Sill, Joseph
Song, Xubo and Sill, Joseph, el al. (2000) Image Recognition in Context: Application to Microscopic Urinalysis ; ISBN 0-262-19450-3; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12 (NIPS 1999); 963-969
Song, Xubo and Abu-Mostafa, Yaser, el al. (1998) Incorporating Contextual Information in White Blood Cell Identification ; ISBN 0-262-10076-2; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10 (NIPS 1997); 950-956
Sill, Joseph (1998) Monotonic Networks ; ISBN 0-262-10076-2; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10 (NIPS 1997); 661-667
Bax, Eric and Çataltepe, Zehra, el al. (1997) The Central Classifier Bound - A New Error Bound for the Classifier Chosen by Early Stopping ; 10.7907/Z9RB72M1
Sill, Joseph and Abu-Mostafa, Yaser (1997) Monotonicity: Theory and Implementation ; ISBN 978-1-4612-7383-7; Intelligent Methods in Signal Processing and Communications; 129-146; 10.1007/978-1-4612-2018-3_6
Sill, Joseph and Abu-Mostafa, Yaser S. (1997) Monotonicity Hints ; ISBN 0-262-10065-7; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9 (NIPS 1996); 634-640