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Learning and Data Assimilation for Blending Incomplete Models and Noisy
Data; 10.7907/b82h-ye78
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"Interpolated Factored Green Function" Method; 10.7907/1cnc-s558
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Multiscale and Statistical Numerical Methods for PDEs and Inverse
Problems; 10.7907/83p4-c644
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Matrix Recovery: Manifold Geometry and Global Convergence; 10.7907/hd6q-g460
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Formation in the High-Dimensional Euler Equations and Sampling of
High-Dimensional Distributions by Deep Generative Networks; 10.7907/8had-3a90
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Formation in Incompressible Fluids and Related Models; 10.7907/nqff-dh92
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Learning and Scientific Computing; 10.7907/8nc5-cc67
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Computation, and Games; 10.7907/esyv-2181
- Anderson, Thomas Geoffrey (2021) Hybrid
Frequency-Time Analysis and Numerical Methods for Time-Dependent Wave
Propagation; 10.7907/hmv1-r869
- Schäfer, Florian Tobias (2021) Inference,
Computation, and Games; 10.7907/esyv-2181
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Patterns with Kernels and Learning Kernels from Patterns; 10.7907/c5fn-ac81
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Patterns with Kernels and Learning Kernels from Patterns; 10.7907/c5fn-ac81
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Integral Equation Methods for Simulation and Design of Photonic
Devices; 10.7907/XXPX-9H78
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Definite Matrices: Compression, Decomposition, Eigensolver, and
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by Periodic Media; 10.7907/G7XQ-RT85
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Model Reduction; 10.7907/0RCX-0369
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Inequalities of Random Matrices and Solving Ptychography with a Convex
Relaxation; 10.7907/Z9M906MF
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Positive Semidefinite Operators with Sparse/Localized Bases; 10.7907/Z91N7Z5J
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Integral Equation Methods for Problems of Scattering by Defects and
Obstacles in Layered Media; 10.7907/Z9GQ6VQT
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Dynamics with Incompressible Schrödinger Flow; 10.7907/Z98050N3
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Simplified Models; 10.7907/Z9V9862G
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Fluids; 10.7907/Z9KK98QG
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Stability and High Order Accuracy in Space and Time; 10.7907/Z9WW7FKW
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Differential Equations; 10.7907/06ND-CY07
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Lagrangians; 10.7907/PH3X-YH23
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Three-Dimensional Geometries; 10.7907/V9DQ-P103
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Conditions for Wave Scattering Problems; 10.7907/A5ZM-NK18
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Differential Equations; 10.7907/V638-V403
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Apertures; 10.7907/VP8P-DP74
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Recovery via Convex Optimization; 10.7907/3Z65-A925
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Quantification Using Concentration-of-Measure Inequalities; 10.7907/DRAM-H941
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for Mapping Nucleic Acid Free Energy Landscapes; 10.7907/VJX1-6376
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Evaluation of Scattering from Periodic Rough Surfaces; 10.7907/F9VM-JP39
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and Evolution of Martensitic Phase Boundaries; 10.7907/89AW-3S87
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