Penner, Stanford S.
- Patch, Richard Walker (1964) Part I. Radiative Transfer Studies and Opacity Calculations for Heated Gases. Part II. Absolute Intensity Measurements for the 2.7 µ Band of Water Vapor in a Shock Tube; 10.7907/G92Q-ED75
- Shackleford, William Lewis (1964) Part I. Measurement of gf-Values for Singly Ionized Chromium Using the Reflected Wave Region of a Shock Tube. Part II. Experimental Investigation of the Approach to Equilibrium Ionization and Electronic Excitation in Shock-Heated Mixtures of Chromium and Argon. Part III. Approximate Spectral Absorption Coefficient Calculations for Electronic Band Systems Belonging to Diatomic Molecules; 10.7907/RAAH-J388
- Goldstein, Robert (1964) Quantitative Spectroscopic Studies on the Infrared Absorption by Water Vapor and Liquid Water; 10.7907/5NW0-JM56
- Thomas, Mitchell (1964) Radiative Transfer and Opacity Calculations; 10.7907/EAA2-7R56
- Gray, Louise Dillon (1963) Part I. Theoretical Calculations of Equilibrium Infrared Gas Emissivities from Spectroscopic Data. Part II. Representative Radiative Energy Transfer Calculations for Transparent and Optically Dense Media; 10.7907/79HT-JK40
- Watson, Ronald (1963) I. Experimental Spectroscopic Temperature Measurements in the Reflected Wave Region of a Shock Tube Using the OH ²Σ → ²π Band System. II. Shock Tube Measurements of the Absorption Oscillator Strength for the ²Σ → ²π Band System of OH; 10.7907/20T1-5E54
- Porter, John William (1963) Part I. Chemical Reactions During Flow in Rocket Nozzles. Part II. Gas Discharge Rates Through De Laval Nozzles and the Experimental Determination of Desorption Rates; 10.7907/MYSG-P786
- Guttman, Andrew (1962) I. Quantitative Studies of the N0₂- N₂0₄ System in the Infrared. II. Emission of Diffuse Bands of Sodium Behind Shock Fronts; 10.7907/BKS0-GN58
- Olfe, Daniel Burrhus (1960) Gas Emissivities and Radiative Transfer Studies; 10.7907/FZWR-9J22
- Lapp, Marshall (1960) Part 1. Emissivity Calculations for CO₂. Part 2 Shock Tube f-Number Measurement for OH; 10.7907/BW2K-2M27
- Jacobs, Theodore Alan (1960) Part 1. An Investigation of Relaxation Processes. Part 2. Studies in Combustion; 10.7907/9YND-DS33
- Reichenbach, Roy Earl (1960) Combustion Research; 10.7907/8CB5-TG80
- Dawson, Victor Charles Douglas (1959) Spectroscopic Studies of Heated Salts Behind Shock Fronts; 10.7907/A9DJ-HB94
- Fuhs, Allen Eugene (1958) Part I. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Heterogeneous Diffusion Flames. Part II. Spectroscopic Studies of Flames; 10.7907/ENEM-BM84
- Williams, Forman Arthur (1958) Theoretical Studies in Heterogeneous Combustion; 10.7907/F9A8-VN10
- Hooker, William Joseph (1958) Shock-Induced C₂H₂ Pyrolysis and CO Emissivity; 10.7907/J37Y-C144
- Thomson, James Alex Lloyd (1958) Emissivities and Absorptivities of Gases; 10.7907/2HJG-SD13
- Harshbarger, Frederick Clay (1957) Physico-Chemical Processes Behind Shock Fronts; 10.7907/YYJF-HM80
- Bennett, Eugene Newell (1956) Carbon Formation from Acetylene in the Shock Tube; 10.7907/GB80-GE14
- Kanevsky, Joseph Norman (1956) I. Interference During Burning of Body-Centered Cubic Arrays of Nine Fuel Droplets in Air. II. Spray Formation and Evaporation; 10.7907/JHWV-HB29
- Rex, James Foster (1955) Interference Effects During Burning in Air for Two Stationary N-Heptane Droplets; 10.7907/334Z-RA03
- Benton, William Curtis (1955) The Emissivity of Hydrogen Atoms at High Ttemperatures; 10.7907/G0S8-8Q90
- Crowe, Thomas Huston (1955) Correlation of Laminar Flame Velocities for Hydrocarbon-Oxygen-Inert Gas Mixtures; 10.7907/29MY-5D14
- Kiley, Donald Walter (1955) On the Burning of Single Drops of Monopropellants; 10.7907/33WQ-4M23
- Goldsmith, Martin (1955) The Burning of Single Drops of Fuel in Oxidizing Atmospheres; 10.7907/E4YT-5B12
- Penny, Harmon Charles (1954) Vibrational Relaxation Times of Gaseous Mixtures of Diatomic Molecules and their Effect on Rocket Performance; 10.7907/Y2D2-M834
- Perkins, Carlton Kay (1954) Burning of Single Droplets of Hydrocarbon Fuels in Oxidizing Atmospheres; 10.7907/DMX1-0Y63
- Mileson, Donald Francis (1954) The Thermal Theory of Laminar Flame Propagation for Hydrogen-Bromine Mixtures; 10.7907/WN9C-Q975
- Meghreblian, Robert Vartan (1953) Thermodynamic Functions of Polyelectronic Atoms at Very High Temperatures; 10.7907/88PE-S208
- Robison, William Clay (1953) Properties of Ethylene Oxide and Hydrazine Related to their Use as Propellants; 10.7907/QHQT-NG37
- Ritter, Darrell Lloyd (1953) Activation Energies of Global Reactions in Laminar Flame Propagation; 10.7907/8539-Z537
- MacLeod, Gordon John (1953) Some Considerations in the Application of a Gas Turbine Cycle to the Manufacture of Nitric Oxide; 10.7907/YN04-XS79
- Elliott, Benton Holford (1953) Spectroscopic Studies of OH in Flames. I. Theoretical Investigations of Distortions Produced by Temperature Gradients, Self-Absorption and Changes in Spectral Line-Shape. II. Experimental Studies on Acetylene-Oxygen Flames Burning at Atmospheric Pressure; 10.7907/Y37J-RF90
- Offtermatt, Wilbur Francis (1953) Tables of Bond and Resonance Energies for Estimating Standard Heats of Fformation; 10.7907/TZFF-RW53
- Poorman, Herbert R. (1953) Some Experimental Studies of Laminar Burning Velocity; 10.7907/J2N7-T584
- Holm, Robert Joseph (1952) I. Integrated Intensity Measurements for Vibration-Rotation Bands of Carbon Dioxide. II. Total Absorptivity Measurements on Carbon Dioxide at Room Temperature; 10.7907/RN61-AX46
- Schroeder, Joseph Herman (1952) Effect of Vibrational Excitation on the Theoretical Performance of the Stoichiometric Carbon-Oxygen Propellant System; 10.7907/BGFA-6E97
- Hartwig, Frederic William (1952) The Evaporation Rate of Liquid Droplets in a Hot Gas; 10.7907/NY38-9J57
- Angelo, Raymond Louis (1951) I. Experimental Determination of Selected Accommodation Coefficients. II. Experimental Determination of the Heat of Iodine; 10.7907/1DD6-8B60
- Ostrander, Max Howell (1951) Emissivity Calculations for Carbon Monoxide; 10.7907/7DDZ-WA46
- Benitez, Louis Eugenio (1949) Studies of Radiant Heat Transfer from Pure Gases; 10.7907/EG68-PD69