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- Fuller, Gerald Gendall (1980) I. Dynamics of Flowing Polymer Solutions. II. The Measurement of Velocity Gradients by Homodyne Light Scattering Spectroscopy; 10.7907/5PPN-JZ62
- Brown, Ronald Jerome (1975) I. Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering from Liquids and Liquid Mixtures: a Study of Mass and Thermal Diffusivities. II. Observation of Translational and Intramolecular Diffusion of Circular Duplex DNA by Quasi-Elastic Light Scattering; 10.7907/VKF3-8056
- Karnicky, Joseph Francis (1974) Determination of the Argon Intermolecular Pair Potential from Distribution Functions Measured by X-Ray Diffraction from Fluid Argon; 10.7907/htpg-c668
- Gülari, Esin Cetegen (1973) A Study of Critical Phenomena in Krypton; 10.7907/NNTS-KJ75
- Piliavin, Michael Aron (1973) A Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Intermolecular Correlations upon Properties of Simple Liquids from X-Ray Diffraction
- Helgeson, Norman Lewis (1973) I. Latent Heat of Vaporization of Propane. II. Partial and Total Heats of Vaporization for the N-Propane/N-Decane Mixture; 10.7907/GPGR-N481
- Gülari, Erdogan (1973) A Laser Light Scattering Study of Transport and Critical Phenomena; 10.7907/6YQH-1T42
- Morrison, Paul Frederick (1972) The X-Ray Scattering Behavior of Molecular Fluids; 10.7907/R17M-GP28
- Gutschick, Vincent Peter (1972) 1. Ultrasonic Studies of Binary Liquid Structure in the Critical Region. Theory and Experiment for the 2,6-Lutidine/Water System. 2. Hartree-Fock Calculations of Electric Polarizabilities of Some Simple Atoms and Molecules, and Their Practicality. 3. Calculation of Vibrational Transition Probabilities in Collinear Atom-Diatom and Diatom-Diatom Collisions with Lennard-Jones Interaction; 10.7907/B8K2-V070
- Wu, Shyue Yuan (1972) Study of Equilibrium Critical Phenomena in Fluid Argon; 10.7907/Z20H-HM70
- Kirstein, Bruce Edward (1972) The Structure of Liquid Argon as Determined by X-Ray Diffraction; 10.7907/88K0-V473
- Strumpf, Hal Jeffry (1972) The Viscosity of Fluids in the Critical Region; 10.7907/1FYM-6N97
- Salzman, Paul Klenett (1971) A Theory for the Hugoniot of Condensed Media; 10.7907/7nnp-4m89
- Smelser, Stephen Chester (1969) An X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Structure of Argon in the Dense Liquid Region; 10.7907/YYW1-T338
- Larsen, Alvin Henry (1969) I. Combinatorial Theory of Nonlinear Graphs, Applied to the Virial Equation of State. II. Chemical Thermodynamics of Open Systems; 10.7907/SCDN-4B19
- Curro, John Gillette (1969) Theoretical Investigation of the Effect of Intramolecular Interactions on the Configuration of Polymeric Chains; 10.7907/8KEP-R512
- Teague, Richard King (1968) The Refractive Index and the Lorentz-Lorenz Function of Fluid Argon; 10.7907/ZM82-EZ50
- Lu, Chien-Shih (1967) A Thermodynamic Study of Multiple Reaction Systems At and Near Equilibrium; 10.7907/pjnw-bc68
- Nebeker, Eugene Byrd (1965) Thermodynamic Study of Coupled Chemical Reactions; 10.7907/HTEW-XR80
- Mikolaj, Paul George (1965) An X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Structure of Fluid Argon; 10.7907/BYAA-0S21
- Caputi, Roger William (1965) Studies of Liquid Mercury and Liquid Mercury-Gallium Systems by X-Ray Diffraction; 10.7907/HZ5D-3G89
- Rodriguez, Sergio Enrique (1964) X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Stable and Supercooled Liquid Gallium; 10.7907/ZDWW-TW72
- Honeywell, Wallace Irving (1964) X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Dense Fluids; 10.7907/E2BS-WS38