Ramakrishnan, Dinakar
- Panangaden, Jane Mariam (2022) Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Noncommutative Geometry, and the Boundary of Modular Curves; 10.7907/xrba-8471
- Shubin, Andrei (2022) Topics in Equidistribution and Exponential Sums; 10.7907/153e-5r72
- Perozim de Faveri, Alexandre (2022) Automorphic L-Functions, Geometric Invariants, and Dynamics; 10.7907/e1zd-7v46
- Panangaden, Jane Mariam (2022) Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Noncommutative Geometry, and the Boundary of Modular Curves; 10.7907/xrba-8471
- Yang, Liyang (2021) A Coarse Jacquet-Zagier Trace Formula for GL(n) with Applications; 10.7907/1j4r-pv26
- Yu, Qiyao (Vivian) (2021) p-Converse to a Theorem of Gross-Zagier, Kolyvagin, and Rubin for Small Primes; 10.7907/ccbk-ht28
- Yu, Qiyao (Vivian) (2021) p-Converse to a Theorem of Gross-Zagier, Kolyvagin, and Rubin for Small Primes; 10.7907/ccbk-ht28
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- Yi, Lingfei (2021) Geometric Langlands for Hypergeometric Sheaves; 10.7907/257d-6p75
- Yang, Liyang (2021) A Coarse Jacquet-Zagier Trace Formula for GL(n) with Applications; 10.7907/1j4r-pv26
- Panda, Corina Bianca (2020) Generalizations of a Theorem of Hecke; 10.7907/bxgs-4825
- Yu, Jize (2020) The Integral Coefficient Geometric Satake Equivalence in Mixed Characteristic and its Arithmetic Applications; 10.7907/53hf-xf98
- Xiao, Xiao (Luciena) (2020) On The Hecke Orbit Conjecture for PEL Type Shimura Varieties; 10.7907/sjg9-0688
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- Frimu, Andrei (2019) Γ(p)-Level Structure on p-Divisible Groups; 10.7907/8JYH-KT84
- Hong, Serin (2018) On Hodge-Newton Reducible Local Shimura Data of Hodge Type; 10.7907/4F4W-Y024
- Hwang, Brian W. (2016) Constructing Self-Dual Automorphic Representations on General Linear Groups; 10.7907/Z9WD3XKB
- Yeo, Foo Yee (2016) l-adic Cohomology of the Dual Lubin-Tate Tower via the Exterior Power; 10.7907/Z9F769JT
- Nastasescu, Maria Monica (2016) Nonvanishing of L-Functions for GL(n); 10.7907/Z9QN64R2
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- Chiriac, Liubomir (2015) Special Frobenius Traces in Galois Representations; 10.7907/Z9JM27J6
- Daigle, Gerald Joseph III (Jay) (2014) On the Local Tamagawa Number Conjecture for Tate Motives; 10.7907/RFXG-4E72
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- Peskin, Laura Rebecca Rynne (2013) Ordinary Mod p Representations of the Metaplectic Cover of p-adic SL₂; 10.7907/G9SP-XG30
- Wong, Wing Hong Tony (2013) Diagonal Forms, Linear Algebraic Methods and Ramsey-Type Problems; 10.7907/5B5A-Q252
- van Garrel, Michel (2013) Relative Mirror Symmetry and Ramifications of a Formula for Gromov-Witten Invariants; 10.7907/9EQP-PD83
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- Nelson, Paul D. (2011) Some New Aspects of Mass Equidistribution; 10.7907/MS8B-9T95
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- Gadre, Vaibhav S. (2010) Dynamics of Non-Classical Interval Exchanges; 10.7907/082X-F229
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- Cheong, Wan Keng (2010) Gromov-Witten Invariants: Crepant Resolutions and Simple Flops; 10.7907/6KZZ-MT72
- Saha, Abhishek (2009) On Critical Values of L-Functions for Holomorphic Forms on GSp(4) X GL(2); 10.7907/5HWD-TH76
- Gurel, Aliekber (2008) An Exact Average Formula for the Symmetric Square L-Function at the Center; 10.7907/MDF7-4E10
- Tsankov, Todor Dimitrov (2008) Amenability, Countable Equivalence Relations, and Their Full Groups; 10.7907/N91C-HV48
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- Pelayo, Roberto Carlos (2007) Diameter Bounds on the Complex of Minimal Genus Seifert Surfaces for Hyperbolic Knot; 10.7907/Q16J-V757
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- Gealy, Matthew Thomas (2006) On the Tamagawa Number Conjecture for Motives Attached to Modular Forms; 10.7907/X671-G590
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- Katz, Daniel Jerome (2005) On p-Adic Estimates of Weights in Abelian Codes over Galois Rings; 10.7907/6NSP-2A36
- Whitehouse, David (2005) The Twisted Weighted Fundamental Lemma for the Transfer of Automorphic Forms from GSp(4) to GL(4); 10.7907/26W7-8M37
- Johnson, Jennifer Michelle (2005) Artin L-Functions for Abelian Extensions of Imaginary Quadratic Fields; 10.7907/8T84-BQ83
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- Martin, Kimball Lee (2004) Four-Dimensional Galois Representations of Solvable Type and Automorphic Forms; 10.7907/4W9M-GD42
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- Erdoğan, Mehmet Burak (2002) Mapping Properties of Certain Averaging Operators; 10.7907/JRFS-4S52
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- Wang, Song (2002) An Effective Version of the Grunwald-Wang Theorem; 10.7907/dmev-ny09
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- Choi, Yanglim (1998) (3,1)-Surfaces via Branched Surfaces; 10.7907/yw04-qx32
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- Lesin, Alexander Abraham (1994) On the Mumford-Tate Conjecture for Abelian Varieties with Reduction Conditions; 10.7907/g2mp-jn54
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