Press, Frank
- Teng, Ta-Liang (1966) Body-Wave and Earthquake Source Studies; 10.7907/9VPH-AN84
- Archambeau, Charles Bruce (1965) Elastodynamic Source Theory; 10.7907/A3XS-PS89
- Cisternas, Armando (1965) Part I. The Radiation of Elastic Waves from a Spherical Cavity in a Half Space. Part II. Precision Determination of Focal Depths and Epicenters of Earthquakes; 10.7907/K750-5J16
- Biehler, Shawn (1964) A Geophysical Study of the Salton Trough of Southern California; 10.7907/ZZ33-6E45
- Toksöz, M. Nafi (1963) Velocities of Long Period Surface Waves and Microseisms and Their Use in Structural Studies : Part I. Mantle Love and Mantle Rayleigh Waves and the Structure of the Earth's Upper Mantle. Part II. Microseisms and Their Application to Seismic Exploration; 10.7907/1X99-MR13
- Alexander, Shelton Setzer (1963) Surface Wave Propagation in the Western United States; 10.7907/GDQP-PB52
- Harkrider, David Garrison (1963) Part I. Propagation of Acoustical Gravity Waves from an Explosive Source in the Atmosphere. Part II. Rayleigh and Love Waves from Sources in a Multilayered Elastic Half-Space; 10.7907/QEDG-NT74
- Anderson, Don Lynn (1962) Surface Wave Propagation in Layered Anistropic Media; 10.7907/ADTM-DX51
- Kovach, Robert Louis (1962) Geophysical Investigations in the Colorado Delta Region; 10.7907/B362-3G65
- Ben-Menahem, Ari (1961) Radiation of Seismic Surface-Waves from Finite Moving Sources; 10.7907/14NZ-KT62
- Healy, John Helding (1961) Geophysical Studies of the Basin Structures along the Eastern Front of the Sierra Nevada; 10.7907/403B-RW91
- Smith, Stewart Wilson (1961) An Investigation of the Earth's Free OsciIIations; 10.7907/S9RW-R653
- Phinney, Robert Alden (1961) Propagation of Leaking Modes in a Plane Seismic Waveguide. Propagation of Leaking Interface Waves; 10.7907/5TG9-XN02
- Flinn, Edward Ambrose (1960) Exact Transient Solution of Some Problems of Elastic Wave Propagation; 10.7907/QRYY-CD29