Phillips, Thomas G.
Phillips, Thomas G. and Padin, Stephen, el al. (2013) Submillimeter Telescopes ; ISBN 9789400756212; Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems; 284-311; 10.1007/978-94-007-5621-2_7
Shinnaga, Hiroko and Young, Ken H., el al. (2009) IRC+10216's Innermost Envelope — The eSMA'S View ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 301-304
Phillips, T. G. (2009) Development of the Submillimeter Band ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Development of the Submillimeter Band; 37-56
Leong, Melanie and Peng, Ruisheng, el al. (2009) A Caltech Submillimeter Observatory Active Optics System ; ISBN 978-1-58381-714-8; Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips; 131-136
de Graauw, Th. and Whyborn, N., el al. (2008) Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI) ; ISBN 9782759803903; Astronomy in the Submillimeter and Far Infrared Domains with the Herschel Space Observatory; 3-20; 10.1051/eas:0934001
Lis, D. C. and Gerin, M., el al. (2008) Interstellar deuteroammonia: Tracing physical conditions in dense, cold interstellar medium ; ISBN 978-1-4020-6934-5; Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array: A New Era for Astrophysics; 77-80; 10.1007/978-1-4020-6935-2_15
de Graauw, Thijs and Whyborn, Nick, el al. (2008) The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI): instrument and pre-launch testing ; ISBN 9780819472205; Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter; Art. No. 701004; 10.1117/12.788659
Bayet, E. and Gerin, M., el al. (2007) Star Formation Feedback on the ISM Properties ; ISBN 9782759800131; Chemodynamics: From First Stars to Local Galaxies; 279-280; 10.1051/eas:2007037
Phillips, T. G. (2007) The Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 978-1-4244-0687-6; 2007 IEEE/Mtt-s International Microwave Symposium Digest; 1849-1852; 10.1109/MWSYM.2007.380111
Stacey, G. J. and Golwala, S. R., el al. (2006) Instrumentation for the CCAT Telescope ; ISBN 081946340X; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III; Art. No. 62751G; 10.1117/12.672176
Phillips, T. G. and Lis, D. C. (2006) The Distribution of Deuterium in the ISM: One Nucleon is Never Enough ; ISBN 978-1-583812-24-2; Revealing the Molecular Universe: One Antenna Is Never Enough; 223-231
Houde, Martin and Peng, Ruisheng, el al. (2005) Tracing the Magnetic Field in Molecular Clouds ; ISBN 1-58381-210-5; Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions; 154-159
Pearson, J. C. and Zmuidzinas, J., el al. (2004) THz instrumentation for the Herschel Space Observatory's heterodyne instrument for far infrared ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 486-497; 10.1117/12.552397
Kooi, J. W. and Kovács, A., el al. (2004) Heterodyne instrumentation upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 332-348; 10.1117/12.552539
Staguhn, Johannes and Benford, Dominic, el al. (2004) FIBRE: a broadband submillimeter spectrometer using superconducting bolometer arrays ; ISBN 9780819454300; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II; 438-445; 10.1117/12.552128
Lis, D. C. and Gerin, M., el al. (2004) Deuterated Species in Star-Forming Regions ; ISBN 978-3-642-62348-6; The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies; 487-490; 10.1007/978-3-642-18902-9_86
Comito, C. and Schilke, P., el al. (2004) The Line-of-Sight Distribution of Water in SgrB2 ; ISBN 9783642623486; The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies; 265-268; 10.1007/978-3-642-18902-9_47
Pearson, J. C. and Miller, D., el al. (2003) Terahertz frequency receiver instrumentation for Herschel's heterodyne instrument for far infrared (HIFI) ; ISBN 9780819446299; IR Space Telescopes and Instruments; 650-661; 10.1117/12.461757
Staguhn, Johannes and Benford, Dominic, el al. (2003) Astronomical demonstration of superconducting bolometer arrays ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 100-107; 10.1117/12.459377
Kooi, J. W. and Kovács, A., el al. (2003) Heterodyne Instrumentation Upgrade at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 9780819446343; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 265-278; 10.1117/12.459114
Dowell, C. Darren and Allen, Christine A., el al. (2003) SHARC II: a Caltech Submillimeter Observatory facility camera with 384 pixels ; ISBN 0-8194-4634-3; Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy; 73-87; 10.1117/12.459360
Benford, D. J. and Ames, T. A., el al. (2002) First Astronomical Use of Multiplexed Transition Edge Bolometers ; ISBN 0-7354-0049-0; Low Temperature Detectors; 589-592; 10.1063/1.1457715
Biver, Nicolas and Bockelée-Morvan, Dominique, el al. (2002) The 1995–2002 Long-Term Monitoring of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) at Radio Wavelength ; ISBN 9789048161560; Cometary Science after Hale-Bopp; 5-14; 10.1007/978-94-017-1088-6_1
Gerin, Maryvonne and Phillips, Thomas G. (2001) Submillimeter CI and CO Lines in Galaxies ; ISBN 9789048158218; The Evolution of Galaxies I-Observational Clues; 75-78; 10.1007/978-94-017-3313-7_11
Shafer, R. A. and Moseley, S. H., Jr., el al. (2000) Submillimeter and far-infrared experiment (SAFIRE): a PI class instrument for SOFIA ; ISBN 9780819436399; Airborne Telescope Systems; 98-108; 10.1117/12.389126
Despois, Didier and Ricaud, Philippe, el al. (2000) Search for Extraterrestrial Origin of Atmospheric Trace Molecules — Radio Sub-Mm Observations during the Leonids ; ISBN 9789048156245; Leonid Storm Research; 129-140; 10.1007/978-94-017-2071-7_10
Benford, D. J. and Serabyn, E., el al. (1998) Development of a broadband submillimeter grating spectrometer ; ISBN 9780819428042; Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes; 278-288; 10.1117/12.317363
Stark, Antony A. and Carlstrom, John E., el al. (1998) Plans for a 10-m submillimeter-wave telescope at the South Pole ; ISBN 9780819428042; Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes; 495-506; 10.1117/12.317383
Kooi, Jacob W. and Schaffer, P. L., el al. (1998) Heterodyne instrumentation at the CSO ; ISBN 9780819428042; Advanced Technology MMW, Radio, and Terahertz Telescopes; 22-32; 10.1117/12.317362
Houde, M. and Phillips, T. G., el al. (1997) Tracing the Magnetic Field in Molecular Clouds ; ISBN 978-3-642-62348-6; The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies; 365-368; 10.1007/978-3-642-18902-9_66
Crosas, Mercè and Menten, Karl M., el al. (1997) Radiative Transfer in a Turbulent Expanding Molecular Envelope: Application to Mira ; ISBN 978-90-481-5018-2; Dust and Molecules in Evolved Stars; 189-192; 10.1007/978-94-017-1307-8_25
Keene, Jocelyn and Phillips, T. G., el al. (1997) Pre-Shock and post-shock abundance ratios of atomic carbon to CO in IC 443 G ; ISBN 9780792342847; CO: Twenty-Five Years of Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy; 382-384; 10.1007/978-94-011-5414-7_68
Phillips, T. G. (1995) Prospects for submillimeter observations ; ISBN 9783540604822; The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds; 344-351; 10.1007/bfb0102182
Phillips, T. G. and Keene, Jocelyn, el al. (1995) Atomic carbon emission from shocked and preshocked gas in the IC 443 supernova remnant ; ISBN 9783540604822; The Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds; 96-97; 10.1007/bfb0102101
Phillips, T. G. (1994) THz source requirements for astrophysics receivers ; ISBN 0-8194-1440-9; Nonlinear Optics for High-Speed Electronics and Optical Frequency Conversion; 230-238; 10.1117/12.177147
Wang, Ning and Hunter, T. R., el al. (1994) Monolithic Si bolometer array for the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory ; ISBN 0-8194-1493-X; Instrumentation in Astronomy VIII; 749-756; 10.1117/12.176729
Phillips, T. G. and van Dishoeck, Ewine F., el al. (1992) Interstellar H₃O⁺ ; ISBN 9780792318255; Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena; 191-192; 10.1007/978-94-011-2761-5_44
Jansen, D. J. and van Dishoeck, E. F., el al. (1992) The Physical and Chemical Structure of Warm, Dense Regions: IC 63 and IC 443 ; ISBN 9780792318255; Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena; 319-320; 10.1007/978-94-011-2761-5_70
Falgarone, E. and Phillips, T. G. (1991) Signatures of Turbulence in the Dense Interstellar Medium ; ISBN 9780792311591; Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation; 119-136; 10.1007/978-94-011-3384-5_15
Sargent, A. I. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1990) CO(2→1) Emission from NGC 3256: An Interacting Pair of Galaxies ; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 221-222; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_82
Knapp, G. R. and Gammie, C. F., el al. (1990) CO Observations of Evolved Giant Stars ; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 33-34; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_9
Falgarone, E and Phillips, T. G. (1990) The self-similar structure of nolecular clouds ; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 9-10; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_2
Phillips, T. G. and Sanders, D. B., el al. (1990) CO (2-1) Studies of Centaurus A ; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 223-224; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_83
van Dishoeck, E. F. and Black, J. H., el al. (1990) Millimeter and Optical Observations of Translucent Molecular Clouds ; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 103-104; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_38
Sanders, D. B. and Sargent, A. I., el al. (1990) CO(2→1) / CO(1→0) observations of luminous infrared galaxies ; ISBN 9789401568524; Submillimetre Astronomy; 213-214; 10.1007/978-94-015-6850-0_78
Sargent, A. I. and Scoville, N., el al. (1987) High Resolution Studies of Star-Forming Molecular Clouds ; ISBN 9789027723888; Star Forming Regions; 329-330; 10.1017/S0074180900095693
Phillips, T. G. (1987) Observations of the Cooling of the Interstellar Gas ; ISBN 978-90-277-2485-4; Interstellar Processes; 706-730; 10.1007/978-94-009-3861-8_26
Lo, K. Y. and Cheung, K. W., el al. (1987) Molecular Gas in the Nucleus of M82 ; ISBN 9789027723888; Star Forming Regions; 620-621; 10.1017/S0074180900096534
Wengler, M. J. and Woody, D. P., el al. (1986) A Low Noise Receiver for Submillimeter Astronomy ; ISBN 0892526335; Instrumentation for Submillimeter Spectroscopy; 27-32; 10.1117/12.952315
Sargent, Anneila I. and Sutton, E. C., el al. (1985) CO (2–1) observations of Maffei 2 ; ISBN 9789400952911; The Milky Way Galaxy; 197-198; 10.1017/S0074180900242411
Masson, C. R. and Berge, G. L., el al. (1984) The Caltech Millimeter Wave Interferometer
Lo, K. Y. and Berge, G., el al. (1984) Aperture Synthesis Maps of CO Emission from M51
Phillips, T. G. and International Union of Radio Science, el al. (1984) Submillimeter, Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Interstellar Medium
Phillips, T. G. (1981) InSb Heterodyne Receivers For Submillimeter Astronomy ; ISBN 0892523131; Infrared Astronomy: Scientific/Military Thrusts and Instrumentation; 101-107; 10.1117/12.931954