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Srinivasan, Kartik and Barclay, Paul E., el al. (2005) An optical-fiber-based probe for photonic crystal microcavities ; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications; Vol. 23; No. 7; 1321-1329; 10.1109/JSAC.2005.851212
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Barclay, Paul E. and Srinivasan, Kartik, el al. (2005) Nonlinear absorption and dispersion in fiber coupled silicon photonic crystal microresonators ; ISBN 1-55752-796-2; 2005 Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference: (QELS); 74-76; 10.1109/QELS.2005.1548679
Srinivasan, Kartik and Borselli, Matthew, el al. (2005) Optical loss and lasing characteristics of high-quality-factor AlGaAs microdisk resonators with embedded quantum dots ; Applied Physics Letters; Vol. 86; No. 15; Art. No. 151106; 10.1063/1.1901810
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Srinivasan, Kartik and Barclay, Paul E., el al. (2004) Optical fiber-based measurement of ultra-small mode volume and a high quality factor in a photonic crystal microcavity ; ISBN 1-55752-778-4; 2004 International Quantum Electronics Conference (IQEC); 585-586
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Srinivasan, Kartik and Barclay, Paul E., el al. (2004) Fabrication of high-quality-factor photonic crystal microcavities in InAsP/InGaAsP membranes ; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B; Vol. 22; No. 3; 875-879; 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.205318
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Srinivasan, Kartik and Barclay, Paul E., el al. (2003) Design of high-Q photonic crystal optical cavities through group-theoretical and Fourier space analyses ; ISBN 0-7803-7982-9; 2003 IEEE/LEOS Summer Topical Meeting: holey fibers and photonic crystals; 50-51; 10.1109/LEOSST.2003.1224271
Srinivasan, Kartik and Barclay, Paul E., el al. (2003) Design of high-Q photonic crystal optical cavities through Fourier space methods ; ISBN 1-55752-749-0; Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS); Art. No. QWA32
Colombelli, R. and Srinivasan, K., el al. (2003) Quantum cascade photonic crystal surface emitting injection laser ; ISBN 1-55752-748-2; Trends in Optics and Photonics (TOPS) Vol. 88, Conference 011 Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Technical Digest, Postconference Edition (Optical Society of America, Washington, DC 2003); Art. No. CThPDC2
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Srinivasan, Kartik and Painter, Oskar (2002) Momentum space design of high-Q photonic crystal optical cavities ; Optics Express; Vol. 10; No. 15; 670-684
Srinivasan, Kartik and Painter, Oskar (2002) Planar photonic crystal resonant cavities ; ISBN 9780819446497; Active and Passive Optical Components for WDM Communications II; 272-282; 10.1117/12.475544
Srinivasan, Kartik and Painter, Oskar J. (2002) Photonic crystal defect lasers ; ISBN 0819443905; Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers; 211-221; 10.1117/12.467949
Painter, Oskar and Srinivasan, Kartik (2002) Polarization properties of dipolelike defect modes in photonic crystal nanocavities ; Optics Letters; Vol. 27; No. 5; 339-341
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Scherer, A. and Vuckovic, J., el al. (2001) Photonic Crystal Nanocavities and Waveguides ; ISBN 0-7803-7432-0; 2001 International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium; 511-513; 10.1109/ISDRS.2001.984559
Painter, Oskar and Srinivasan, Kartik, el al. (2001) Tailoring of the resonant mode properties of optical nanocavities in two-dimensional photonic crystal slab waveguides ; Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics; Vol. 3; No. 6; S161-S170; 10.1088/1464-4258/3/6/367
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Scherer, A. and Painter, O., el al. (2001) Photonic Crystal Cavities and Waveguides ; ISBN 0-7803-7014-7; 2001 Device Research Conference; 115-118; 10.1109/DRC.2001.937897
Yoshie, Tomoyuki and Painter, Oskar, el al. (2000) Photonic crystal defect microcavities with indium arsenide quantum dots ; ISBN 0-7803-5947-X; Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 2000 Annual Meeting. LEOS 2000; 415-416; 10.1109/LEOS.2000.893889
Cai, M. and Painter, O., el al. (2000) Fiber-coupled microsphere laser ; Optics Letters; Vol. 25; No. 19; 1430-1432
Painter, O. and Husain, A., el al. (2000) Lithographic tuning of a two-dimensional photonic crystal laser array ; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters; Vol. 12; No. 9; 1126-1128
Cai, Ming and Painter, Oskar, el al. (2000) Observation of Critical Coupling in a Fiber Taper to a Silica-Microsphere Whispering-Gallery Mode System ; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 85; No. 1; 74-77; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.74
Vučković, Jelena and Painter, Oskar, el al. (2000) FDTD calculation of the spontaneous emission coupling factor in optical microcavities ; ISBN 0819435546; Micro- and Nano-photonic Materials and Devices; 2-11; 10.1117/12.382802
Lee, Reginald K. and Painter, Oskar, el al. (2000) Emission properties of a defect cavity in a two-dimensional photonic bandgap crystal slab ; Journal of the Optical Society of America B; Vol. 17; No. 4; 629-633
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Painter, O. J. and Husain, A., el al. (1999) Room temperature photonic crystal defect lasers at near-infrared wavelengths in InGaAsP ; Journal of Lightwave Technology; Vol. 17; No. 11; 2082-2088; 10.1109/50.802998
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