Okumura, Mitchio
- Messinger, Joseph and Vinson, James, el al. (2019) Cavity ringdown spectroscopy of intermediates in the reactions of aromatics + OH
- Takematsu, Kana and Stanton, John, el al. (2016) Spectroscopy and dynamics of the nitrate cation NO₃+
- Okumura, Mitchio (2015) Applications of optical cavity techniques to problems in atmospheric chemistry and spectroscopy
- Mertens, Laura A. and Allen, Hannah M., el al. (2015) Does the reaction of HO₂ with NO produce HONO₂ and HOONO
- Dodson, Leah G. and Shen, Linhan, el al. (2015) Reactions of atmospheric peroxy radicals studied by synchrotron VUV multiplexed photoionization mass spectrometry
- Mertens, Laura A. and Okumura, Mitchio, el al. (2014) Temperature dependent branching ratios of HONO_2 and HOONO from HO_x and NO_x cross reactions found using pulsed cavity-ringdown spectroscopy
- Hui, Aileen O. and Grieman, Frederick J., el al. (2014) Laboratory experiments of HO_2 reactions with peroxy radicals using infrared kinetic spectroscopy (IRKS)
- Smarte, Matthew D. and Dodson, Leah G., el al. (2014) Kinetics and near-infrared spectroscopy of chlorine-substituted peroxy radicals
- Smarte, Matthew D. and Dodson, Leah G., el al. (2014) Cavity ringdown spectroscopy of chlorine-substituted peroxy radicals: Reaction kinetics with nitric oxide
- Takematsu, Kana and Garcia, Gustavo, el al. (2014) Photoionization and dissociative ionization of the nitrate radical studied by threshold photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy
- Takematsu, Kana and Garcia, Gustavo A., el al. (2014) Dynamics at conical intersections: Threshold photoelectron-photoion coincidence (T-PEPICO) spectroscopy of the nitrate cation NO3+
- Dodson, Leah G. and Smarte, Matthew D., el al. (2014) Spectroscopy and kinetics of the peroxy radicals formed by chlorine-initiated oxidation of isoprene
- Dodson, Leah G. and Shen, Linhan, el al. (2014) Kinetics and product yields of the acetyl peroxy + HO₂ radical reaction studied by photoionization mass spectrometry
- Takematsu, K. and Eddingsaas, N., el al. (2010) Direct detection of the nitrooxyperoxy radicals in the oxidation of VOCs by NO₃
- Okumura, M. and Sander, S. P., el al. (2010) Gas phase reactions of the hydroperoxyl radical HO_2 with carbonyl compounds
- Okumura, M. and Takematsu, K., el al. (2010) Anharmonicity and the Jahn-Teller effect: The A2E" state of the nitrate radical NO₃