Ordeshook, Peter
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Experiments on the Core: Some Disconcerting Results for Majority Rule Voting Games; 10.7907/vxjaz-75n80
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Elections with Limited Information: A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using Contemporaneous Poll and Endorsement Data as Information Sources; 10.7907/a7hd5-zy507
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Sequential Elections with Limited Information; 10.7907/v23kd-qbn10
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Elections with Limited Information: A Multidimensional Model; 10.7907/ebpx6-ssr61
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Palfrey, Thomas R. (2017) Agendas, Strategic Voting, and Signaling with Incomplete Information; 10.7907/2h7ha-fxg91
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) The Geographical Imperatives of the Balance of Power in 3-Country Systems; 10.7907/yreww-09686
- McKelvey, Richard D. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) A Decade of Experimental Research on Spatial Models of Elections and Committees; 10.7907/bc0gn-qhp30
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) The Reintegration of Political Science and Economics and the Presumed Imperialism of Economic Theory; 10.7907/m88qf-94d81
- Collier, Kenneth and Ordeshook, Peter C., el al. (2017) The Rationality Uninformed Electorate: Some Experimental Evidence; 10.7907/2qm0h-kp137
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Conflict and Stability in Anarchic International Systems; 10.7907/mrr19-r2h04
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Realism Versus Neoliberalism: A Formulation; 10.7907/g60kx-23t81
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) A Game-Theoretic Interpretation of Sun Tzu's the Art of War; 10.7907/j2sxd-zjs13
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Alliances in Anarchic International Systems; 10.7907/y706q-8c051
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) The Development of Contemporary Political Theory; 10.7907/dnm93-64s47
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) The Spatial Analysis of Elections and Committees: Four Decades of Research; 10.7907/03y83-zga07
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Constitutional Stability; 10.7907/dg30h-t7q67
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Zeng, Langche (2017) Some Properties of Hare Voting with Strategic Voters; 10.7907/ev76a-f2977
- Yang, Chen and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Constitutional Secession Clauses; 10.7907/0ck4t-s7q27
- Nikonov, Vyacheslav A. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Russia's Transition to Democracy: Essays 11-18; 10.7907/1nes8-bby40
- Nikonov, Vyacheslav A. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Russia's Transition to Democracy: Essays 1-10; 10.7907/7wem4-mrn38
- Chen, Yan and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Veto Games: Spatial Committees Under Unanimity Rule; 10.7907/bqcs9-c3k77
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Notes on Constitutional Change in the ROC: Presidential versus Parliamentary Government; 10.7907/dqqde-vaa45
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Shvetsova, Olga V. (2017) Ethnic Heterogeneity, District Magnitude, and the Number of Parties; 10.7907/w0tap-b7q51
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Schwartz, Thomas (2017) A Draft Constitution for the Russian Federation; 10.7907/z0t1v-6vq54
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Less Filling, Tastes Great: The Realist-Neoliberal Debate; 10.7907/zr4b6-39b34
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Shvetsova, Olga V. (2017) If Hamilton and Madison Were Merely Lucky, What Hope Is There for Russian Federalism?; 10.7907/yv98z-edr97
- Niou, Emerson M. S. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Alliances Versus Federations: An Analysis with Military and Economic Capabilities Distinguished; 10.7907/6wz3e-c2738
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Institutions and Incentives: The Prospects for Russian Democracy; 10.7907/a6qwf-33e44
- Ordeshook, Peter C. and Zeng, Langche (2017) Rational Voters and Strategic Voting: Evidence from the 1968, 1980, and 1992 Elections; 10.7907/1vp12-5fe44
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Constitutions for New Democracies: Reflections of Turmoil or Agents of Stability?; 10.7907/3re5t-xms92
- Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Russia's Party System: Is Russian Federalism Viable?; 10.7907/ts8j6-7gz34
- Filippov, Mikhail G. and Ordeshook, Peter C. (2017) Fraud or Fiction: Who Stole What in Russia's December 1993 Elections; 10.7907/jzgay-6aq68
- Filippov, Mikhail G. and Ordeshook, Peter C., el al. (2017) Party Fragmentation and Presidential Elections in Post-Communist Democracies; 10.7907/0sgsn-vwq02