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- Orr, Matthew Edward (2019) Spatially Resolved Star Formation in Cosmological Zoom-in Simulations: Understanding the Role of Feedback in Scaling Relations; 10.7907/WE1D-5586
- Barenfeld, Scott Alexander (2019) New Insights into Circumstellar Disk Evolution in the Era of ALMA; 10.7907/5DK0-H549
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- Leethochawalit, Nicha (2019) Spectroscopy of Galaxies: Evolution of Escape Fractions, Metallicity Gradients and Stellar Metallicity; 10.7907/2GMR-3315
- Schmitz, Denise Marie (2019) A Perturbative Model for the Intrinsic Alignments of Galaxies; 10.7907/HZ7G-1048
- Kleiser, Io K. (2019) Modeling Rapidly Fading Supernovae as Nickel-Free Core-Collapse Explosions of Extended Helium Stars; 10.7907/5YEJ-EX71
- Su, Kung-Yi (2019) Stellar Feedback, AGN Feedback and Fluid Microphysics in Galaxy Evolution; 10.7907/RQG9-NT50
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- Strom, Allison Leigh (2018) Unveiling the Physical Conditions in Star-Forming Galaxies at the Peak of Galaxy Assembly; 10.7907/Z9N58JJN
- David, Trevor Justin (2018) On the Evolutionary Pathways of Stars and Extrasolar Planets; 10.7907/Z9J67F42
- Ma, Xiangcheng (2018) Understanding Galaxy Formation and Evolution with Realistic Simulations; 10.7907/MX2D-6P63
- Bryan, Marta Levesque (2018) Lurking in the Shadows: Wide-Separation Gas Giants as Tracers of Planet Formation; 10.7907/XPMN-WQ35
- Pineda, John Sebastian (2017) Multiwavelength Characterization of the Brown Dwarf Auroral Phenomenon - Establishing the Nature of the Electrodynamic Engine; 10.7907/Z90C4SRW
- Bottom, Michael (2016) Two Roads to Planet Detection; 10.7907/Z97P8WC0
- Bottom, Michael (2016) Two Roads to Planet Detection; 10.7907/Z97P8WC0
- Belli, Sirio (2016) Deep Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Galaxies: the Physical Growth of Passive Systems; 10.7907/Z9QN64NQ
- Schenker, Matthew Aaron (2015) Did Galaxies Reionize the Universe?; 10.7907/Z9736NVR
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- Findeisen, Krzysztof (2015) New Insights from Aperiodic Variability of Young Stars; 10.7907/Z93F4MH9
- Newman, Andrew Burch (2013) Dark Matter and the Assembly History of Massive Galaxies and Clusters; 10.7907/BNC2-1X24
- Jones, Tucker A. (2013) Detailed Properties of High Redshift Galaxies; 10.7907/XB2C-1B49
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- Rudie, Gwen Charlena (2013) The Intergalactic and Circumgalactic Medium Surrounding Star-Forming Galaxies at Redshifts 2<z<3; 10.7907/Z9PZ56T6
- Tseliakhovich, Dmitriy (2012) The Cosmic Stories: Beginning, Evolution and Present Days of the Universe; 10.7907/T279-PV49
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- Bode, Jason Nathaniel (2011) Black Hole Mergers and Their Electromagnetic Counterparts; 10.7907/YVVG-R137
- Bogosavljević, Milan (2010) Lyman Continuum and Lyman α Emission from Galaxies at High Redshift; 10.7907/KR0M-DH91
- Law, David Richard (2009) The Kiloparsec-Scale Structure and Kinematics of High-Redshift Star-Forming Galaxies; 10.7907/QNV4-9V14
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- Eckart, Megan Elizabeth (2007) Measurements of X-Ray Selected AGN and Novel Superconducting X-Ray Detectors; 10.7907/SZAB-0Y07
- Becker, George Dana (2007) A High-Resolution Study of the High-Redshift Intergalactic Medium; 10.7907/TND7-F429
- Bundy, Kevin A. (2006) The Mass Assembly History of Field Galaxies; 10.7907/3QVQ-FH17
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- Shapley, Alice Eve (2003) Detailed Astrophysical Properties of Lyman Break Galaxies; 10.7907/6F95-VD13
- Adelberger, Kurt Ludvig (2002) Star Formation and Structure Formation between Redshifts 1 < z < 4; 10.7907/F2SF-4J89
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