Rossman, George
- Rossman, George R. and Ehlmann, Bethany L. (2019) Electronic Spectra of Minerals in the Visible and Near-Infrared Regions; ISBN 9781316888872; Remote Compositional Analysis: Techniques for Understanding Spectroscopy, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry of Planetary Surfaces; 3-20; 10.1017/9781316888872.003
- Gaillou, Eloïse and Rossman, George R. (2017) On the beauty of defects; ISBN 9780983632351; Diamond - The Ultimate Gemstone; 40-53
- Rossman, George R. (2014) Optical Spectroscopy; ISBN 978-1-61451-786-3; Spectroscopic Methods in Mineralogy and Material Sciences; 371-398; 10.1515/9781614517863.371
- Blacksberg, J. and Rossman, George R. (2011) In situ planetary mineralogy using simultaneous time resolved fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy
- Ma, Chi and Tschauner, Oliver, el al. (2011) Discovery of Panguite, a New Ultra-Refractory Titania Mineral in Allende
- Rossman, George R. (2011) The Color of Topaz; ISBN 9780979099892; Topaz: perfect cleavage; 79-85
- Chemtob, S. M. and Rossman, G. R., el al. (2009) Silica coatings on the 1974 Kilauea flow: new SEM and SIMS results and implications for Mars
- Ma, C. and Beckett, J. R., el al. (2009) Allendeite and Hexamolybdenum: Two New Ultra-Refractory Minerals in Allende and Two Missing Links
- Ma, C. and Beckett, J. R., el al. (2009) In-situ Discovery of a Cluster of Refractory Grains in an Allende Ferromagnesian Chondrule
- Rossman, George R. (2006) Analytical methods for measuring water in nominally anhydrous minerals; ISBN 9780939950744; Water in nominally anhydrous minerals; 1-28; 10.2138/rmg.2006.62.1
- Mosenfelder, Jed L. and Sharp, Thomas G., el al. (2006) Hydrogen Incorporation in Natural Mantle Olivines; ISBN 9780875904337; Earth's Deep Water Cycle; 45-56; 10.1029/168GM05
- Langer, K. and Platonov, A. N., el al. (1996) Optical Absorption Spectroscopy; ISBN 9783540572541; Methods and Instrumentations: Results and Recent Developments; 109-123; 10.1007/978-3-642-78526-9_3
- Rossman, George R. (1996) Why hematite is red: Correlation of optical absorption intensities and magnetic moments of Fe^(3+) minerals; ISBN 9780941809047; Mineral spectroscopy: a tribute to Roger G. Burns; 23-27
- Rossman, George R. (1994) The colored varieties of the silica minerals; ISBN 9780939950355; Silica: physical behavior, geochemistry and materials applications; 433-468
- Shannon, R. D. and Subramanian, M. A., el al. (1989) Mineral dielectric constants and the oxide additivity rule
- Rossman, George R. (1988) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrous Components; ISBN 9780939950225; Spectroscopic methods in mineralogy and geology; 193-206
- Rossman, George R. (1988) Optical Spectroscopy; ISBN 9780939950225; Spectroscopic methods in mineralogy and geology; 207-254
- Rossman, George R. (1984) Spectroscopy of Micas; ISBN 9780939950171; Micas; 145-181
- Hofmeister, A. M. and Rossman, G. R. (1983) Color in feldspars; ISBN 9780939950140; Feldspar mineralogy; 271-280
- Stolper, E. and Paque, J., el al. (1982) The Influence of Oxygen Fugacity and Cooling Rate on the Crystallization of Ca-Al Inclusions from Allende
- Rossman, George R. (1980) Pyroxene spectroscopy; ISBN 0-939950-07-3; Pyroxenes; 93-115
- Goto, T. and Rossman, G. R., el al. (1979) Absorption spectroscopy in solids under shock compression; ISBN 9780306400698; High-Pressure Science and Technology: Sixth AIRAPT Conference; 895-900
- Rossman, George R. (1979) Structural information from quantitative infrared spectra of minerals
- Bell, Peter M. and Mao, H. K., el al. (1975) Absorption spectroscopy of ionic and molecular units in crystals and glasses; ISBN 978-0123999504; Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of lunar and terrestrial minerals; 1-38
- Cerdonio, M. and Wang, R. H., el al. (1974) Magneto-chemical measurements of biochemical compounds with a superconducting magnetometer; ISBN 9780306351211; Low Temperature Physics - LT13; 525-534
- Hoenig, H. E. and Wang, R. H., el al. (1972) Magneto-chemical studies with a new ultrasensitive superconducting quantum magnetometer