Phillips, Rob
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- Hirokawa, Soichi and Chure, Griffin, el al. (2019) Tethered Particle Motion Measurements used in "Sequence Dependent Dynamics of Synthetic and Endogenous RSSs in V(D)J Recombination."; 10.22002/D1.1288
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- Razo-Mejia, Manuel and Phillips, Rob, el al. (2019) Microscopy image files for "First-principles prediction of the information processing capacity of a simple genetic circuit."; 10.22002/D1.1184
- Razo-Mejia, Manuel and Phillips, Rob, el al. (2019) Cell intensities extracted from microscopy images for "First-principles prediction of the information processing capacity of a simple genetic circuit."; 10.22002/D1.1183
- Razo-Mejia, Manuel and Phillips, Rob, el al. (2019) Channel capacity bootstrap inferences from experimental data for "First-principles prediction of the information processing capacity of a simple genetic circuit."; 10.22002/D1.1185
- Belliveau, Nathan and Phillips, Rob (2018) Processed sequence data as .csv from "Systematic approach for dissecting the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in bacteria"; 10.22002/D1.961
- Belliveau, Nathan and Phillips, Rob (2018) Raw mass spectrometry Thermo data from "Systematic approach for dissecting the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in bacteria"; 10.22002/D1.963
- Belliveau, Nathan and Phillips, Rob (2018) Processed sequence data as .fastq from "Systematic approach for dissecting the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation in bacteria"; 10.22002/D1.962
- Razo-Mejia, Manuel and Barnes, Stephanie L., el al. (2018) Supporting Information for "Tuning transcriptional regulation through signaling: A predictive theory for allosteric induction"; 10.22002/D1.743