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- Blatnik, Marie Ann (2024) Creating the Electric and Magnetic Fields for the nEDM@SNS Experiment; 10.7907/7a0n-va47
- Chang, Yen-Yung (2023) SuperCDMS HVeV Run 2 Low-Mass Dark Matter Search, Highly Multiplexed Phonon-Mediated Particle Detector with Kinetic Inductance Detector, and the Blackbody Radiation in Cryogenic Experiments; 10.7907/jswx-ad33
- Li, Yunxuan (2022) Search for Beyond Standard Model Physics at BaBar; 10.7907/tz7n-d662
- Huang, Tzu-Chen (2022) From Building Blocks to Theories: EFThedron and a Haagerup TFT; 10.7907/7yyr-rb39
- Zhou, Chengzhe (2020) Collection of Solved Nonlinear Problems for Remote Shaping and Patterning of Liquid Structures on Flat and Curved Substrates by Electric and Thermal Fields; 10.7907/PEJ5-1626
- Kim, Jae Hong (2019) Measurement of R(D) and R(D*) Using Semileptonic Tags and Hadronic τ Decays; 10.7907/KF89-DS18
- Du, Song Ming (2019) Fundamental Physics Through Gravitational Waves: From No-Hair Theorem to Quantum Structures of Black Holes; 10.7907/YSDX-J506
- Chao, Daniel Shuteh (2018) Measuring R(D()) for B → ‾D()τν_τ using Semileptonic Tags and Tau Decays to Hadrons; 10.7907/25e6-j889
- Pershey, Daniel Stephen (2018) A Measurement of νe Appearance and νμ Disappearance Neutrino Oscillations with the NOvA Experiment; 10.7907/rc0w-zg32
- Zheng, Stephan Tao (2018) Exploiting Structure for Scalable and Robust Deep Learning; 10.7907/4S2Y-CY80
- Shen, Chia-Hsien (2017) Aspects of Effective Field Theories from Scattering Amplitudes; 10.7907/Z9VM49BW
- Rufat, Dzhelil Sabahatin (2017) Spectral Exterior Calculus and its Implementation; 10.7907/Z9VX0DKV
- Fornal, Bartosz (2014) Baryon Number Violation beyond the Standard Model; 10.7907/R0MY-VR06
- Chung, Hee Joong (2014) Three-Dimensional Superconformal Field Theory, Chern-Simons Theorv, and Their Correspondence; 10.7907/7CA7-9C79
- Schmid, Riccardo (2014) New Search for the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Using Ultracold Neutrons at the Spallation Neutron Source
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- Park, Chan Youn (2014) Branes and Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories; 10.7907/Y1VH-E821
- Setter, Kevin Luke (2013) Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Geometric Langlands Correspondence; 10.7907/RK2P-2H81
- Timciuc, Vladlen (2013) Search for Heavy Neutral Resonances in the Dielectron Channel with the CMS Detector at the LHC; 10.7907/79XY-2H30
- Skerritt, Paul Michael (2013) Geometric Quantization and Foliation Reduction; 10.7907/Q72T-Y013
- Engel, Kevin Thomas (2013) Charged Pion Contribution to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon; 10.7907/M463-8Z93
- Ongmongkolkul, Piti (2013) Measurement of the Direct CP Asymmetry in b→sγ via Sum of Exclusive B Meson Decays Using the BABAR Detector; 10.7907/ZNVN-R508
- López-Yglesias, Xerxes F. (2013) Physical Investigations of Small Particles: (I) Aerosol Particle Charging and Flux Enhancement and (II) Whispering Gallery Mode Sensing; 10.7907/DP06-K961
- Orchanian, Mhair-Armen Hagop (2012) Electron Neutrino Appearance in the MINOS Experiment; 10.7907/T4JJ-BM32
- Ma, Yousi (2012) Search for Signatures of Extra Dimensions in the Diphoton Mass Spectrum with the CMS Detector; 10.7907/X33W-ZX56
- Bashkirov, Denis (2012) Symmetries in Three-Dimensional Superconformal Quantum Field Theories; 10.7907/61EK-5K70
- Yaakov, Itamar (2012) Localization of Gauge Theories on the Three-Sphere; 10.7907/8AMG-0B70
- Willett, Brian M. (2012) Localization and Dualities in Three Dimensional Superconformal Field Theories; 10.7907/F9V6-HD05
- Lipstein, Arthur Elias (2011) Integrability of N = 6 Chern-Simons theory; 10.7907/QDSM-8448
- Doll, David Andrew (2011) Measurement of the Rare Transition b→sγ Using the Complete BABAR Data Set; 10.7907/E6S9-4D28
- Bandrés Motola, Miguel Angel (2011) Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories and Their String Theory Duals; 10.7907/2D9D-1876
- Vyas, Ketan D. (2010) Topics in Topological and Holomorphic Quantum Field Theory; 10.7907/QPRX-0V43
- Park, Chang-Soon (2010) Topics in Supersymmetry Breaking and Gauge/Gravity Dualities; 10.7907/9F6Q-ZT22
- Piatenko, Timofei (2009) Search for B → (ρ/ω)γ decays at BABAR; 10.7907/JFX3-1629
- Goggin, Lisa Maria (2008) A Search for Gravitational Waves from Perturbed Black Hole Ringdowns in LIGO Data; 10.7907/VKN2-K456
- Yang, Jie (2008) Holomorphic Anomaly Equations in Topological String Theory; 10.7907/A7K8-8W74
- Chen, Edward Tann (2007) Radiative Leptonic B Decays; 10.7907/KNQF-1R30
- Dvoretskii, Alexei (2006) Dalitz Plot Analysis of the Decay B± → K±K±K∓; 10.7907/7HTG-0W17
- Yuan, Junhua (2006) Progress Towards a High Precision Measurement of the Neutron Spin–Electron Angular Correlation in Polarized Neutron ß Decay with Ultra-Cold Neutrons; 10.7907/NT8M-7059
- Samuel, Alexander (2006) Measurement of Branching Fractions and Mass Spectra in B → Kππγ Decays; 10.7907/JNY6-XG69
- Li, Yi (2005) Topological Sigma Models and Generalized Geometries; 10.7907/RMHE-4185
- Covrig, Silviu Doru (2005) A Measurement of Parity-Violating Asymmetries in the G0 Experiment in Forward Mode; 10.7907/K48K-KB02
- Wessling, Margaret Ellen (2005) Heavy Pentaquarks in the Diquark Model and the Large Nc Expansion; 10.7907/6812-4G64
- Lipeles, Elliot (2004) A Study of the Fully Differential Inclusive Semileptonic B Meson Decay Rate; 10.7907/W3Q5-5B34
- Mastromarino, Peter A. (2004) A Precision Low-Energy Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle in Møller Scattering; 10.7907/4TT3-KA76
- Shao, Wenjin (2004) Studies and Applications of Hyperpolarized ¹²⁹-Xe; 10.7907/M1E8-1F04
- Borokhov, Vadim Aleksandrovich (2004) Monopole Operators and Mirror Symmetry in Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories; 10.7907/5AP4-X614
- Sun, Werner Man-Li (2003) Observation of B → K⁰ₛ π⁺ π⁻ and B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺ and Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in B → K*(892)⁺⁻π⁻⁺; 10.7907/B515-7D62
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- Burgasser, Adam Jonathan (2002) The Discovery and Characterization of Methane-bearing Brown Dwarfs and the Definition of the T Spectral Class; 10.7907/KECQ-7R18
- Tang, Hongxing (2002) Semiconductor Magnetoelectronics for Spintronics and Suspended 2DEG for Mechanoelectronics; 10.7907/rep4-e059
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- Jensen, John Steffen (2001) Measurement of the Neutron (³He) Spin Structure Function at Low Q²: A Connection between the Bjorken and Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov Sum Rules; 10.7907/wmxe-ge51
- Ouellette, Stephen Michael (2001) SU(3) Chiral Symmetry in Non-Relativistic Field Theory; 10.7907/JN2B-5X12
- Popescu, Costin Radu (2001) Branes, Brane Actions and Applications to Field Theory; 10.7907/qr6g-tp18
- Goldberger, Walter D. (2001) Brane Models and the Hierarchy Problem; 10.7907/zmfm-yd07
- Mason, James Edward (2001) Signal Extraction and Optical Design for an Advanced Gravitational Wave Interferometer; 10.7907/amrv-a028
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