Plott, Charles
Noussair, Charles N. and Plott, Charles R., el al. (2013) An Experimental Investigation of the Patterns of International Trade ; ISBN 9789814390118; International trade agreements and political economy; 299-328
Plott, Charles R. (2008) Non-Convexities, Economies of Scale, Natural Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition ; ISBN 9780444826428; Handbook of Experimental Economics Results; 200-205; 10.1016/S1574-0722(07)00024-8
Plott, Charles R. (2008) Properties of Disequilibrium Adjustment in Double Auction Markets ; ISBN 9780444826428; Handbook of Experimental Economics Results; 16-21; 10.1016/S1574-0722(07)00001-7
Bossaerts, Peter and Plott, Charles R. (2008) From Market Jaws to the Newton Method: The Geometry of How a Market Can Solve Systems of Equations ; ISBN 9780444826428; Handbook of Experimental Economics Results; 22-24; 10.1016/S1574-0722(07)00002-9
Chao, Hung-Po and Plott, Charles R. (2008) A Smart Market for the Spot Pricing and Pricing of Transmission Through a Power Grid ; ISBN 9780444826428; Handbook of Experimental Economics Results; 710-718; 10.1016/S1574-0722(07)00075-3
Plott, Charles R. and Williamson, Dean V. (2001) Markets for contracts: experiments exploring the compatibility of games and markets for games ; ISBN 978-3-642-62657-9; Advances in Experimental Markets; 159-180; 10.1007/978-3-642-56448-2_9
Bossaerts, Peter and Kleiman, Daniel, el al. (1999) Price Discovery in Financial markets: the case of the CAPM ; ISBN 9781840643954; Information, finance, and general equilibrium; 445-492
Plott, Charles R. (1999) Policy and the Use of Laboratory Experimental Methodology in Economics ; ISBN 978-1-4613-7312-4; Uncertain Decisions: Bridging Theory and Experiments; 293-316
Plott, Charles R. and Turocy, Theodore L. (1997) Intertemporal Speculation Under Uncertain Future Demand, Experimental Results ; ISBN 9783642644306; Understanding Strategic Interaction : Essays in Honor of Reinhard Selton; 475-493; 10.1007/978-3-642-60495-9_36
Plott, Charles R. (1996) Comments On: Daniel Kahneman, "New challenges to the Rationality Assumption" ; ISBN 9780312127084; The rational foundations of economic behaviour; 220-224; 10.1057/9780230389724
Plott, Charles R. (1996) Rational Individual Behavior in Markets and Social Choice Processes: the Discovered Preference Hypothesis ; ISBN 9780333621974; The Rational Foundations of Economic Behaviour; 225-250
Plott, Charles R. (1994) Experimental Political Economy Reading List ; ISBN 9780521450683; Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists; 145-163
Clauser, Laura and Plott, Charles R. (1993) On the Anatomy of the "Nonfacilitating" Features of the Double Auction Institution in Conspiratorial Markets ; ISBN 9780201622638; The double auction market: institutions, theories, and evidence; 333-353
Plott, Charles R. (1993) Contingent Valuation: A View of the Conference and Associated Research ; ISBN 9780444814692; Contingent Valuation: A Critical Assessment; 467-478
Lynch, Michael and Miller, Ross M., el al. (1991) Product Quality, Informational Efficiency, and Regulations in Experimental Markets ; ISBN 0-89232-652-2; Research in Experimental Economics; 269-318
Plott, Charles R. (1991) A Comparative Analysis of Direct Democracy, Two-Candidate Elections, and Three-Candidate Elections in an Experimental Environment ; ISBN 9780472102037; Laboratory Research in Political Economy; 11-31
Plott, Charles R. (1989) An Updated Review of Industrial Organization: Applications of Experimental Methods ; ISBN 9780444704351; Handbook of Industrial Organization; 1109-1176; 10.1016/S1573-448X(89)02007-8
Daniels, Brian P. and Plott, Charles R. (1988) Inflation and Expectations in Experimental Markets ; ISBN 978-3-642-48356-1; Bounded Rational Behavior in Experimental Games and Markets; 198-218
Plott, Charles R. (1987) psychology and economics ; ISBN 0935859101; The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics; 1037-1040; 10.1057/9780230226203.3356
Plott, Charles R. (1987) The Robustness of the Voting Paradox ; ISBN 9780631150299; Democracy and Public Choice: Essays in Honor of Gordon Tullock; 100-102
Lynch, Michael and Miller, Ross M., el al. (1986) Product Quality, Consumer Information and "Lemons" in Experimental Markets
Miller, Gary J. and Plott, Charles R. (1985) Revenue Generating Properties of Sealed-Bid Auctions: An Experimental Analysis of One-Price and Discriminative Processes ; ISBN 0-89232-337-X; Research in Experimental Economics; 159-181
Plott, Charles R. and Agha, Gul (1983) Intertemporal Speculation with a Random Demand in an Experimental Market ; ISBN 9780387122779; Aspiration levels in bargaining and economic decision making; 201-216
Plott, Charles R. and Sunder, Shyam (1982) The Effect of Trading Option Type Claims on the Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets (A Preliminary Report)
Plott, Charles R. and Wilde, Louis L. (1982) Professional Diagnosis vs. Self-Diagnosis: An Experimental Examination of Some Special Features of Markets with Uncertainty ; ISBN 0-89232-263-2; Research in Experimental Economics; 63-112
Plott, Charles R. (1981) Theories of Industrial Organization as Explanations of Experimental market Behavior
Plott, Charles R. (1981) Experimental methods in Political Economy: A Tool for Regulatory Research
Plott, Charles R. (1979) The Application of Laboratory Experimental Methods to Public Choice ; ISBN 9780801823206; Collective Decision Making: Applications from Public Choice Theory; 137-160
Plott, Charles (1978) On the Incorporation of Public Attitudes Toward Administrative Options
Cohen, Linda and Levine, Michael E., el al. (1978) Communication and Agenda Influence: The Chocolate Pizza Design ; ISBN 9783163409828; Coalition Forming Behavior; 329-357
Isaac, R. Mark and Plott, Charles R. (1978) Cooperative Game Models of the Influence of the Closed Rule in Three Person, Majority Rule Committees: Theory and Experiment ; ISBN 9780814761564; Game Theory and Political Science; 283-322
Plott, Charles R. (1978) Rawls's Theory of Justice: An Impossibility Result ; ISBN 9789027708878; Decision theory and social ethics: issues in social choice; 201-214
Plott, Charles R. and Meyer, Robert A. (1975) The Technology of Public Goods, Externalities, and the Exclusion Principle ; ISBN 9780870142673; Economic Analysis of Environmental Problems; 65-94
Plott, Charles R. (1972) Individual Choice of a Political-Economic Process ; ISBN 9780675091800; Probability Models of Collective Decision-Making; 83-97
Plott, Charles R. (1971) Recent Results in the Theory of Voting ; ISBN 9780720431902; Frontiers of quantitative economics; 109-127