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- Shimojo, Shinsuke (2019) Implicit Processes are Dynamic and Interactive; i-Perception; Vol. 10; No. S3; 16; 10.1177/2041669519877985
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- Stiles, Noelle R. B. and Shimojo, Shinsuke (2015) Auditory Sensory Substitution is Intuitive and Automatic with Texture Stimuli; Scientific Reports; Vol. 5; Art. No. 15628; PMCID PMC4615028; 10.1038/srep15628
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- Chib, Vikram S. and Shimojo, Shinsuke, el al. (2014) The Effects of Incentive Framing on Performance Decrements for Large Monetary Outcomes: Behavioral and Neural Mechanisms; Journal of Neuroscience; Vol. 34; No. 45; 14833-14844; PMCID PMC6608373; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1491-14.2014
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- Shimojo, Shinsuke (2014) Postdiction: its implications on visual awareness, hindsight, and sense of agency; Frontiers in Psychology; Vol. 5; Art. No. 196; PMCID PMC3978293; 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00196
- Lee, Sang Wan and Shimojo, Shinsuke, el al. (2014) Neural Computations Underlying Arbitration between Model-Based and Model-free Learning; Neuron; Vol. 81; No. 3; 687-699; PMCID PMC3968946; 10.1016/j.neuron.2013.11.028
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- Yun, K. and Shimojo, S. (2013) EEG effective connectivity neurofeedback training increases sound-induced visual illusion; Perception; Vol. 39; No. S; 232; 10.1068/v130549
- Liao, Hsin-I and Wu, Daw-An, el al. (2013) Cortical stimulation consolidates and reactivates visual experience: neural plasticity from magnetic entrainment of visual activity; Scientific Reports; Vol. 3; Art. No. 2228; PMCID PMC3714647; 10.1038/srep02228
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- Changizi, Mark A. and Shimojo, Shinsuke (2008) A functional explanation for the effects of visual exposure on preference; Perception; Vol. 37; No. 10; 1510-1519; 10.1068/p6012
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