Saleeby, Jason B.
- Saleeby, Jason Brian (2023) Structure, Petrology and Geochronology of the Kings-Kaweah Mafic-Ultramafic Belt, Southwestern Sierra Nevada Foothills, California
- Attia, Snir and Paterson, Scott R., el al. (2021) Detrital zircon provenance and depositional links of Mesozoic Sierra Nevada intra-arc strata; Geosphere; Vol. 17; No. 5; 1422-1453; 10.1130/ges02296.1
- Rautela, Ojashvi and Chapman, Alan D., el al. (2020) In search for the missing arc root of the Southern California Batholith: P-T-t evolution of upper mantle xenoliths of the Colorado Plateau Transition Zone; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 547; Art. No. 116447; 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116447
- Chapman, Alan D. and Riggs, Nancy, el al. (2019) Tectonic development of the Colorado Plateau Transition Zone, central Arizona: Insights from lower lithosphere xenoliths and volcanic host rocks; ISBN 9780813756554; Geologic Excursions in Southwestern North America; 209-235; 10.1130/2019.0055(09)
- Saleeby, Jason and Saleeby, Zorka (2019) Late Cenozoic structure and tectonics of the southern Sierra Nevada–San Joaquin Basin transition, California; Geosphere; Vol. 15; No. 4; 1164-1205; 10.1130/GES02052.1
- Quinn, D. P. and Saleeby, J. B., el al. (2018) Late‐Cretaceous construction of the mantle lithosphere beneath the central California coast revealed by Crystal Knob xenoliths; Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems; Vol. 19; No. 9; 3302-3346; 10.1029/2017GC007260
- Sun, Daoyuan and Gurnis, Michael, el al. (2017) A dipping, thick segment of the Farallon Slab beneath Central US; Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth; Vol. 122; No. 4; 2911-2928; 10.1002/2016JB013915
- Sousa, Francis J. and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (2017) The southern Sierra Nevada pediment, central California; Geosphere; Vol. 13; No. 1; 82-101; 10.1130/GES01369.1
- Chapman, Alan D. and Wood, David J., el al. (2017) Late Cretaceous to early Neogene tectonic development of the southern Sierra Nevada region, California; ISBN 9780813756455; Field Excursions in Southern California: Field Guides to the 2016 GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting; 187-228; 10.1130/2017.0045(05)
- Saleeby, Jason and Saleeby, Zorka, el al. (2016) Sediment provenance and dispersal of Neogene–Quaternary strata of the southeastern San Joaquin Basin and its transition into the southern Sierra Nevada, California; Geosphere; Vol. 12; No. 6; 1744-1773; 10.1130/GES01359.1
- Sousa, Francis J. and Farley, Kenneth A., el al. (2016) Eocene activity on the Western Sierra Fault System and its role incising Kings Canyon, California; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 439; 29-38; 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.01.020
- Nadin, Elisabeth Sophia and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (2016) Thermal evolution of the Sierra Nevada batholith, California, and implications for strain localization; Geosphere; Vol. 12; No. 2; 377-399; 10.1130/GES01224.1
- Cao, Wenrong and Paterson, Scott, el al. (2016) Bulk arc strain, crustal thickening, magma emplacement, and mass balances in the Mesozoic Sierra Nevada arc; Journal of Structural Geology; Vol. 84; 14-30; 10.1016/j.jsg.2015.11.002
- Goebel, T. H. W. and Hosseini, S. M., el al. (2016) Wastewater disposal and earthquake swarm activity at the southern end of the Central Valley, California; Geophysical Research Letters; Vol. 43; No. 3; 1092-1099; 10.1002/2015GL066948
- Saleeby, Jason and Dunne, George (2015) Temporal and tectonic relations of early Mesozoic arc magmatism, southern Sierra Nevada, California; ISBN 9780813725130; Late Jurassic Margin of Laurasia–A Record of Faulting Accommodating Plate Rotation; 223-268; 10.1130/2015.2513(05)
- Ducea, Mihai N. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2015) The Architecture, Chemistry, and Evolution of Continental Magmatic Arcs; Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Vol. 43; 299-331; 10.1146/annurev-earth-060614-105049
- Cecil, M. Robinson and Saleeby, Z., el al. (2014) Pliocene–Quaternary subsidence and exhumation of the southeastern San Joaquin Basin, California, in response to mantle lithosphere removal; Geosphere; Vol. 10; No. 1; 129-147; 10.1130/GES00882.1
- Hall, Clarence A. and Saleeby, Jason B. (2013) Salinia revisited: a crystalline nappe sequence lying
above the Nacimiento fault and dispersed along the
San Andreas fault system, central California; International Geology Review; Vol. 55; No. 13; 1575-1615; 10.1080/00206814.2013.825141
- Chapman, Alan D. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2013) Slab flattening trigger for isotopic disturbance and magmatic flare-up in the southernmost Sierra Nevada batholith, California; Geology; Vol. 41; No. 9; 1007-1010; 10.1130/G34445.1
- Le Pourhiet, Laetitia and Saleeby, Jason (2013) Lithospheric convective instability could induce creep along part of the San Andreas fault; Geology; Vol. 41; No. 9; 999-1002; 10.1130/G34244.1
- Clemens-Knott, Diane and van der Kolk, Dolores A., el al. (2013) The Goldstein Peak Formation, central California: Record of a nonmarine intra-arc basin within the Early Cretaceous Sierra Nevada arc; Geosphere; Vol. 9; No. 4; 718-735; 10.1130/GES00886.1
- Kidder, Steven B. and Herman, Frédéric, el al. (2013) Shear heating not a cause of inverted metamorphism; Geology; Vol. 41; No. 8; 899-902; 10.1130/G34289.1
- Brownlee, Sarah J. and Hacker, Bradley R., el al. (2013) Seismic anisotropy as a constraint on composition in the lower crust; Mineralogical Magazine; Vol. 77; No. 5; 781; 10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.2
- Saleeby, J. and Saleeby, Z., el al. (2013) Epeirogenic transients related to mantle lithosphere removal in the southern Sierra Nevada region, California: Part II. Implications of rock uplift and basin subsidence relations; Geosphere; Vol. 9; No. 3; 394-425; 10.1130/GES00816.1
- Clemens-Knott, Diane and Saleeby, Jason B. (2013) Mesozoic metasedimentary framework and gabbroids of the Early Cretaceous Sierra Nevada batholith, California; ISBN 9780813700328; Geologic excursions from Fresno, California, and the Central Valley: a tour of California's iconic geology; 79-98; 10.1130/2013.0032(05)
- Saleeby, Jason and Saleeby, Zorka, el al. (2013) From deep to modern time along the western Sierra Nevada Foothills of California, San Joaquin to Kern River drainages; ISBN 9780813700328; Geologic excursions from Fresno, California, and the Central Valley: a tour of California's iconic geology; 37-62; 10.1130/2013.0032(03)
- Saleeby, Jason and Saleeby, Zorka (2013) Detrital zircon U/Pb ages of upper Miocene to Pleistocene strata of the SE San Joaquin Basin (SJB) in comparison to zircon age patterns of the southern Sierra Nevada Batholith (SNB); implications for late Cenozoic sediment provenance and dispersal patterns; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 45; No. 6; 66
- Jones, Craig H. and Saleeby, Jason B. (2013) Introduction: Geodynamics and Consequences of Lithospheric Removal in the Sierra Nevada, California; Geosphere; Vol. 9; No. 2; 188-190; 10.1130/GES00907.1
- Hatcher, Robert D., Jr. and Karlstrom, Karl E., el al. (2013) Transcontinental geologic section through the North American Plate near 36° latitude; Atlantic Ocean crust to Pacific Ocean crust; a tribute to Bill Muehlberger; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 45; No. 3; 14
- Saleeby, J. and Le Pourhiet, L., el al. (2012) Epeirogenic transients related to mantle lithosphere removal in
the southern Sierra Nevada region, California, part I:
Implications of thermomechanical modeling; Geosphere; Vol. 8; No. 6; 1286-1309; 10.1130/GES00746.1
- Cecil, M. Robinson and Saleeby, Zorka, el al. (2012) 6 Ma subsidence and exhumation of the southeastern San Joaquin Basin, California, in response to mantle lithosphere removal; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 44; No. 7; 489
- Le Pourhiet, Laetitia and Saleeby, Jason B. (2012) The Plio-Quaternary uplift of the Sierra Nevada, mechanical causes and consequences; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 44; No. 7; 489-490
- Saleeby, Zorka and Cecil, M. Robinson, el al. (2012) Temporal relations of three dimensional mantle lithosphere delamination resolved in southeastern Great Valley's subsidence-uplift history, Sierra Nevada Microplate, California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 44; No. 7; 490
- Chapman, Alan D. and Ducea, Mihai N., el al. (2012) Igniting a magmatic flare-up; the Salinian Arc, Central California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 44; No. 7; 489
- Saleeby, Jason (2012) Late Cretaceous structure and tectonics of the California Great Valley (GV) forearc, and its relationships with the southern Sierra Nevada-Salinia supra-subduction zone core complex (SSCC); Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 44; No. 7; 490
- Cecil, M. R. and Rotberg, G. L., el al. (2012) Magmatic growth and batholithic root development
in the northern Sierra Nevada, California; Geosphere; Vol. 8; No. 3; 592-606; 10.1130/GES00729.1
- Chapman, Alan D. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2012) Late Cretaceous gravitational collapse of the southern Sierra Nevada batholith, California; Geosphere; Vol. 8; No. 2; 314-341; 10.1130/GES00740.1
- Chapman, Alan D. and Saleeby, Jason B. (2012) Geologic Map of the San Emigdio Mountains, Southern California
- Chapman, Alan D. and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (2011) Slab flattening trigger for isotopic disturbance and magmatic flare-up in the southernmost Sierra Nevada Batholith, California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 43; No. 5; 43
- Chapman, A. D. and Luffi, P. I., el al. (2011) Metamorphic evolution, partial melting and rapid exhumation
above an ancient flat slab: insights from the San Emigdio Schist, southern California; Journal of Metamorphic Geology; Vol. 29; No. 6; 601-626; 10.1111/j.1525-1314.2011.00932.x
- Saleeby, J. (2011) Geochemical mapping of the Kings-Kaweah ophiolite belt, California—Evidence for progressive mélange formation in a large offset transform-subduction initiation environment; ISBN 9780813724805; Mélanges: Processes of Formation and Societal Significance; 31-73; 10.1130/2011.2480(02)
- Chapman, Alan D. and Luffi, Peter I., el al. (2010) Partial melting, counterclockwise P-T path, and rapid exhumation above an ancient flat slab; insights from the San Emigdio Schist, Southern California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 42; No. 5; 627
- Chapman, Alan D. and Kidder, Steven, el al. (2010) Role of extrusion of the Rand and Sierra de Salinas schists in Late Cretaceous extension and rotation of the southern Sierra Nevada and vicinity; Tectonics; Vol. 29; Art. No. TC5006; 10.1029/2009TC002597
- Nadin, Elisabeth S. and Saleeby, Jason B. (2010) Quaternary reactivation of the Kern Canyon fault system, southern Sierra Nevada, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 122; No. 9-10; 1671-1685; 10.1130/B30009.1
- Saleeby, Zorka and Saleeby, Jason (2010) Erosional stripping of the southeastern San Joaquin Basin (SJB) margin off of the southern Sierra Nevada basement uplift; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 42; No. 4; 68
- Saleeby, Jason and Saleeby, Zorka, el al. (2010) Mid-Cretaceous regional exhumation of the Sierra Nevada-Great Valley Batholith and a possible tectonic driving mechanism; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 42; No. 4; 67
- Chapman, Alan D. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2010) Regional displacement analysis and palinspastic restoration of dispersed crustal fragments in the southern Sierra Nevada, California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 42; No. 4; 67
- Liu, Lijun and Gurnis, Michael, el al. (2010) The role of oceanic plateau subduction in the Laramide orogeny; Nature Geoscience; Vol. 3; No. 5; 353-357; 10.1038/NGEO829
- Saleeby, Jason and Chapman, Alan D., el al. (2010) Dispersal of southern Sierra Nevada Batholith (SNB) crustal fragments across and along the trace of the San Andreas Fault (SAF); what constitutes the central Salinia basement; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 42; No. 4; 43
- Mahéo, Gweltaz and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (2009) Tectonic control on southern Sierra Nevada topography, California; Tectonics; Vol. 28; No. 6; Art. No. TC6006; 10.1029/2008TC002340
- Liu, Lijun and Gurnis, M., el al. (2009) Oceanic plateau subduction beneath North America and its geological and geophysical implications; Eos; Vol. 90; No. 52; DI21A-1643
- Ernst, W. G. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2009) Guadalupe pluton–Mariposa Formation age relationships in the southern Sierran Foothills: Onset of Mesozoic subduction in northern California?; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 114; Art. No. B11204; 10.1029/2009JB006607
- Muehlberger, William R. and Karlstrom, Karl, el al. (2009) Transcontinental geologic cross section of the North American Plate near 36° latitude; Part I, Western U.S. from the Pacific oceanic crust to the Mid-Continent; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 41; No. 7; 131-132
- Saleeby, Jason and Saleeby, Zorka, el al. (2009) Origin and evolution of the White Wolf Fault and the Maricopa Basin (MB), southernmost Great Valley (GV), California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 41; No. 7; 180
- Ducea, Mihai N. and Kidder, Steven, el al. (2009) Tectonic underplating of trench sediments beneath magmatic arcs; the Laramide example in the Western U.S.A; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 41; No. 7; 589
- Saleeby, Zorka and Saleeby, Jason B. (2009) Pliocene cryptic subsidence followed by rapid Quaternary uplift in relation to mantle lithosphere removal, Kern Arch, eastern San Joaquin Basin (SJB), California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 41; No. 7; 180
- Chapman, Alan D. and Kidder, Steven, el al. (2009) Role of extrusion of The Rand and Sierra de Salinas schists in Late Cretaceous extension and rotation of the southern Sierra Nevada and vicinity; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 41; No. 7; 590
- Hatcher, Robert D., Jr. and Muehlberger, William R., el al. (2009) Transcontinental geologic cross section of the North American Plate near 36° latitude; Part II, Atlantic Ocean crust to the Mid-Continent; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 41; No. 7; 132
- Saleeby, J. and Saleeby, Z., el al. (2009) Step-over in the structure controlling the regional west tilt of the Sierra Nevada microplate: eastern escarpment system to Kern Canyon system; International Geology Review; Vol. 51; No. 7-8; 634-669; 10.1080/00206810902867773
- Ernst, W. G. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2009) Guadalupe Pluton-Mariposa Formation age relationships in the southern Sierran foothills; onset of late Mesozoic plate convergence in Northern California; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 41; No. 5; 32
- Luffi, Peter and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2009) Lithospheric mantle duplex beneath the central Mojave Desert revealed by xenoliths from Dish Hill, California; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 114; B03202; 10.1029/2008JB005906
- Ducea, Mihai N. and Kidder, Stephen, el al. (2009) Tectonic underplating of trench sediments beneath magmatic arcs: the central California example; International Geology Review; Vol. 51; No. 1; 1-26; 10.1080/00206810802602767
- Nadin, Elisabeth S. and Wong, Martin, el al. (2008) Paleo- stress and strain rates in an intra-arc strike-slip fault, Sierra Nevada, California; Eos; Vol. 89; No. 53; V33A-2207
- Muehlberger, William R. and Hatcher, Robert D., el al. (2008) Geologic Cross Section of the North American Plate near 36° Latitude, Part II: Atlantic Ocean Crust to 99° W Longitude; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 40; No. 6; 380
- Muehlberger, William R. and Karlstrom, Karl, el al. (2008) Geologic Cross Section of the North American Plate near 36° Latitude, Part I: Western U.S. from the Pacific Oceanic Crust to the Mid-Continent; Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America; Vol. 40; No. 6; 380
- Saleeby, J. and Ducea, M. N., el al. (2008) Chronology of Pluton Emplacement and Regional Deformation in the southern Sierra Nevada batholith, California; ISBN 978-0-8137-2438-6; Ophiolites, arcs, and batholiths : a tribute to Cliff Hopson; 397-427; 10.1130/2008.2438(14)
- Nadin, Elisabeth S. and Saleeby, Jason B. (2008) Disruption of regional primary structure of the Sierra Nevada batholith by the Kern Canyon fault system, California; ISBN 978-0-8137-2438-6; Ophiolites, arcs, and batholiths : a tribute to Cliff Hopson; 429-454; 10.1130/2008.2438(15)
- Saleeby, J. and Farley, K. A., el al. (2007) Thermal evolution and exhumation of deep-level batholithic exposures, southernmost Sierra Nevada, California; ISBN 978-0-8137-2419-5; Convergent margin terranes and associated regions : a tribute to W.G. Ernst; 39-66; 10.1130/2007.2419(02)
- Le Pourhiet, Laetitia and Gurnis, Michael, el al. (2006) Mantle instability beneath the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California and Death Valley extension; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 251; No. 1-2; 104-119; 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.08.028
- Clark, M. K. and Maheo, G., el al. (2006) The non-equilibrium landscape of the Sierra Nevada, California: Reply; GSA Today; Vol. 16; No. 3; e11-e12; 10.1130/GSATOFe11
- Brady, Robert J. and Ducea, Mihai N., el al. (2006) The distribution of radiogenic heat production as a function of depth in the Sierra Nevada batholith, California; Lithos; Vol. 86; No. 3-4; 229-244; 10.1016/j.lithos.2005.06.003
- Yule, J. Douglas and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (2006) A rift-edge facies of the Late Jurassic Rogue–Chetco arc and Josephine ophiolite, Klamath Mountains, Oregon; ISBN 9780813724102; Geological studies in the Klamath Mountains province, California and Oregon: a volume in honor of William P. Irwin; 53-76; 10.1130/2006.2410(03)
- Zeng, Lingsen and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2005) Geochemical characteristics of crustal anatexis during the formation of migmatite at the Southern Sierra Nevada, California; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 150; No. 4; 386-402; 10.1007/s00410-005-0010-2
- Clark, Marin K. and Maheo, Gweltaz, el al. (2005) The non-equilibrium landscape of the southern Sierra Nevada, California; GSA Today; Vol. 15; No. 9; 4-10
- Zeng, Lingsen and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2005) Coupling of anatectic reactions and dissolution of accessory phases and the Sr and Nd isotope systematics of anatectic melts from a metasedimentary source; Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; Vol. 69; No. 4; 3671-3682; 10.1016/j.gca.2005.02.035
- Lackey, Jade Star and Valley, John W., el al. (2005) Supracrustal input to magmas in the deep crust of Sierra Nevada batholith: Evidence from high-δ^(18)O zircon; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 235; No. 1-2; 315-330; 10.1016/j.epsl.2005.04.003
- Ducea, Mihai N. and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (2005) Subducted carbonates, metasomatism of mantle wedges, and possible connections to diamond formation: An example from California; American Mineralogist; Vol. 90; No. 5-6; 864-870
- Barbeau, David L., Jr. and Ducea, Mihai N., el al. (2005) U-Pb detrital-zircon geochronology of northern Salinian basement and cover rocks; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 117; No. 3-4; 466-481; 10.1130/B25496.1
- Yan, Zhimei and Clayton, Robert W., el al. (2005) Seismic refraction evidence for steep faults cutting highly attenuated continental basement in the central Transverse ranges, California; Geophysical Journal International; Vol. 160; No. 2; 651-666; 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02506.x
- Zeng, Lingsen and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (2005) Nd isotope disequilibrium during crustal anatexis: A record from the Goat Ranch migmatite complex, southern Sierra Nevada batholith, California; Geology; Vol. 33; No. 1; 53-56; 10.1130/G20831.1
- Zeng, Lingsen and Li, Haibing, el al. (2004) Limited migration of leucosomes in a migmatite and effects of progressive partial melting on strain partitioning; Acta Geologica Sinica; Vol. 78; No. 6; 752-757
- Zandt, George and Gilbert, Hersh, el al. (2004) Active foundering of a continental arc root beneath the southern Sierra Nevada in California; Nature; Vol. 431; No. 7004; 41-46; 10.1038/nature02847
- Saleeby, Jason and Foster, Zorka (2004) Topographic response to mantle lithosphere removal in the southern Sierra Nevada region, California; Geology; Vol. 32; No. 3; 245-248; 10.1130/G19958.1
- Saleeby, Jason and Ducea, Mihai, el al. (2003) Production and loss of high-density batholithic root, southern Sierra Nevada, California; Tectonics; Vol. 22; No. 6; Art. No. 1064; 10.1029/2002TC001374
- Saleeby, Jason (2003) Segmentation of the Laramide Slab—evidence from the southern Sierra Nevada region; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 115; No. 6; 655-668; 10.1130/0016-7606(2003)115<0655:SOTLSF>2.0.CO;2
- Butler, Robert F. and Gehrels, George E., el al. (2001) Paleomagnetism of the Duke Island, Alaska, ultramafic complex revisited; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 106; No. B9; 19259-19269; 10.1029/2001JB000531
- Niemi, Nathan A. and Wernicke, Brian P., el al. (2001) Distribution and provenance of the middle Miocene Eagle Mountain Formation, and implications for regional kinematic analysis of the Basin and Range province; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 113; No. 4; 419-442; 10.1130/0016-7606(2001)113<0419:DAPOTM>2.0.CO;2
- Tobisch, Othmar T. and Fiske, Richard S., el al. (2000) Steep tilting of metavolcanic rocks by multiple mechanisms, central Sierra Nevada, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 112; No. 7; 1043-1058; 10.1130/0016-7606(2000)112<1043:STOMRB>2.3.CO;2
- Rubin, Charles M. and Saleeby, Jason B. (2000) U-Pb geochronology of mid-Cretaceous and Tertiary plutons along the western edge of the Coast Mountains, Revillagigedo Island, and Portland Peninsula, southeast Alaska; ISBN 9780813723433; Tectonics of the Coast Mountains, Southeastern Alaska and British Columbia; 145-157; 10.1130/0-8137-2343-4.145
- Saleeby, Jason B. (2000) Geochronologic investigations along the Alexander-Taku terrane boundary, southern Revillagigedo Island to Cape Fox areas, southeast Alaska; ISBN 9780813723433; Tectonics of the Coast Mountains, southeastern Alaska and British Columbia; 107-143; 10.1130/0-8137-2343-4.107
- Clemens-Knott, Diane and Wolf, Michael B., el al. (2000) Middle Mesozoic plutonism and deformation in the western Sierra Nevada foothills, California; ISBN 9780813700021; Great Basin and Sierra Nevada; 205-221
- Clemens-Knott, Diane and Saleeby, Jason B. (1999) Impinging ring dike complexes in the Sierra Nevada batholith, California: Roots of the Early Cretaceous volcanic arc; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 111; No. 4; 484-496; 10.1130/0016-7606(1999)111<0484:IRDCIT>2.3.CO;2
- Ducea, Mihai and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (1999) Eclogitic Residues from beneath the Sierra Nevada Batholith; Similarities between the Extraction of Cordilleran and Archean Granitoids; Journal of Conference Abstracts; Vol. 4; No. 1; 791
- Saleeby, Jason (1999) On some aspects of the geology of the Sierra Nevada; ISBN 9780813723389; Classic Cordilleran concepts: a view from California; 173-184; 10.1130/0-8137-2338-8.173
- Saleeby, Jason (1999) The Sierra Nevada: Central California's arc; ISBN 9780813723389; Classic Cordilleran Concepts: A View from California; 161-172; 10.1130/0-8137-2338-8.161
- Niemi, N. A. and Wernicke, B. P., el al. (1999) Magnitude and Timing of Extreme Continental Extension, Central Death Valley Region, California
- Ducea, Mihai N. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1998) The age and origin of a thick mafic–ultramafic keel from beneath the Sierra Nevada batholith; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 133; No. 1-2; 169-185; 10.1007/s004100050445
- Shan, Gao and Ducea, Mihai N., el al. (1998) Lower crustal delamination and evolution of continental crust; Geological Journal of China Universities; Vol. 4; No. 3; 241-249
- Ducea, Mihai and Saleeby, Jason (1998) Crustal recycling beneath continental arcs: silica-rich glass inclusions in ultramafic xenoliths from the Sierra Nevada, California; Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Vol. 156; No. 1-2; 101-116; 10.1016/S0012-821X(98)00021-1
- Ducea, Mihai and Saleeby, Jason (1998) A case for delamination of the deep batholithic crust beneath the Sierra Nevada, California; International Geology Review; Vol. 40; No. 1; 78-93; 10.1080/00206819809465199
- Wood, David J. and Saleeby, Jason (1998) Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Extensional Collapse and Disaggregation of the Southernmost Sierra Nevada Batholith; ISBN 9780966586909; Integrated earth and environmental evolution of the southwestern United States: the Clarence A. Hall, Jr. volume; 289-325
- Ducea, Mihai and Saleeby, Jason (1998) A Case for Delamination of the Deep Batholithic Crust beneath the Sierra Nevada, California; ISBN 9780966586909; Integrated earth and environmental evolution of the southwestern United States: the Clarence A. Hall, Jr. volume; 273-288
- Wood, David J. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1997) Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Extensional Collapse and Disaggregation of the Southernmost Sierra Nevada Batholith; International Geology Review; Vol. 39; No. 11; 973-1009; 10.1080/00206819709465314
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1997) The Coast Range Ophiolite (CRO) debate is fraught with complimentarities and indeterminacy - a few examples; AAPG Bulletin; Vol. 81; No. 4; 692
- Ducea, Mihai N. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1996) Buoyancy sources for a large, unrooted mountain range, the Sierra Nevada, California: Evidence from xenolith thermobarometry; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 101; No. B4; 8229-8244; 10.1029/95JB03452
- Fliedner, Moritz M. and Ruppert, Stanley, el al. (1996) Three-dimensional crustal structure of the southern Sierra Nevada from seismic fan profiles and gravity modeling; Geology; Vol. 24; No. 4; 367-370; 10.1130/0091-7613(1996)024<0367:TDCSOT>2.3.CO;2
- Dickinson, William R. and Hopson, Clifford A., el al. (1996) Alternate origins of the Coast Range Ophiolite (California); introduction and implications; GSA Today; Vol. 6; No. 2; 1-10
- Wernicke, Brian and Clayton, Robert, el al. (1996) Origin of High Mountains in the Continents: The Southern Sierra Nevada; Science; Vol. 271; No. 5246; 190-193; 10.1126/science.271.5246.190
- Miller, M. Meghan and Saleeby, Jason B. (1995) U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircon from Upper Jurassic synorogenic turbidites, Galice Formation, and related rocks, western Klamath Mountains: Correlation and Klamath Mountains provenance; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 100; No. B9; 18045-18058; 10.1029/95JB00761
- Malin, P. E. and Goodman, E. D., el al. (1995) Significance of seismic reflections beneath a tilted exposure of deep continental crust, Tehachapi Mountains, California; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 100; No. B2; 2069-2087; 10.1029/94JB02127
- Tobisch, Othmar T. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (1995) Variations in deformation fields during development of a large-volume magmatic arc, central Sierra Nevada, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 107; No. 2; 148-166; 10.1130/0016-7606(1995)107<0148:VIDFDD>2.3.CO;2
- Wolf, Michael B. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1995) Late Jurassic dike swarms in the southwestern Sierra Nevada Foothills terrane, California: Implications for the Nevadan orogeny and North American plate motion; ISBN 9780813722993; Jurassic Magmatism and Tectonics of the North American Cordillera; 203-228; 10.1130/SPE299-p203
- Pickett, David A. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1994) Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic characteristics of Cretaceous intrusive rocks from deep levels of the Sierra Nevada batholith, Tehachapi Mountains, California; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 118; No. 2; 198-215; 10.1007/BF01052869
- Harper, Gregory D. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (1994) Formation and emplacement of the Josephine ophiolite and the Nevadan orogeny in the Klamath Mountains, California-Oregon: U/Pb zircon and ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar geochronology; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 99; No. B3; 4293-4321; 10.1029/93JB02061
- Saleeby, J. B. and Speed, R. C., el al. (1994) Tectonic evolution of the central U.S. Cordillera: A synthesis of the C1 and C2 Continent-Ocean Transects; ISBN 9780813753058; Phanerozoic evolution of North American continent-ocean transitions; 315-356
- Renne, Paul R. and Tobisch, Othmar T., el al. (1993) Thermochronologic record of pluton emplacement, deformation, and exhumation at Courtright shear zone, central Sierra Nevada, California; Geology; Vol. 21; No. 4; 331-334; 10.1130/0091-7613(1993)021<0331:TROPED>2.3.CO;2
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Busby, Cathy J. (1993) Paleogeographic and tectonic setting of axial and western metamorphic framework rocks of the southern Sierra Nevada, California; AAPG Bulletin; Vol. 77; No. 4; 714
- Tobisch, Othmar T. and Renne, Paul R., el al. (1993) Deformation resulting from regional extension during pluton ascent and emplacement, central Sierra Nevada, California; Journal of Structural Geology; Vol. 15; No. 3-5; 609-628; 10.1016/0191-8141(93)90151-Y
- Pickett, David A. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1993) Thermobarometric constraints on the depth of exposure and conditions of plutonism and metamorphism at deep levels of the Sierra Nevada Batholith, Tehachapi Mountains, California; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 98; No. B1; 609-629; 10.1029/92JB01889
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Harper, Gregory D. (1993) Tectonic relations between the Galice Formation and the Condrey Mountain Schist, Klamath Mountains, Northern California; ISBN 9781878861641; Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States II; 61-80
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Busby, Cathy (1993) Paleogeographic and tectonic setting of axial and western metamorphic framework rocks of the southern Sierra Nevada, California; ISBN 9781878861641; Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States II; 197-225
- McClelland, William C. and Gehrels, George E., el al. (1992) Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous basinal strata along the Cordilleran Margin: Implications for the accretionary history of the Alexander-Wrangellia-Peninsular Terrane; Tectonics; Vol. 11; No. 4; 823-835; 10.1029/92TC00241
- Wolf, Michael B. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1992) Jurassic Cordilleran dike swarm-shear zones: Implications for the Nevadan orogeny and North American plate motion; Geology; Vol. 20; No. 8; 745-748; 10.1130/0091-7613(1992)020<0745:JCDSSZ>2.3.CO;2
- Rubin, Charles M. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1992) Tectonic history of the eastern edge of the Alexander Terrane, southeast Alaska; Tectonics; Vol. 11; No. 3; 586-602; 10.1029/91TC02182
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1992) Age and tectonic setting of the Duke Island ultramafic intrusion, southeast Alaska; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 29; No. 3; 506-522; 10.1139/e92-044
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1992) Petrotectonic and paleogeographic settings of U.S. Cordilleran ophiolites; ISBN 9780813752174; The Cordilleran Orogen: Conterminous U.S.; 653-682; 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-G3.653
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Busby-Spera, Cathy, el al. (1992) Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the western U.S. Cordillera; ISBN 9780813752174; The Cordilleran Orogen: Conterminous U.S.; 107-168; 10.1130/DNAG-GNA-G3.107
- Rubin, C. M. and Saleeby, J. B. (1992) Thrust tectonics and Cretaceous intracontinental shortening in Southeast Alaska; ISBN 9780412438905; Thrust Tectonics; 407-417
- Rubin, Charles M. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1991) The Gravina Sequence: Remnants of a Mid-Mesozoic oceanic arc in southern southeast Alaska; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 96; No. B9; 14551-14568; 10.1029/91JB00591
- Rubin, Charles M. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1991) Tectonic framework of the upper Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic Alava sequence: a revised view of the polygenetic Taku terrane in southern southeast Alaska; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 28; No. 6; 881-893; 10.1139/e91-080
- Miller, M. Meghan and Saleeby, Jason (1991) Permian and Triassic Paleogeography of the Eastern Klamath Arc and Eastern Hayfork Subduction Complex, Klamath Mountains, California: Evidence from Lithotectonic Associations and Detrital Zircon; AAPG Bulletin; Vol. 75; No. 2; 375
- Miller, M. Meghan and Saleeby, Jason (1991) Continental detrital zircon in Carboniferous ensimatic arc rocks, Bragdon Formation, eastern Klamath terrane, northern California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 103; No. 2; 268-276; 10.1130/0016-7606(1991)103<0268:CDZICE>2.3.CO;2
- Miller, M. Meghan and Saleeby, Jason B. (1991) Permian and Triassic Palegeography of the Eastern Klamath Arc and Eastern Hayfork Subduction Complex, Klamath Mountains, California; ISBN 9781878861016; Paleozoic paleogeography of the Western United States II; 643-652
- Knott, Diane Clemens and Saleeby, J. B., el al. (1990) Petrology of the Early Cretaceous Sierra Nevada Batholith; the Stokes Mountain region, CA; Eos; Vol. 71; No. 43; 1576; 10.1029/EO071i043p01219
- Rubin, Charles M. and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (1990) Regionally extensive mid-Cretaceous west-vergent thrust system in the northwestern Cordillera: Implications for continent-margin tectonism; Geology; Vol. 18; No. 3; 276-280; 10.1130/0091-7613(1990)018<0276:REMCWV>2.3.CO;2
- Busby-Spera, Cathy J. and Saleeby, Jason (1990) Intra-arc strike-slip fault exposed at batholithic levels in the southern Sierra Nevada, California; Geology; Vol. 18; No. 3; 255-259; 10.1130/0091-7613(1990)018<0255:IASSFE>2.3.CO;2
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Kistler, Ronald W., el al. (1990) Middle Cretaceous silicic metavolcanic rocks in the Kings Canyon area, central Sierra Nevada, California; ISBN 9780813711744; The Nature and Origin of Cordilleran Magmatism; 251-270; 10.1130/MEM174-p251
- Saleeby, J. B. (1990) Accreted island arcs and cross-cutting batholithic belts of the North American Cordillera; Bulletin - New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources; Vol. 131; 232
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1990) Geochronological and tectonostratigraphic framework of Sierran-Klamath ophiolitic assemblages; ISBN 9780813722559; Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Paleogeographic Relations; Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains, and Related Terranes; 93-114; 10.1130/SPE255-p93
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1990) Progress in Tectonic and Petrogenetic Studies in an Exposed Cross-Section of Young (~100 Ma) Continental Crust, Southern Sierra Nevada, California; ISBN 978-94-010-6788-1; Exposed cross-sections of the continental crust; 137-158
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Geary, Edward E., el al. (1989) Isotopic systematics of Pb/U (zircon) and ^(40)Ar/^(39)Ar (biotite-hornblende) from rocks of the central Foothills terrane, Sierra Nevada, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 101; No. 11; 1481-1492; 10.1130/0016-7606(1989)101<1481:ISOPUZ>2.3.CO;2
- Saleeby, J. B. and Shaw, H. F., el al. (1989) U/Pb, Sm/Nd and Rb/Sr geochronological and isotopic study of Northern Sierra Nevada ophiolitic assemblages, California; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 102; No. 2; 205-220; 10.1007/BF00375341
- Tobisch, Othmar T. and Paterson, Scott R., el al. (1989) Nature and timing of deformation in the Foothills terrane, central Sierra Nevada, California: Its bearing on orogenesis; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 101; No. 3; 401-413; 10.1130/0016-7606(1989)101<0401:NATODI>2.3.CO;2
- Hanson, Richard E. and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (1988) Composite Devonian island-arc batholith in the northern Sierra Nevada, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 100; No. 3; 446-457; 10.1130/0016-7606(1988)100<0446:CDIABI>2.3.CO;2
- Sams, David B. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1988) Geology and petrotectonic significance of crystalline rocks of the southernmost Sierra Nevada, California; ISBN 9780135777190; Metamorphism and crustal evolution of the western United States; 866-893
- Hanson, R. Brooks and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (1987) Age and tectonic setting of Mesozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks, northern White Mountains, California; Geology; Vol. 15; No. 11; 1074-1078; 10.1130/0091-7613(1987)15<1074:AATSOM>2.0.CO;2
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Sams, David B., el al. (1987) U/Pb zircon, strontium, and oxygen isotopic and geochronological study of the southernmost Sierra Nevada Batholith, California; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 92; No. B10; 10443-10466; 10.1029/JB092iB10p10443
- Saleeby, Jason and Hannah, Judith L., el al. (1987) Isotopic age constraints on middle Paleozoic deformation in the northern Sierra Nevada, California; Geology; Vol. 15; No. 8; 757-760; 10.1130/0091-7613(1987)15<757:IACOMP>2.0.CO;2
- Shaw, H. F. and Chen, J. H., el al. (1987) Nd-Sr-Pb systematics and age of the Kings River ophiolite,
California: implications for depleted mantle evolution; Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology; Vol. 96; No. 3; 281-290; 10.1007/BF00371249
- Gehrels, George E. and Saleeby, Jason, el al. (1987) Geology of Annette, Gravina, and Duke islands, southeastern Alaska; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences; Vol. 24; No. 5; 866-881; 10.1139/e87-086
- Gehrels, George E. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1987) Geologic framework, tectonic evolution, and displacement history of the Alexander Terrane; Tectonics; Vol. 6; No. 2; 151-173; 10.1029/TC006i002p00151
- Gehrels, George S. and Saleeby, Jason B. (1987) Geology of southern Prince of Wales Island, southeastern Alaska; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 98; No. 2; 123-137; 10.1130/0016-7606(1987)98<123:GOSPOW>2.0.CO;2
- Barnes, Calvin G. and Allen, Charlotte M., el al. (1986) Open- and closed-system characteristics of a tilted plutonic system, Klamath Mountains, California; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 91; No. B6; 6073-6090; 10.1029/JB091iB06p06073
- Saleeby, Jason B. and Busby-Spera, C. (1986) Fieldtrip guide to the metamorphic framework rocks of the Lake Isabella area, southern Sierra Nevada, California
- Tobisch, Othmar T. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (1986) Structural history of continental volcanic arc rocks, eastern Sierra Nevada, California: A case for extensional tectonics; Tectonics; Vol. 5; No. 1; 65-94; 10.1029/TC005i001p00065
- Saleeby, J. B. (1986) Explanatory Text for the Continent-Ocean Transect: Corridor C2 Central California Offshore to the Colorado Plateau; ISBN 9780813754307; Central California Offshore to Colorado Plateau; 10.1130/DNAG-COT-C-2
- Harper, Gregory D. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (1985) Geometry and Tectonic Setting of Sea-Floor Spreading for the Josephine Ophiolite, and Implications for Jurassic Accretionary Events along the California Margin; ISBN 9780933687004; Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Circum-Pacific Region; 239-257; 10.7907/w2axx-rx979
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1984) Tectonic significance of serpentinite mobility and ophiolitic melange; ISBN 9780813721989; Melanges: their nature, origin, and significance; 153-168; 10.1130/SPE198-p153
- Blake, M. C., Jr. and Jayko, A. S., el al. (1984) Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of Magdalena Island, Baja California Sur; Geology of the Baja California Peninsula; 183-191
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1983) Accretionary Tectonics of the North American Cordillera; Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Vol. 11; 45-73; 10.1146/annurev.ea.11.050183.000401
- Ando, Clifford J. and Irwin, William P., el al. (1983) The ophiolitic North Fork terrane in the Salmon River region, central Klamath Mountains, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 94; No. 2; 236-252; 10.1130/0016-7606(1983)94<236:TONFTI>2.0.CO;2
- Saleeby, Jason (1983) Recognition and significance of boundary transforms and rift edges within island arc terranes of the western Sierra Nevada; Stanford University Publications. Geological Sciences; Vol. 18; 167-169
- Gehrels, George E. and Berg, Henry C., el al. (1983) Ordovician-Silurian volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits on the southern Prince of Wales Island and the barrier islands, southeastern Alaska
- Gehrels, George E. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (1983) Preliminary description of the Late Silurian-Early Devonian Klakas Orogeny in the southern Alexander terrane, southeastern Alaska
- Saleeby, Jason and Harper, Gregory D., el al. (1982) Time relations and structural-stratigraphic patterns in ophiolite accretion, west central Klamath Mountains, California; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B5; 3831-3848; 10.1029/JB087iB05p03831
- Saleeby, Jason B. (1982) Polygenetic ophiolite belt of the California Sierra Nevada: Geochronological and tectonostratigraphic development; Journal of Geophysical Research B; Vol. 87; No. B3; 1803-1824; 10.1029/JB087iB03p01803
- Snoke, Arthur W. and Sharp, Warren D., el al. (1982) Significance of mid-Mesozoic peridotitic to dioritic intrusive complexes, Klamath Mountains–western Sierra Nevada, California; Geology; Vol. 10; No. 3; 160-166; 10.1130/0091-7613(1982)10<160:SOMPTD>2.0.CO;2
- Saleeby, Jason (1981) Ocean floor accretion and volcanoplutonic arc evolution of the Mesozoic Sierra Nevada; ISBN 9780133539387; The Geotectonic Development of California; 132-181
- Saleeby, Jason and Sharp, Warren (1980) Chronology of the structural and petrologic development of the southwest Sierra Nevada foothills, California: Summary; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 91; No. 6; 317-320; 10.1130/0016-7606(1980)91<317:COTSAP>2.0.CO;2
- Saleeby, Jason and Sharp, Warren (1980) Chronology of the Structural and Petrologic Development of the Southwest Sierra Nevada Foothills, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 91; No. 6; 1416-1535; 10.1130/GSAB-P2-91-1416
- Moore, James G. and Nokleberg, Warren J., el al. (1979) Geologic guide to the Kings Canyon Highway, central Sierra Nevada, California
- Mack, Seymor and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (1979) Origin and Emplacement of the Academy Pluton, Fresno County, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 90; No. 4; 633-694; 10.1130/GSAB-P2-90-633
- Saleeby, Jason (1979) Kaweah serpentinite mélange, southwest Sierra Nevada foothills, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 90; No. 1; 29-46; 10.1130/0016-7606(1979)90<29:KSMSSN>2.0.CO;2
- Saleeby, J. and Goodin, S., el al. (1978) Early Mesozoic Paleotectonic-Paleogeographic Reconstruction of Southern Sierra Nevada Region; AAPG Bulletin; Vol. 62; No. 11; 2361-2362
- Saleeby, Jason (1978) Kings River ophiolite, southwest Sierra Nevada foothills, California; Geological Society of America Bulletin; Vol. 89; No. 4; 617-636; 10.1130/0016-7606(1978)89<617:KROSSN>2.0.CO;2
- Saleeby, Jason and Sharp, Warren (1978) Preliminary Report on the Behavior of U-Pb Zircon and K-Ar Systems in Polymetamorphosed Ophiolitic Rocks and Batholithic Rocks, Southwestern Sierra Nevada Foothills, California
- Saleeby, J. B. and Goodin, S. E., el al. (1978) Early Mesozoic paleotectonic-paleogeographic reconstruction of the southern Sierra Nevada region
- Saleeby, Jason and Chen, James H. (1978) Preliminary Report on Initial Lead and Strontium Isotopes from Ophiolitic and Batholithic Rocks Southwestern Foothills Sierra Nevada California
- Saleeby, Jason (1977) Fracture zone tectonics, continental margin fragmentation, and emplacement of the Kings-Kaweah ophiolite belt, Southwest Sierra Nevada, California; Bulletin - State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries; Vol. 95; 141-159
- Schweickert, Richard A. and Saleeby, Jason B., el al. (1977) Paleotectonic and paleogeographic significance of the Calaveras Complex, western Sierra Nevada, California