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- Taylor, Kelsie (2023) A Deep Dive into the Connections Between the Renormalization Group and Deep Learning in the Ising Model; 10.7907/ztpg-z092
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- Nazeeri, Albert Isaac (2021) Liquid-Induced Discharge of Polypropylene Microfiber Electret Filters; 10.7907/f88b-x760
- Mudide, Shiva (2021) The Limits of The Quasi-Harmonic Approximation: Anharmonicity in Germanium and the Entropy of Melting; 10.7907/9mn0-y471
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- Zhou, Chengzhe (2020) Collection of Solved Nonlinear Problems for Remote Shaping and Patterning of Liquid Structures on Flat and Curved Substrates by Electric and Thermal Fields; 10.7907/PEJ5-1626
- Suter, Bethany Anne (2020) Using Graviton EFT and Massive Gravity to Compute Gravitational Potentials for Black Hole Inspirals; 10.7907/jh6b-bt24
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- Sonka, Rita Frances (2018) Characterization and Improvement of the Thermal Stability of TES Bolometers; 10.7907/4v3d-7k67
- Wang, Shannon (2017) Investigating Quantum Speedups through Numerical Simulations; 10.7907/Z9ZP4456
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