Roth, Dana Lincoln
Roth, Dana L. (2015) Several Centuries of Centrality ; ACS Central Science; Vol. 1; No. 3; 103-105; PMCID PMC4827472; 10.1021/acscentsci.5b00198
Newton, Jennifer and Roth, Dana Lincoln (2014) Dana Roth: Reaching out from the library ; Chemistry World
Roth, Dana L. (2010) The Future of Librarianship in Science and Technology Libraries ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 64; No. Issue; 6-9
Roth, Dana Lincoln (2009) Reference Checking in a Web World; A Reference Librarian's Trek Through Sci-Tech and News Sources ; Searcher; Vol. 17; No. 2; 22-31
Roth, Dana L. (2008) FRPAA and NIH Mandate : A Blessing in Disguise for Scientific Society Publishers? ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 28; No. 3; 247-253; 10.1300/01942620802098800
Roth, Dana L. (2008) Web-accessible Chemical Compound Information ; Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries; Vol. 5; No. 3; 228-242; 10.1080/15424060802222380
Roth, Dana L. (2005) The emergence of competitors to the Science Citation Index and the Web of Science ; Current Science; Vol. 89; No. 9; 1531-1536
Roth, Dana L. (2005) SPRESIweb 2.1, a Selective Chemical Synthesis and Reaction Database ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 45; No. 5; 1470-1473; 10.1021/ci050274b
Roth, Dana L. (2002) Chemistry Journals: Cost-Effectiveness, Seminal Titles and Exchange Rate Profiteering ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 22; No. 3-4; 59-70; 10.1300/J122v22n03_07
Roth, Dana L. (2002) Chemistry Journals : Cost-Effectiveness, Seminal Titles and Exchange Rate Profiteering ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 22; No. 3-4; 59-70; 10.1300/J122v22n03_07
Roth, D. L. and Michaelson, R. (2000) Recovered Palimpsests ; Mathematical Intelligencer; Vol. 22; No. 1; 5-6; 10.1007/BF03024440
Johnson, Richard and Roth, Dana L. (1999) Journal Economics ; Science; Vol. 283; No. 5398; 33; 10.1126/science.283.5398.33b
Roth, Dana L. (1998) Caveat chemicus: practical guidance to searching Chemical Abstracts ; Searcher; Vol. 6; No. 3; 12
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1998) Merck Index - 12th Edition on CD-ROM - for the Macintosh ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 38; No. 1; 82-83; 10.1021/ci970349e
Douglas, Kimberly and Roth, Dana L. (1997) TOC/DOC: "It Has Changed the Way I Do Science" ; Science & Technology Libraries; Vol. 16; No. 3/4; 131-145; 10.1300/J122v16n03_09
Roth, Dana L. (1995) Computer Software Reviews. BioAlmanac [CD-ROM] ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 35; No. 1; 165-165; 10.1021/ci00023a025
Roth, Dana L. (1994) IUPACSEARCH 1.0 (for DOS) ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 34; No. 3; 691-691; 10.1021/ci00019a610
Roth, Dana L. (1993) Computer Software Reviews. Pro-Cite for the Macintosh, Version 2.0 ; Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling; Vol. 33; No. 1; 179; 10.1021/ci00011a601
Roth, Dana L. (1990) The Serials Crisis Revisited ; The Serials Librarian; Vol. 18; No. 1/2; 123-129
Roth, Dana L. (1987) Format-Dependent and National Abstracts/Indexes in a Science Library ; Database Searcher; Vol. 3; No. 2; 20-23
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1981) To classify or not to classify ... a rejoinder ; The Serials Librarian; Vol. 5; No. 1; 83-85; 10.1300/J123v05n01_10
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1979) Searching the chemical literature ; Journal of the American Society for Information Science; Vol. 30; No. 6; 372; 10.1002/asi.4630300617
Roth, Dana L. and Cosgriff, John C., el al. (1976) Reducing Library Costs ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 30; No. 1; 9-9
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1975) STN Index Series, No.1: Element Index ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 29; No. 2; 54-55
Roth, Dana L. (1974) The Caltech Science Library Catalog Supplement ; Journal of Library Automation; Vol. 7; No. 2; 145-147
Roth, Dana L. (1974) The needs of library users ; UNESCO bulletin for libraries; Vol. 28; No. 2; 92-95
Roth, Dana L. (1974) Caltech's Computerized Information Services ; Sci-Tech News; Vol. 28; No. 1-3; 37-37
Roth, Dana L. (1972) Scientific Serial Lists ; Joumal of Library Automation; Vol. 5; No. 1; 51-57
Roth, Dana Lincoln (1970) COM and the Caltech Serials List ; Bulletin - Special Libraries Association, Southern California Chapter; Vol. 32; No. 1; 11-13