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- Love, Philip (1999) Bifurcations in Kolmogorov and Taylor-vortex flows; 10.7907/g2f3-s507
- Hill, David J. (1998) Part I. Vortex dynamics in wake models. Part II. Wave generation; 10.7907/81N1-6X49
- Prochazka, Aurelius (1997) Stability and structure of stretched vortices; 10.7907/sc0x-1g40
- Huang, Mei-Jiau (1994) Theoretical and computational studies of isotropic homogeneous turbulence; 10.7907/CQ2T-Z242
- Conley, Andrew (1994) New plane shear flows; 10.7907/T34K-J848
- Mudkavi, Vidyadhar Yogeshwar (1991) Numerical studies of nonlinear axisymmetric waves on vortex filaments; 10.7907/TMK2-ME89
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- Rom-Kedar, Vered (1989) Part I. An Analytical Study of Transport, Mixing and Chaos in an Unsteady Vortical Flow. Part II. Transport in Two Dimensional Maps; 10.7907/EH82-GA67
- Rotenberry, James Michael (1989) Effect of Compliant Boundaries on Weakly Nonlinear Shear Waves in Channel Flow; 10.7907/gva0-r175
- Schalit, Mark Alan (1989) Oscillating-Field Current-Drive Schemes for Tokamaks; 10.7907/xjrw-pq56
- Soibelman, Israel (1989) A Study of Finite Amplitude Bifurcations in Plane Poiseuille Flow; 10.7907/2xg0-5q97
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- Stone, Howard Alvin (1988) Dynamics of Drop Deformation and Breakup in Time-Dependent Flows at Low Reynolds Numbers; 10.7907/ER01-9F37
- Kang, In Seok (1988) Bubble Dynamics and Breakup in Straining Flows; 10.7907/y91q-ff03
- Schatzle, Paul Russell (1987) An Experimental Study of Fusion of Vortex Rings; 10.7907/KK00-ZJ41
- Kamm, James Russell (1987) Shape and Stability of Two-Dimensional Uniform Vorticity Regions; 10.7907/NW61-5178
- Landman, Michael J. (1987) New Solutions of an Amplitude Equation Describing Transition in a Laminar Shear Flow; 10.7907/CYPP-D856
- Zufiria, Juan Antonio (1987) Part I: Symmetry Breaking of Water Waves. Part II: On the Superharmonic Instability of Surface Water Waves; 10.7907/4JDZ-9Y53
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- Naughton, Michael John (1986) On Numerical Boundary Conditions for the Navier-Stokes Equations; 10.7907/3QDE-CB55
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- Henshaw, William Douglas (1985) Part I. The Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws. Part II. Composite Overlapping Grid Techniques; 10.7907/kz0y-2j77
- Stanley, Elizabeth Ann (1985) Diffusion in Glassy Polymers; 10.7907/pjzx-hb67
- Fier, Jeffrey Michael (1985) Part I. Fold Continuation and the Flow Between Rotating, Coaxial Disks. Part II. Equilibrium Chaos. Part III. A Mesh Selection Algorithm for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems; 10.7907/cs9b-ft10
- Henderson, Michael Edwin (1985) Complex Bifurcation; 10.7907/JF82-1T64
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