Roth, Dana Lincoln
Roth, Dana L. (2023) Comparing electronic databases: How many are enough?
Wrublewski, Donna and Roth, Dana L. (2015) Random walk through polymer information retrieval
Roth, Dana L. (2015) Several Centuries of Centrality ; ACS Central Science; Vol. 1; No. 3; 103-105; PMCID PMC4827472; 10.1021/acscentsci.5b00198
Newton, Jennifer and Roth, Dana Lincoln (2014) Dana Roth: Reaching out from the library ; Chemistry World
Roth, Dana L. (2014) Citation Searching: Alternatives to the Web of Science
Roth, Dana L. (2014) Collection Evaluation in a World of Shrinking Budgets : a Measures Toolkit for Librarians
Wrublewski, Donna T. and Porter, George S., el al. (2014) On the fly collection development to support emergent energy research initiatives
Roth, Dana L. (2014) Non-Patent Primary Literature: Journals, Conference Papers, Reports, Abstracts and Preprints ; ISBN 978-1-84973-551-3; Chemical Information for Chemists: A Primer; 31-52; 10.1039/9781782620655-00029
Roth, Dana L. (2014) Commercial Availability, Safety, and Hazards ; ISBN 978-1-84973-551-3; Chemical Information for Chemists: A Primer; 184-205; 10.1039/9781782620655-00184
Roth, Dana Lincoln (2011) Chemical Engineering ; ISBN 978-1-4398-5002-2; Using the Engineering Literature; 111-127; 10.1201/b11072-8
Roth, Dana L. (2010) The Future of Librarianship in Science and Technology Libraries ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 64; No. Issue; 6-9
Roth, Dana Lincoln (2009) Reference Checking in a Web World; A Reference Librarian's Trek Through Sci-Tech and News Sources ; Searcher; Vol. 17; No. 2; 22-31
Roth, Dana L. (2008) Literature Searching Methodology ; ISBN 9780471976707; Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry : applications, theory, and instrumentation; 1-19; 10.1002/9780470027318.a8104.pub2
Roth, Dana L. (2008) Web-accessible Chemical Compound Information ; Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries; Vol. 5; No. 3; 228-242; 10.1080/15424060802222380
Roth, Dana L. (2008) FRPAA and NIH Mandate : A Blessing in Disguise for Scientific Society Publishers? ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 28; No. 3; 247-253; 10.1300/01942620802098800
Roth, Dana L. (2007) Information Sources in Crystallography
Michaelson, Robert C. and Ren, Anna Wu, el al. (2007) Science and Engineering Serials: Issues and Challenges in the Electronic Environment ; ISBN 9780838984154; Perspectives on Serials in the Hybrid Environment; 37-52
Douglas, Kimberly and Roth, Dana L. (2006) Looming Threats to Society Journals
Roth, Dana L. (2006) Chemical Engineering ; ISBN 0824729641; Using the Engineering Literature; 120-141
Roth, Dana L. (2006) Value and Quality Measures for Physics Journals
Roth, Dana L. (2006) Value and Quality Measures for Chemistry Research Journals
Roth, Dana L. (2006) Outside of the box: Non-traditional interactions
Roth, Dana L. (2006) Exchange rate profiteering and cost-effectiveness of physics journals - 2006 Update
Roth, Dana L. (2005) The emergence of competitors to the Science Citation Index and the Web of Science ; Current Science; Vol. 89; No. 9; 1531-1536
Roth, Dana L. (2005) SPRESIweb 2.1, a Selective Chemical Synthesis and Reaction Database ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 45; No. 5; 1470-1473; 10.1021/ci050274b
Roth, Dana L. (2005) Cost/page and cost/page/impact factor data for selected mathematics journals.
Roth, Dana L. (2005) Better understanding users in a research setting.
Roth, Dana L. (2005) Subscription costs, exchange rates, and cost/page/impact factor data for selected organic and inorganic chemistry journals
Roth, Dana L. (2004) Exchange rate profiteering and cost-effectiveness of physics journals - 2004 Update
Roth, Dana L. (2004) Electrochemical Journals, AIP's Scitation, Cost-Effectiveness
Roth, Dana L. (2004) The Merck Index 13.2 Online
Roth, Dana L. (2003) Exchange rate profiteering and cost-effectiveness of physics journals.
Roth, Dana L. (2003) ChemINDEX Database; The Professional's Version of ChemFinder.Com
Douglas, Kimberly and Roth, Dana L., el al. (2002) E-Choice option for Elsevier's Science/Direct
Roth, Dana L. (2002) Differential Pricing and Exchange Rate Profits
Roth, Dana Lincoln (2002) Chemistry Journals: Cost-Effectiveness, Seminal Titles and Exchange Rate Profiteering ; ISBN 0789021781; Scholarly communication in science and engineering research in higher education; 59-70; 10.1300/J122v22n03_07
Roth, Dana L. (2002) Chemistry Journals: Cost-Effectiveness, Seminal Titles and Exchange Rate Profiteering ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 22; No. 3-4; 59-70; 10.1300/J122v22n03_07
Roth, Dana L. (2002) Chemistry Journals : Cost-Effectiveness, Seminal Titles and Exchange Rate Profiteering ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 22; No. 3-4; 59-70; 10.1300/J122v22n03_07
Roth, Dana L. and Douglas, Kimberly (2001) Electronic Chemistry Publishing: A Librarian's Perspective
Roth, D. L. and Michaelson, R. (2000) Recovered Palimpsests ; Mathematical Intelligencer; Vol. 22; No. 1; 5-6; 10.1007/BF03024440
Johnson, Richard and Roth, Dana L. (1999) Journal Economics ; Science; Vol. 283; No. 5398; 33; 10.1126/science.283.5398.33b
Roth, Dana L. (1998) Caveat chemicus: practical guidance to searching Chemical Abstracts ; Searcher; Vol. 6; No. 3; 12
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1998) Merck Index - 12th Edition on CD-ROM - for the Macintosh ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 38; No. 1; 82-83; 10.1021/ci970349e
Douglas, Kimberly and Roth, Dana L. (1997) TOC/DOC: "It Has Changed the Way I Do Science" ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 16; No. 3/4; 131-145; 10.1300/J122v16n03_09
Roth, Dana L. (1995) Computer Software Reviews. BioAlmanac [CD-ROM] ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 35; No. 1; 165-165; 10.1021/ci00023a025
Roth, Dana L. (1994) IUPACSEARCH 1.0 (for DOS) ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 34; No. 3; 691-691; 10.1021/ci00019a610
Roth, Dana L. (1993) Computer Software Reviews. Pro-Cite for the Macintosh, Version 2.0 ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 33; No. 1; 179; 10.1021/ci00011a601
Roth, Dana L. (1990) The Serials Crisis Revisited ; The Serials Librarian; Vol. 18; No. 1/2; 123-129
Roth, Dana L. (1989) Extending the Online Catalog
Roth, Dana L. (1987) Format-Dependent and National Abstracts/Indexes in a Science Library ; Database Searcher; Vol. 3; No. 2; 20-23
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1981) To classify or not to classify ... a rejoinder ; The Serials Librarian; Vol. 5; No. 1; 83-85; 10.1300/J123v05n01_10
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1979) Searching the chemical literature ; Journal of the American Society for Information Science; Vol. 30; No. 6; 372; 10.1002/asi.4630300617
Roth, Dana L. and Cosgriff, John C., el al. (1976) Reducing Library Costs ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 30; No. 1; 9-9
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1975) STN Index Series, No.1: Element Index ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 29; No. 2; 54-55
Roth, Dana L. (1974) The Caltech Science Library Catalog Supplement ; Journal of Library Automation; Vol. 7; No. 2; 145-147
Roth, Dana L. (1974) The needs of library users ; UNESCO bulletin for libraries; Vol. 28; No. 2; 92-95
Roth, Dana L. (1974) Caltech's Computerized Information Services ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 28; No. 1-3; 37-37
Roth, Dana L. (1972) Scientific Serial Lists ; Joumal of Library Automation; Vol. 5; No. 1; 51-57
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1970) COM and the Caltech Serials List ; Bulletin - Special Libraries Association, Southern California Chapter; Vol. 32; No. 1; 11-13