Morari, Manfred
- Micera, Silvestro and Keller, Thierry, el al. (2010) Wearable Neural Prostheses - Restoration of Sensory-Motor Function by Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation; IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine; Vol. 29; No. 3; 64-69; 10.1109/MEMB.2010.936547
- Rhodes, Carl and Morari, Manfred, el al. (1999) Identification of low order manifolds: Validating the algorithm of Maas and Pope; Chaos; Vol. 9; No. 1; 108-123; 10.1063/1.166398
- Bekiaris, Nikolaos and Morari, Manfred (1996) Multiple Steady States in Distillation: ∞/∞ Predictions, Extensions, and Implications for Design, Synthesis, and Simulation; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 35; No. 11; 4264-4280; 10.1021/ie950450d
- Doyle, Francis J., III and Budman, Hector M., el al. (1996) "Linearizing" Controller Design for a Packed-Bed Reactor Using a Low-Order Wave Propagation Model; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 35; No. 10; 3567-3580; 10.1021/ie9404083
- Kothare, Mayuresh V. and Morari, Manfred (1996) Multiplier theory for stability analysis of anti-windup control systems
- Bekiaris, Nikolaos and Meski, George A., el al. (1996) Multiple Steady States in Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 35; No. 1; 207-227; 10.1021/ie940493e
- Webb, Christopher J. and Budman, Hector M., el al. (1995) Identification of Uncertainty Bounds for Robust Control with Applications to a Fixed Bed Reactor; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 34; No. 5; 1743-1754; 10.1021/ie00044a026
- Kothare, Mayuresh V. and Balakrishnan, Venkataramanan, el al. (1995) Robust Constrained Model Predictive Control using Linear Matrix Inequalities
- Tyler, Matthew L. and Morari, Manfred (1995) Performance Monitoring of Control Systems using Likelihood Methods
- Braatz, Richard D. and Morari, Manfred (1994) Minimizing the Euclidean Condition Number; SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization; Vol. 32; No. 6; 1763-1768; 10.1137/S0363012992238680
- Bekiaris, Nikolaos and Meski, George A., el al. (1994) Multiple Steady States in Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation
- Campo, Peter J. and Morari, Mafred (1994) Achievable closed-loop properties of systems under decentralized control: conditions involving the steady-state gain; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 39; No. 5; 932-943; 10.1109/9.284869
- Braatz, Richard P. and Young, Peter M., el al. (1994) Computational complexity of μ calculation; IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control; Vol. 39; No. 5; 1000-1002; 10.1109/9.284879
- Tyler, Matthew L. and Morari, Manfred (1994) Optimal and Robust Design of Integrated Control and Diagnostic Modules
- Huq, Iftikhar and Morari, Manfred, el al. (1994) Design and Operational Modifications to Model IV FCCUs to Improve Dynamic Performance
- Tyler, M. L. and Morari, M. (1994) Estimation of Cross Directional Properties: Scanning versus Stationary Sensors
- Balakrishnan, V. and Zheng, A., el al. (1994) Constrained Stabilization of Discrete-Time Systems
- Zheng, A. and Morari, M. (1994) Stability of Model Predictive Control with Soft Constraints
- Morari, M. (1993) Model Predictive Control: Multivariable Control Technique of Choice in the 1990s?
- Bekiaris, Nikolaos and Meski, George A., el al. (1993) Multiple steady states in homogeneous azeotropic distillation; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 32; No. 9; 2023-2038; 10.1021/ie00021a026
- Lee, Jay H. and Braatz, Richard D., el al. (1993) Robust Control Structure Selection
- Kothare, Mayuresh V. and Campo, Peter J., el al. (1993) A Unified Framework for the Study of Anti-Windup Designs
- Braatz, Richard D. and Morari, Manfred (1993) Stability and Performance Analysis of Systems Under Constraints
- Zheng, Zhi Q. and Morari, Manfred (1993) Robust Stability of Constrained Model Predictive Control; ISBN 0-7803-0860-3; Proceedings of the 1993 American Control Conference; 379-383
- Braatz, Richard D. and Young, Peter M., el al. (1993) Computational complexity of μ calculation; ISBN 0-7803-0860-3; 1993 American Control Conference; 1682-1683; 10.23919/ACC.1993.4793162
- Bekiaris, Nikolaos and Meski, George A., el al. (1993) Multiple Steady States in Homogeneous Azeotropic Distillation; ISBN 0-7803-0860-3; 1993 American Control Conference; 2934-2936
- Holcomb, Tyler R. and Morari, Manfred (1993) Significance Regression: Robust Regression for Collinear Data
- Zheng, Alex and Kothare, Mayuresh V., el al. (1993) Anti-Windup Design for Internal Model Control
- Holcomb, Tyler R. and Hjalmarsson, Hakan, el al. (1993) Significance Regression: A Statistical Approach to Biased Linear Regression and Partial Least Squares
- Braatz, Richard D. and Young, Peter M., el al. (1993) Computational Complexity of μ Calculation
- Holcomb, Tyler R. and Morari, Manfred (1993) Significance Regression: Improved Estimation from Collinear Data for the Measurement Error Model
- Holcomb, Tyler and Morari, Manfred (1993) PLS Leads to Different Algorithms for Factor Analysis and Regression
- Bekiaris, Nikolaos and Meski, George A., el al. (1993) Multiple Steady States in Homogeneous Azeotropic Distillation
- Lee, Jay H. and Morari, Manfred, el al. (1992) State-Space Interpretation of Model Predictive Control
- Laroche, Lionel and Bekiaris, Nikolaos, el al. (1992) Homogeneous azeotropic distillation: separability and flowsheet synthesis; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 31; No. 9; 2190-2209; 10.1021/ie00009a017
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- Braatz, Richard D. and Tyler, Matthew L., el al. (1992) Identification and Cross-Directional Control of Coating Processes: Theory and Experiments; ISBN 0-7803-0210-9; 1992 American Control Conference; 1556-1561
- Braatz, Richard D. and Morari, Manfred (1992) Robust Control for a Noncolocated Spring-Mass System; ISBN 0-7803-0210-9; 1992 American Control Conference; 2061-2062
- Doyle, F., III and Allgöwer, F., el al. (1992) On Nonlinear Systems with Poorly Behaved Zero Dynamics; ISBN 0-7803-0210-9; 1992 American Control Conference; 2571-2575
- Braatz, Richard D. and Tyler, Matthew L., el al. (1992) Avery Final Report: Identification and Cross-Directional Control of Coating Processes
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- Holcomb, Tyler and Morari, Manfred (1991) Local Training for Radial Basis Function Networks: Towards Solving the Hidden Unit Problem; ISBN 0-87942-565-2; 1991 American Control Conference; 2331-2336
- Braatz, R. D. and Morari, M. (1991) μ-sensitivities as an aid for robust identification; ISBN 0-87942-565-2; 1991 American Control Conference; 231-236
- Secchi, Argimiro R. and Morari, Manfred, el al. (1991) DAWRS: A Differential - Algebraic System Solver by the Waveform Relaxation Method; ISBN 0-8186-2290-3; Proceedings The Sixth Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1991; 502-505; 10.1109/DMCC.1991.633306
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- Grosdidier, Pierre and Morari, Manfred (1990) Integral controllability of integrating systems; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research; Vol. 29; No. 10; 2160-2161; 10.1021/ie00106a031
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- Doyle, Francis J., III and Morari, Manfred (1990) A Conic Sector-Based Methodology for Nonlinear Control Design
- Skjellum, Anthony and Morari, Manfred (1990) Concurrent DASSL Applied to Dynamic Distillation Column Simulation; ISBN 0-8186-2113-3; Proceedings of the Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conference, 1990; 595-604; 10.1109/DMCC.1990.555439
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