Quirk, James P.
Quirk, James and Olson, Mark, el al. (1989) Uncertainty and Leontief Systems: An Application to the Selection of Space Station System Designs ; Management Science; Vol. 35; No. 5; 585-596; 10.1287/mnsc.35.5.585
Terasawa, Katsuaki and Quirk, James, el al. (1989) Turbulence, Cost Escalation and Capital Intensity Bias in Defense Contracting ; ISBN 978-0-387-97048-6; Cost Analysis Applications of Economics and Operations Research; 97-116; 10.1007/978-1-4684-6384-2_6
Quirk, James P. and Terasawa, Katsuaki (1986) Sample selection and const underestimation bias in pioneer projects ; Land Economics; Vol. 62; No. 2; 192-200; 10.2307/3146337
Quirk, James (1985) Consumer Surplus Under Uncertainty: An Application to Dam-Reservoir Projects ; Water Resources Research; Vol. 21; No. 9; 1307-1312; 10.1029/WR021i009p01307
Quirk, James P. (1985) Consumer Surplus Under Uncertainty: An Application to Dam-Reservoir Projects ; 10.7907/acscd-ybc35
Quirk, James P. (1984) Hedging as 'Speculation on the Basis' ; 10.7907/mxj4v-t7r51
Lien, Da-Hsiang Donald and Quirk, James P. (1984) Asymmetric Arbitrage and the Pattern of Futures Prices ; 10.7907/rb1ct-0g817
Quirk, James P. and Terasawa, Katsuaki, el al. (1984) The Winner's Curse and Cost Estimation Bias in Pioneer Projects ; 10.7907/336bx-96046
Terasawa, Katsuaki and Quirk, James P., el al. (1984) Turbulence, Cost Escalation, and Capital Intensity Bias in Defense Contracting ; 10.7907/d6m91-dh281
Braeutigam, Ronald R. and Quirk, James P. (1984) Demand Uncertainty and the Regulated Firm ; International Economic Review; Vol. 25; No. 1; 45-60
Fort, Rodney D. and Quirk, James P. (1983) Asymmetric Arbitage and Normal Backwardation ; 10.7907/9bke9-k6462
Quirk, James P. and Terasawa, Katsuaki (1982) Divergent expectations and R&D expenditures ; ISBN 9780030615764; Coal Models Under Use in Government Planning; 241-258
Balbien, Joel and Noll, Roger G., el al. (1981) The Economics of Boxing Regulation in California ; 10.7907/06btm-08t15
Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1981) The theory of the dam: An application to the Colorado River ; ISBN 0911198598; Essays in Contemporary Fields of Economics: In Honor of Emanuel T. Weiler (1914-1979); 107-130
Burness, H. Stuart and Cummings, Ronald, el al. (1980) Ex Ante Optimality and Spot Market Economies ; 10.7907/s59r4-mxj08
Quirk, James P. and Terasawa, Katsuaki (1980) Divergent Expectations, R & D Expenditures and Technical Progress ; 10.7907/5mwx6-2x674
Burness, H. Stuart and Montgomery, W. David, el al. (1980) The turnkey era in nuclear power ; Land Economics; Vol. 56; No. 2; 188-202; 10.2307/3145862
Brooks, Norman H. and Koh, Robert C. Y., el al. (1980) Water resource problems of energy projects in the Colorado River Basin ; 10.7907/b5ns3-1n245
Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1980) Water Law, Water Transfers, and Economic Efficiency: The Colorado River ; Journal of Law and Economics; Vol. 23; No. 1; 111-134; 10.1086/466954
Braeutigam, Ronald R. and Quirk, James P. (1979) Demand Uncertainty and the Regulated Firm ; 10.7907/vh8tb-44a67
Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1979) Appropriative Water Rights and the Efficient Allocation of Resources ; American Economic Review; Vol. 69; No. 1; 25-37
Brooks, Norman H. and List, E. John, el al. (1979) Water resource problems of energy projects in the Colorado River Basin ; 10.7907/1jyer-f8v77
Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1978) Capital Gains and the Economic Theory of Corporate Finance ; 10.7907/p9b0s-xpj14
Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1978) Appropriative Water Rights and the Efficient Allocation of Resources ; 10.7907/n8whp-5vr97
Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1978) Cost Escalation in Nuclear Power ; 10.7907/Z9WH2MXR
Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1977) Colorado River Project. Phase I: Water Rights and Allocations ; 10.7907/3425x-ha291
Burness, H. Stuart and Quirk, James P. (1977) Water Rights and Optimal Reservoir Management ; 10.7907/907yj-eyp20
Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1976) Rate of Return Regulations and Factor Bias in Innovations ; 10.7907/6fc85-55k87
Davis, Lance E. and Quirk, James P. (1975) The Ownership and Valuation of Professional Sports Franchises ; 10.7907/cxm41-9h940
Davis, Lance and Quirk, James (1975) Tax writeoffs and the value of sports teams ; ISBN 0720487056; Management Science Applications to Leisure Time Operations; 263-275
El-Hodiri, Mohamed M. and Quirk, James P. (1974) On Comparative Dynamics ; 10.7907/z58m5-rn112
Davis, Lance E. and Quirk, James P. (1974) Tax Writeoffs and the Value of Sports Teams ; 10.7907/gv8zc-aje36
Quirk, James P. (1974) Stadium Capacities and Attendance in Professional Sports ; 10.7907/p1c15-q3h88
Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1974) The Market for Innovations. Factor Bias and Innovation: A Microeconomic Approach ; 10.7907/gqcq5-s3632
Montgomery, W. David and Quirk, James P. (1974) Factor Bias and Innovations: A Microeconomic Approach ; 10.7907/d7tag-czd80
Quirk, James P. and El-Hodiri, Mohamed M. (1974) The economic theory of a professional sports league ; ISBN 0815761066; Government and the Sports Business: Papers Prepared for a Conference of Experts, with an Introduction and Summary; 33-80
Quirk, James P. and Habibagahi, Hamid (1973) Hicksian Stability and Walras' Law ; Review of Economic Studies; Vol. 40; No. 2; 249-258
Quirk, James P. (1973) A Class of Generalized Metzlerian Matrices ; 10.7907/v1110-hs477
Quirk, James (1973) An economic analysis of team movements in professional sports ; Law and Contemporary Problems; Vol. 38; No. 1; 42-66
Quirk, James P. (1969) The competitive equilibrium: A qualitative analysis ; ISBN 9783540046387; Economic Models, Estimation and Risk Programming: Essays in Honor of Gerhard Tintner; 58-85; 10.1007/978-3-642-46198-9_4