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Melbourne, J. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (2012) The Spectral Energy Distribution and Infrared Luminosities of z ≈ 2 Dust-obscured Galaxies from Herschel and Spitzer ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 143; No. 5; Art. No. 125; 10.1088/0004-6256/143/5/125
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Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (2004) High Spatial Resolution Mid‐Infrared Observations of Five Seyfert Galaxies ; Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific; Vol. 116; No. 820; 493-496; 10.1086/420872
Soifer, B. T. and Bock, J. J., el al. (2003) High Spatial Resolution Mid-Infrared Observations of Three Seyfert Galaxies ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 126; No. 1; 143-152; 10.1086/375647
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Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (2002) Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy of Infrared-Luminous Galaxies with Subarcsecond Resolution ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 124; No. 5; 2980-2989; 10.1086/343056
Matthews, K. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (2002) Early Near-Infrared Observations of SN 1993J ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 123; No. 2; 753-759; 10.1086/338646
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Hogg, David W. and Neugebauer, Gerry, el al. (2000) 3 Micron Imaging of the Hubble Deep Field ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 119; No. 4; 1519-1525; 10.1086/301309
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Soifer, B. T. and Matthews, K., el al. (1999) Near-Infrared Observations of the Extremely Red Object Cl 0939+4713B: An Old Galaxy at z ~ 1.58? ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 118; No. 5; 2065-2070; 10.1086/301071
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Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1999) High Spatial Resolution Imaging of Arp 220 from 3 to 25 Microns ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 513; No. 1; 207-214; 10.1086/306855
Armus, L. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1999) High resolution WFPC2 imaging of IRAS 09104+4109 ; Astrophysics and Space Science; Vol. 266; No. 1/2; 113-118; 10.1023/A:1002649631319
Egami, E. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1999) Keck mid-IR High-Resolution Imaging of Arp 220 ; Astrophysics and Space Science; Vol. 266; No. 1/2; 109-111; 10.1023/A:1002697514481
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Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1996) Near Infrared Observations of IRAS 09104+4109 ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 111; No. 2; 649-654; 10.1086/117814
Armus, L. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1995) Near-Infrared Spectra of ARP 220: Spatially Resolved CO Absorption in the Inner Kiloparsec ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 110; No. 6; 2610-2621; 10.1086/117718
Gregorich, D. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1995) Study of Deep IRAS Fields at 60 µm ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 110; No. 1; 259-267; 10.1086/117515
Soifer, B. T. and Cohen, J. G., el al. (1995) Near-infrared and optical spectroscopy of FSC 10214+4724 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 443; No. 2; L65-L68; 10.1086/187837
Armus, L. and Shupe, D. L., el al. (1995) Near-infrared (Fe II) and Paβ imaging and spectroscopy of ARP 220 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 440; No. 2; 200-209; 10.1086/175261
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Soifer, B. T. and Matthews, K., el al. (1994) Deep imaging of the field of the Z = 4.9 quasar PC 1247+3406, and faint galaxy counts in the K band with the Keck telescope ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 420; No. 1; L1-L4; 10.1086/187148
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Armus, L. and Shupe, D. L., el al. (1994) Near- and Mid-IR Imaging of the Nuclear Starburst in NGC 3079 ; ISBN 978-94-010-4466-0; Infrared Astronomy with Arrays: The Next Generation; 501-502; 10.1007/978-94-011-1070-9_148
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Scoville, N. and Soifer, B. T. (1991) H₂ and Infrared in Global Starburst Galaxies ; ISBN 0521404657; Massive Stars in Starburst; 233-257
Graham, James R. and Matthews, K., el al. (1990) The infrared excess of G29-38: A brown dwarf or dust? ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 357; No. 1; 216-223; 10.1086/168907
Carico, David P. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1990) The IRAS bright galaxy sample. V. Multibeam photometry of galaxies with L(IR) ⩾ 10^(11) L_☉ ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 100; No. 1; 70-83; 10.1086/115491
Graham, James R. and Carico, D. P., el al. (1990) The double nucleus of ARP 220 unveiled ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 354; No. 1; L5-L8; 10.1086/185709
Neugebauer, G. and Graham, J. R., el al. (1990) The size of NGC 4151 at 11.2 µm ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 99; No. 5; 1456-1460; 10.1086/115428
Mould, Jeremy and Cohen, Judith, el al. (1990) A nova-like red variable in M31 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 353; L35-L37; 10.1086/185702
Carico, David P. and Graham, James R., el al. (1990) The near-infrared morphology of ultraluminous infrared galaxies ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 349; No. 1; L39-L42; 10.1086/185646
Soifer, B. T. (1990) IRAS Observations of Galaxies ; ISBN 9789401067317; Windows on Galaxies; 101-107; 10.1007/978-94-009-0543-6_14
Sanders, D. B. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1990) Ultraluminous infrared galaxies and the origin of quasars ; ISBN 9783642752759; Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies; 459-464; 10.1007/978-3-642-75273-5_116
Keene, J. and Carico, D. P., el al. (1990) Millimeter Observations of Luminous IRAS Galaxies ; ISBN 978-94-015-6852-4; Submillimetre Astronomy; 209-210; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_76
Sanders, D. B. and Phinney, E. S., el al. (1989) Continuum energy distribution of quasars: Shapes and origins ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 357; No. 12; 29-51; 10.1086/168094
Neugebauer, G. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1989) The near-infrared variability of a sample of optically selected quasars ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 97; No. 4; 957-977; 10.1086/115040
Gillett, F. C. and Jacoby, G. H., el al. (1989) The optical/infrared counterpart(s) of IRAS 18333-2357 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 338; No. 2; 862-874; 10.1086/167241
Neugebauer, G. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1989) Spectral Energy Distributions of PG Quasars ; ISBN 0-7923-0256-7; Active Galactic Nuclei; 390-392
Keene, J. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1989) Millimeter Observations of Optically Selected Quasars ; ISBN 0-7923-0256-7; Active Galactic Nuclei; 396-397
Rice, W. and Lonsdale, Carol J., el al. (1988) A catalog of IRAS observations of large optical galaxies ; Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series; Vol. 68; No. 1; 91; 10.1086/191283
Bregman, J. N. and Glassgold, A. E., el al. (1988) Multifrequency observation of the optically violent variable quasar 3C 446 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 331; No. 1; 746-763; 10.1086/166596
Sanders, D. B. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1988) Warm ultraluminous galaxies in the IRAS survey - The transition from galaxy to quasar? ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 328; No. 2; L35-L39; 10.1086/185155
Sanders, D. B. and Scoville, N. Z., el al. (1988) IRAS 14348-1447, an Ultraluminous Pair of Colliding, Gas-Rich Galaxies: The Birth of a Quasar? ; Science; Vol. 239; No. 4840; 625-627; 10.1126/science.239.4840.625
Sanders, D. B. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1988) Ultraluminous infrared galaxies and the origin of quasars ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 325; No. 1; 74-91; 10.1086/165983
Carico, David P. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1988) The IRAS Bright Galaxy Sample. III. 1-10 µm observations and coadded IRAS data for galaxies with L_(IR) ⩾ 10^(11) L⊙ ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 95; No. 2; 356-373; 10.1086/114640
Sanders, D. B. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1988) High luminosity galaxies in the IRAS survey ; ISBN 978-3-540-19052-3; Comets to Cosmology; 172-176; 10.1007/BFb0118805
Sanders, D. B. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1988) CO in infrared luminous galaxies ; ISBN 978-3-540-50438-2; Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies; 350-360; 10.1007/3-540-50438-9_302
Soifer, B. T. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1987) The IRAS bright galaxy sample. II - The sample and luminosity function ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 320; No. 1; 238-257; 10.1086/165536
Soifer, B. T. and Houck, J. R., el al. (1987) The IRAS View of the Extragalactic Sky ; Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 25; 187-230; 10.1146/annurev.aa.25.090187.001155
Matthews, K. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1987) The size of MRK 231 at 10 µm ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 94; No. 2; 297-299; 10.1086/114470
Carico, David P. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1987) Near-infrared observations of IRAS minisurvey galaxies
Sanders, D. B. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1987) Ultraluminous infrared galaxies
Neugebauer, G. and Elias, J., el al. (1987) High-spatial-resolution, near-infrared observations of ARP 220 ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 93; No. 5; 1057-1061; 10.1086/114389
Soifer, B. T. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1987) The luminosity function of the brightest galaxies in the IRAS survey
Neugebauer, G. and Green, R. F., el al. (1987) Continuum energy distributions of quasars in the Palomar-Green Survey ; Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series; Vol. 63; 615-644; 10.1086/191175
Carico, D. P. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1986) Near-infrared observations of IRAS minisurvey galaxies ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 92; No. 6; 1254-1261; 10.1086/114259
Houck, J. R. and Beckwith, S. V. W., el al. (1986) Moderate Resolution Spectroscopy For The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) ; ISBN 9780892526543; Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instruments II; 69-72; 10.1117/12.966640
Houck, J. R. and Beckwith, S. V. W., el al. (1986) Moderate Resolution Spectroscopy For The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) ; ISBN 9780892526246; Instrumentation for Optical Remote Sensing from Space; 238-241; 10.1117/12.951938
Soifer, B. T. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1986) The luminosity function and space density of the most luminous galaxies in the IRAS survey ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 303; No. 1; L41-L44; 10.1086/184649
Bregman, Joel N. and Elias, J., el al. (1986) Multifrequency observations of the superluminal quasar 3C 345 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 301; 708-726; 10.1086/163938
Neugebauer, G. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1986) IRAS Observations of Active Galaxies ; ISBN 9789401085281; Structure and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei; 11-19; 10.1007/978-94-009-4562-3_2
Neugebauer, G. and Matthews, K., el al. (1985) Infrared photometry of the nebulosity around quasars ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 298; 275-280; 10.1086/163606
Neugebauer, G. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1985) A new luminosity component in 3C 48 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 295; No. 8; L27-L31; 10.1086/184531
Elias, J. H. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1985) A 2.2-µm search for variable galactic plane radio sources ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 90; No. 7; 1188-1190; 10.1086/113825
Hacking, P. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1985) The brightest high-latitude 12-micron IRAS sources ; Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific; Vol. 97; No. 593; 616-633; 10.1086/131576
Beichman, C. and Lonsdale, C. J., el al. (1985) The IRAS galaxy 0421 + 040P06 - an active spiral (?) galaxy with extended radio lobes ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 293; No. 1; 148-153; 10.1086/163221
Miley, G. K. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1985) IRAS observations of Seyfert galaxies ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 293; No. 2; L11-L14; 10.1086/184481
Houck, J. R. and Schneider, D. P., el al. (1985) Unidentified IRAS sources: Ultrahigh-luminosity galaxies ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 290; L5-L8; 10.1086/184431
Scoville, N. Z. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1985) The inner disk of NGC 253 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 289; No. 1; 129-140; 10.1086/162871
Mollicone, Richard A. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1985) First Scientific Results From The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) ; 10.1117/12.945009
Neugebauer, G. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1984) IRAS observations of NGC 1052 ; Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific; Vol. 96; No. 586; 973-976; 10.1086/131461
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1984) The remarkable infrared galaxy ARP 220 = IC 4553 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 283; L1-L4; 10.1086/184319
Neugebauer, G. and Beichman, C. A., el al. (1984) Early Results from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite ; Science; Vol. 224; No. 4644; 14-21; 10.1126/science.224.4644.14
Soifer, B. T. and Beichman, C. A., el al. (1984) Preliminary Scientific Results From The First Six Months Of The Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) ; Optical Engineering; Vol. 23; No. 2; 128-130; 10.1117/12.7973399
Worrall, D. M. and Puschell, J. J., el al. (1984) Two Multifrequency Observations of 3C 371 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 278; 521-529; 10.1086/161818
Rowan-Robinson, M. and Clegg, P. E., el al. (1984) The IRAS minisurvey ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 278; L7-L10; 10.1086/184210
Young, E. and Low, F. J., el al. (1984) The infrared properties of galaxy clusters - IRAS observations of the Hercules Cluster (Abell 2151) ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 278; L75-L78; 10.1086/184227
Miley, G. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1984) A 25 micron component in 3C 390.3 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 278; L79-L81; 10.1086/184228
Soifer, B. T. and Rowan-Robinson, M., el al. (1984) Infrared galaxies in the IRAS minisurvey ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 278; L71-L74; 10.1086/184226
Houck, J. R. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1984) Unidentified point sources in the IRAS minisurvey ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 278; L63-L66; 10.1086/184224
Soifer, B. T. and Beichman, C. A., el al. (1984) Preliminary Scientific Results From The First Six Months Of The Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) ; ISBN 0892524650; Infrared Technology IX; 297-301; 10.1117/12.936401
Stein, Wayne A. and Soifer, B. T. (1983) Dust in Galaxies ; Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 21; 177-207; 10.1146/annurev.aa.21.090183.001141
Landau, R. and Jones, T. W., el al. (1983) Extragalactic 1 millimeter sources: Simultaneous observations at centimeter, millimeter, and visual wavelengths ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 268; No. 1; 68-75; 10.1086/160930
Sellgren, K. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1983) Observations of the line profile of Paschen alpha in 3C 273 ; Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific; Vol. 95; No. 567; 289-292; 10.1086/131160
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1983) Infrared/optical energy distributions of high-redshift quasars ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 265; 18-25; 10.1086/160649
Jewitt, D. C. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1982) Visual and infrared observations of the distant Comets P/Stephan-Oterma (1980g), Panther (1980u), and Bowell (1980b) ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 87; No. 12; 1854-1866; 10.1086/113275
Neugebauer, G. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1982) Infrared properties of serendipitous X-ray quasars ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 87; 1639-1647; 10.1086/113256
Lacy, J. H. and Malkan, M., el al. (1982) Infrared, optical, and ultraviolet observations of hydrogen line emission from Seyfert galaxies ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 256; 75-82; 10.1086/159884
Neugebauer, G. and Matthews, K., el al. (1982) The position of the infrared source IRS 16 in the Galactic Center region relative to a visual field star ; ISBN 0883181827; The Galactic Center; 107-108; 10.1063/1.33497
Beichman, C. A. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1981) Compact radio source 1413 + 135 is a far-IR extragalactic object ; Nature; Vol. 293; No. 5835; 711-713; 10.1038/293711a0
Beichman, C. A. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1981) Extremely red compact radio sources - The empty field objects ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 247; 780-786; 10.1086/159089
Veeder, G. J. and Tedesco, E. F., el al. (1981) The diameter and albedo of 1943 Anteros ; Icarus; Vol. 46; No. 2; 281-284; 10.1016/0019-1035(81)90216-5
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1981) Near-infrared spectrophotometry of the satellites and rings of Uranus ; Icarus; Vol. 45; No. 3; 612-617; 10.1016/0019-1035(81)90027-0
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1981) Infrared and optical observations of the hydrogen lines in quasars ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 243; 369-380; 10.1086/158604
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G. (1981) The infrared properties of active extragalactic nuclei ; ISBN 9789027712271; Infrared Astronomy; 329-349
Ennis, D. J. and Soifer, B. T., el al. (1981) One Millimeter Continuum Observations of High Redshift Quasars ; Astrophysical Letters; Vol. 22; No. 1; 143-150
Duxbury, John H. and Soifer, B. T. (1980) Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) Scientific Data Analysis System ; ISBN 9780892522934; Applications of Digital Image Processing to Astronomy; 81-88; 10.1117/12.959787
Neugebauer, G. and Morton, D., el al. (1980) Recombination spectrum and reddening in NGC 1068 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 238; No. 1; 502-509; 10.1086/158006
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1980) IR observations of the double quasar 0957 + 561 A, B and the intervening galaxy ; Nature; Vol. 285; No. 5760; 91-93; 10.1038/285091a0
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1980) The 1.5-2.5 µm spectrum of Pluto ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 85; No. 2; 166-167; 10.1086/112655
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1980) Low resolution infrared spectra of quasars ; ISBN 978-90-277-1118-2; Objects of High Redshift; 279-282
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1979) The near-infrared reflectivity of the dark and light faces of Iapetus ; Astronomical Journal; Vol. 84; No. 10; 1644-1646; 10.1086/112589
Willner, S. P. and Puetter, R. C., el al. (1979) Unidentified infrared spectral features ; Astrophysics and Space Science; Vol. 65; No. 1; 95-101; 10.1007/bf00643492
Soifer, B. T. and Neugebauer, G., el al. (1979) Infrared observations of the X-ray quasars 0241 + 622 and MR2251–178 ; Nature; Vol. 278; No. 5701; 231-232; 10.1038/278231a0
Soifer, B. T. and Oke, J. B., el al. (1979) The hydrogen lines in the high-luminosity quasar B2 1225+31 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 227; No. 2; L1-L3; 10.1086/182854
Soifer, B. T. and Pipher, Judith L. (1978) Instrumentation for Infrared Astronomy ; Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Vol. 16; 335-369; 10.1146/annurev.aa.16.090178.002003
Campbell, M. P. and Harvey, P. M., el al. (1976) Far-infrared observations of IRC + 10216 ; Astrophysical Journal; Vol. 208; No. 1; 396-398; 10.1086/154619