Schwab, Keith
- Mukasa, Daniel (2025) Computational Design of Wearable Chemical Sensors for Personalized Healthcare; 10.7907/r46k-sw73
- Akbari, Hamidreza (2024) Characterization and Tuning of Quantum Emitters in Hexagonal Boron Nitride; 10.7907/qz1v-3696
- Kaifu, Hiroki (2024) Structural and Dynamical Correlations Linked to Smaller Thermal Resistance at a Classical Liquid/Solid Interface; 10.7907/4z6h-v265
- De Rose, Lucía Belén (2023) Nanoscale Field Emission Devices for High-Temperature and High-Frequency Operation; 10.7907/8qa5-kn97
- Hirokawa, Soichi (2023) Dynamics of Protein-Mediated Polymer Coupling and their Implications in Antibody Production and Emergent Patterning; 10.7907/fpmm-a552
- Date, Aditya Ghanashyam (2023) Coupled Oscillators with Generalized Dissipation; 10.7907/nky2-p424
- Phelan, Megan Elisabeth (2023) Optimization of Photovoltaic Performance for Luminescent Solar Concentrator Systems; 10.7907/aqhb-s069
- Quine, Cullen Mackenzie (2023) Tunability of Gas Adsorption Enthalpies in Carbonaceous Materials for Energy-Related Applications; 10.7907/r5ad-1j85
- Saunders, Claire Nicole (2022) Thermal Behavior of Cuprous Oxide: a Comprehensive Study of Three-Body Phonon Effects and Beyond; 10.7907/mate-2v65
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- Ardizzi, Anthony Joseph (2022) Self-Heating of HEMT Low-Noise Amplifiers in Liquid Cryogenic Environments and the Limits of Microwave Noise Performance; 10.7907/9va8-tc64
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- Corona, Sydney Lea (2022) Emerging Evidence of a Second Glass Phase in Strong to Ultra-Fragile Bulk Metallic Glass-Forming Liquids; 10.7907/9bvb-2d78
- Rochman, Jake Herschel Lebi (2022) Microwave-to-Optical Transduction Using Rare-Earth Ions; 10.7907/4h2f-wj87
- Jahelka, Phillip Robert (2022) Progress in Low-Cost Gallium Arsenide Solar Cells; 10.7907/btbp-6h76
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- Kennedy, Kathleen Marie (2021) Renewable Energy Generation and Storage: From Microwires to Macro-Energy Systems; 10.7907/nsmj-tq29
- Herriman, Jane Elizabeth (2020) Phonon Thermodynamics and Elastic Behavior of GaN and GaAs at High Temperatures and Pressures; 10.7907/HJ36-P349
- Albertson, Theodore Glenn (2020) Simulations of Conic Cusp Formation, Growth, and Instability in Electrified Viscous Liquid Metals on Flat and Curved Surfaces; 10.7907/thhf-5478
- Allmaras, Jason Paul (2020) Modeling and Development of Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors; 10.7907/wgak-vs11
- Helou, Bassam Mohamad (2019) Testing Alternative Theories of Quantum Mechanics with Optomechanics, and Effective Modes for Gaussian Linear Optomechanics; 10.7907/KJ1K-9268
- Mauser, Kelly Ann Weekley (2019) Resonant Thermoelectric Nanophotonics: Applications in Spectral and Thermal Sensing; 10.7907/0HJF-X691
- Kim, Laura (2019) Novel Light Emitting Mechanisms Originating from Graphene Plasmons Near and Far from Equilibrium; 10.7907/1CDC-HV37
- Yang, Fred Chae-Reem (2019) High Temperature Electron-Phonon and Magnon-Phonon Interactions; 10.7907/1KP5-CJ98
- Whitney, William Schuyler (2019) Electrically-Tunable Light-Matter Interactions in Quantum Materials; 10.7907/KKB7-KN62
- Korth, William Zachary (2019) Mitigating Noise in Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors; 10.7907/4H7V-W213
- Bukowsky, Colton Robert (2019) Scalable Nanophotonic Light Management Design for Solar Cells; 10.7907/J5FG-1B48
- Fleischman, Dagny (2019) Nanophotonic Structures: Fundamentals and Applications in Narrowband Transmission Color Filtering; 10.7907/RA1G-GS84
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- Bartolotta, Anthony Leo (2018) The Union of Quantum Field Theory and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics; 10.7907/F7VT-7X41
- Kim, Dongwan (2018) Frequency Noise Control of Heterogeneous Si/III-V Lasers ; 10.7907/Z90Z71G6
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- Pang, Belinda Heyun (2018) Theoretical Foundations for Quantum Measurement in a General Relativistic Framework; 10.7907/dfyy-y188
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- Lei, Chan U (2017) Circuit Cavity Electromechanics in the Quantum Regime; 10.7907/Z93T9F6W
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- De Lorenzo, Laura Anne (2016) Optomechanics with Superfluid Helium-4; 10.7907/Z9RJ4GD7
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- Weinstein, Aaron Jacob (2016) Quantum Electromechanics with Two Tone Drive; 10.7907/Z95M63MJ
- Chen, Christopher Tien (2016) Heteroepitaxy of Group IV and Group III-V semiconductor alloys for photovoltaic applications; 10.7907/Z9KW5CX0
- Nandi, Debaleena (2016) Coulomb Drag and Tunneling Studies in Quantum Hall Bilayers; 10.7907/Z97H1GG0
- Emmer, Hal S. (2016) Paths Towards High Efficiency Silicon Photovoltaics; 10.7907/Z9RV0KN6
- Mauger, Lisa Mary (2015) The Phonon Thermodynamics of Iron and Cementite; 10.7907/Z9TQ5ZH3
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- Lan, Tian (2014) Studies of Phonon Anharmonicity in Solids; 10.7907/AB7A-FP25
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- Li, Jiang (2013) Nonlinear Optics in Planar Silica-on-Silicon Disk Resonators; 10.7907/20G7-EM85
- Hong, Ting (2013) Brownian Thermal Noise in Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors and Single Photon Optomechanics; 10.7907/B83T-7730
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- Chen, Tong (2013) Ultralow-Loss Silica Resonators and Waveguides on a Silicon Chip; 10.7907/QBR4-3980
- Burgos, Stanley P. (2013) Coupled Plasmonic Systems and Devices: Applications in Visible Metamaterials, Nanophotonic Circuits, and CMOS Imaging; 10.7907/N2JK-5318
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- Moore, David Craig (2012) A Search for Low-Mass Dark Matter with the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search and the Development of Highly Multiplexed Phonon-Mediated Particle Detectors; 10.7907/X8JD-4R90
- Suh, Junho (2011) Coupled Dynamics of a Nanomechanical Resonator and Superconducting Quantum Circuits; 10.7907/99JV-AF45
- Eichenfield, Matthew S. (2010) Cavity Optomechanics in Photonic and Phononic Crystals: Engineering the Interaction of Light and Sound at the Nanoscale; 10.7907/8Q52-8C38
- Rosenberg, Jessie C. (2010) Applications of Micro/Nanoscale Optical Resonators: Plasmonic Photodetectors and Double-Disk Cavity Optomechanics; 10.7907/GA8B-F134
- Ward, Robert Lawrence (2010) Length Sensing and Control of a Prototype Advanced Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detector; 10.7907/20SX-2935
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- Michael, Christopher Paul (2009) Optical Material Characterization Using Microdisk Cavities; 10.7907/G2P2-DY72