Readhead, Anthony
- Ardizzi, Anthony Joseph (2022) Self-Heating of HEMT Low-Noise Amplifiers in Liquid Cryogenic Environments and the Limits of Microwave Noise Performance; 10.7907/9va8-tc64
- Choi, Alexander Youngsoo (2022) Investigation of Electronic Fluctuations in Semiconductor Materials and Devices through First-Principles Simulations and Experiments in Transistor Amplifiers; 10.7907/tba0-pd94
- Eastwood, Michael William (2019) Searching for the Cosmic Dawn with the Hyperfine Structure Transition of Hydrogen; 10.7907/DYPP-JP25
- Oklopčić, Antonija (2017) Radiative Processes in Astrophysical Gases: From the Intergalactic and Interstellar Medium to Exoplanetary Atmospheres; 10.7907/Z9GM85CS
- Montet, Benjamin Tyler (2017) Low-Mass Stars and Their Companions; 10.7907/Z9KW5D1R
- Balokovic, Mislav (2017) Unveiling the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hard X-ray Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Z9WM1BG8
- Balokovic, Mislav (2017) Unveiling the Structure of Active Galactic Nuclei with Hard X-ray Spectroscopy; 10.7907/Z9WM1BG8
- Oklopčić, Antonija (2017) Radiative Processes in Astrophysical Gases: From the Intergalactic and Interstellar Medium to Exoplanetary Atmospheres; 10.7907/Z9GM85CS
- Montet, Benjamin Tyler (2017) Low-Mass Stars and Their Companions; 10.7907/Z9KW5D1R
- Belli, Sirio (2016) Deep Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of High-Redshift Galaxies: the Physical Growth of Passive Systems; 10.7907/Z9QN64NQ
- Manohar, Swarnima (2016) Lurking in ULIRGs: Molecular Gas in local Merging Galaxies; 10.7907/Z9T72FDK
- Stevenson, Matthew Alan (2014) Observational and Theoretical Advances in Cosmological Foreground Emission
- Stevenson, Matthew Alan (2014) Observational and Theoretical Advances in Cosmological Foreground Emission
- Max-Moerbeck Astudillo, Walter Kennerth (2013) The Relationship Between the Radio and Gamma-Ray Emission of Blazars; 10.7907/ZX5X-V114
- Russell, Damon Stuart (2013) Technology Advances for Radio Astronomy; 10.7907/MW3P-2S22
- Levitan, David Benjamin (2013) Finding Needles in the Haystack: A Search for AM CVn Systems Using the Palomar Transient Factory; 10.7907/MJJ0-7A67
- Czakon, Nicole Gisela (2013) Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Observations Using Large-Format Millimeter Arrays; 10.7907/SRVP-D536
- Russell, Damon Stuart (2013) Technology Advances for Radio Astronomy; 10.7907/MW3P-2S22
- Richards, Joseph Lee (2012) The Radio Variability of Gamma-Ray Blazars; 10.7907/N69P-KG16
- Gonçalves, Thiago Signorini (2012) Topics in Galaxy Evolution: Early Star Formation and Quenching; 10.7907/E5T6-AC13
- Richards, Joseph Lee (2012) The Radio Variability of Gamma-Ray Blazars; 10.7907/N69P-KG16
- Krause, Anna Elisabeth (2012) Topics in Large-Scale Structure; 10.7907/9HX2-RW58
- Krause, Anna Elisabeth (2012) Topics in Large-Scale Structure; 10.7907/9HX2-RW58
- Trangsrud, Amy Ruth (2012) The SPIDER CMB Polarimeter; 10.7907/83YV-A258
- Kasliwal, Mansi Manoj (2011) Bridging the Gap: Elusive Explosions in the Local Universe; 10.7907/EA7Q-WX87
- Kasliwal, Mansi Manoj (2011) Bridging the Gap: Elusive Explosions in the Local Universe; 10.7907/EA7Q-WX87
- Ali-Haimoud, Yacine (2011) A New Spin on Primordial Hydrogen Recombination and a Refined Model for Spinning Dust Radiation; 10.7907/QMFZ-0C90
- Jones, Glenn Evans (2010) Instrumentation for Wide Bandwidth Radio Astronomy; 10.7907/BMZR-P813
- Jones, Glenn Evans (2010) Instrumentation for Wide Bandwidth Radio Astronomy; 10.7907/BMZR-P813
- Law, David Richard (2009) The Kiloparsec-Scale Structure and Kinematics of High-Redshift Star-Forming Galaxies; 10.7907/QNV4-9V14
- Law, David Richard (2009) The Kiloparsec-Scale Structure and Kinematics of High-Redshift Star-Forming Galaxies; 10.7907/QNV4-9V14
- Brobeck, Elina (2009) Measurement of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with CHICOS; 10.7907/9YH6-N064
- Brobeck, Elina (2009) Measurement of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with CHICOS; 10.7907/9YH6-N064
- Bundy, Kevin A. (2006) The Mass Assembly History of Field Galaxies; 10.7907/3QVQ-FH17
- Kesden, Michael Henry (2005) To the Horizon and Beyond:Weak Lensing of the CMB and Binary Inspirals into Horizonless Objects; 10.7907/BQMR-4C14
- Jones, William Claude (2005) A Measurement of the Temperature and Polarization Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation; 10.7907/88BF-1W23
- Jones, William Claude (2005) A Measurement of the Temperature and Polarization Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation; 10.7907/88BF-1W23
- Broderick, Avery Earl (2004) Radiative Transfer in Accreting Environments; 10.7907/H2PF-K590
- Udomprasert, Patricia Simcoe (2004) H₀ from Cosmic Background Imager Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in Nearby Clusters.; 10.7907/VR2Z-MP09
- Broderick, Avery Earl (2004) Radiative Transfer in Accreting Environments; 10.7907/H2PF-K590
- Udomprasert, Patricia Simcoe (2004) H₀ from Cosmic Background Imager Observations of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect in Nearby Clusters.; 10.7907/VR2Z-MP09
- Sievers, Jonathan LeRoy (2004) Data Analysis of and Results from Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background with the Cosmic Background Imager; 10.7907/8706-VY52
- Cartwright, John Kenneth (2003) A Limit on the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation; 10.7907/D3CT-YV96
- Cartwright, John Kenneth (2003) A Limit on the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation; 10.7907/D3CT-YV96
- Urbach, Adam Robert (2002) 1:1 Motif for DNA Recognition by β-Alanine Linked Polyamides; 10.7907/V6FD-YQ78
- Kee, Scott David (2002) The Class E/F Family of Harmonic-Tuned Switching Power Amplifiers; 10.7907/MD86-FX51
- Kee, Scott David (2002) The Class E/F Family of Harmonic-Tuned Switching Power Amplifiers; 10.7907/MD86-FX51
- Cornu, Catherine J. G. (2002) Photocatalysis Under Periodic Illumination; 10.7907/ZDAH-V967
- Cornu, Catherine J. G. (2002) Photocatalysis Under Periodic Illumination; 10.7907/ZDAH-V967
- Mao, Peter Hsih-Jen (2002) Hard X-Ray Observations of the Extragalactic Sky: The High Energy Focusing Telescope and the Serendipitous Extragalactic X-ray Source Identification Survey; 10.7907/R5E3-RQ86
- Halverson, Nils William (2002) A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Angular Power Spectrum with DASI; 10.7907/BEJN-HQ49
- Halverson, Nils William (2002) A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Angular Power Spectrum with DASI; 10.7907/BEJN-HQ49
- Wurtz, Nicholas Roland (2002) Sequence Specific Alkylation of DNA by Polyamide-Chlorambucil Conjugates; 10.7907/59jz-2e47
- Wang, Clay Chia Chun (2002) Sequence Specific Trapping of Topoisomerase I by Camptothecin Polyamide Conjugates; 10.7907/sphn-ma74
- Philhour, Byron Jacob (2002) Measurement of the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background; 10.7907/5333-vh17
- Philhour, Byron Jacob (2002) Measurement of the Polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background; 10.7907/5333-vh17
- Lithwick, Yoram (2002) Topics in MHD Turbulence; 10.7907/FP3Q-EZ29
- Lithwick, Yoram (2002) Topics in MHD Turbulence; 10.7907/FP3Q-EZ29
- Gal, Roy R. (2001) The Northern Sky Optical Cluster Survey: Galaxy Clusters from Five Thousand Square Degrees of DPOSS; 10.7907/5v1y-pk39
- Crill, Brendan Patrick (2001) A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background with a Long Duration Balloon-Borne Receiver; 10.7907/GVJ5-GC44
- Sandhu, Jagmit Singh (2001) High Precision Dual Frequency Timing of Millisecond Pulsars; 10.7907/17DD-8X47
- Gal, Roy R. (2001) The Northern Sky Optical Cluster Survey: Galaxy Clusters from Five Thousand Square Degrees of DPOSS; 10.7907/5v1y-pk39
- Sandhu, Jagmit Singh (2001) High Precision Dual Frequency Timing of Millisecond Pulsars; 10.7907/17DD-8X47
- Crill, Brendan Patrick (2001) A Measurement of the Angular Power Spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background with a Long Duration Balloon-Borne Receiver; 10.7907/GVJ5-GC44
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- Nakajima, Tadashi (1989) Diffraction-Limited Imaging on the 200-Inch Telescope; 10.7907/hgnx-x451
- Nakajima, Tadashi (1989) Diffraction-Limited Imaging on the 200-Inch Telescope; 10.7907/hgnx-x451
- Edelson, Richard Allen (1987) Broadband Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei; 10.7907/gtk1-3n45
- Romani, Roger William (1987) Neutron Stars Observations as Astrophysical Probes; 10.7907/txfg-q107
- Romani, Roger William (1987) Neutron Stars Observations as Astrophysical Probes; 10.7907/txfg-q107
- Edelson, Richard Allen (1987) Broadband Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei; 10.7907/gtk1-3n45
- Hough, David Hans (1986) Parsec-Scale Structure in the Nuclei of Double-Lobed Radio Quasars; 10.7907/8P47-SM58
- Malkan, Matthew Arnold (1983) The Physical Nature of the Continuum in Active Galaxies; 10.7907/Z85C-9706
- Simon, Richard Stanley (1983) Nuclear Structure of Quasars at 329 Megahertz; 10.7907/zyfw-8c64
- Simon, Richard Stanley (1983) Nuclear Structure of Quasars at 329 Megahertz; 10.7907/zyfw-8c64
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- Horne, Keith Douglas (1983) Eclipse Mapping of Accretion Disks in Cataclysmic Binaries; 10.7907/5E49-4N30
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- Linfield, Roger Paul (1981) Studies of Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources; 10.7907/5cg5-0d24
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