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- Mobbs, Dean and Headley, Drew B., el al. (2020) Space, Time, and Fear: Survival Computations along Defensive Circuits; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Vol. 24; No. 3; 228-241; 10.1016/j.tics.2019.12.016
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- Mobbs, Dean and Adolphs, Ralph, el al. (2019) Viewpoints: Approaches to defining and investigating fear; Nature Neuroscience; Vol. 22; No. 8; 1205-1216; PMCID PMC6943931; 10.1038/s41593-019-0456-6
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- Mobbs, Dean and LeDoux, Joseph (2018) Editorial overview: Survival behaviors and circuits; Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences; Vol. 24; 168-171; 10.1016/j.cobeha.2018.10.004
- Mobbs, Dean (2018) The ethological deconstruction of fear(s); Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences; Vol. 24; 32-37; PMCID PMC6715320; 10.1016/j.cobeha.2018.02.008
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- Mobbs, Dean and Trimmer, Pete C., el al. (2018) Foraging for foundations in decision neuroscience: insights from ethology; Nature Reviews Neuroscience; Vol. 19; No. 7; 419-427; PMCID PMC6786488; 10.1038/s41583-018-0010-7
- Silston, Brian and Mobbs, Dean (2018) Detecting and Responding to Threats in the Natural World; Psychological Inquiry; Vol. 29; No. 1; 28-31; 10.1080/1047840X.2018.1435708
- Qi, Song and Hassabis, Demis, el al. (2018) How cognitive and reactive fear circuits optimize escape decisions in humans; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol. 115; No. 12; 3186-3191; PMCID PMC5866541; 10.1073/pnas.1712314115
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- Koizumi, Ai and Mobbs, Dean, el al. (2016) Is fear perception special? Evidence at the level of decision-making and subjective confidence; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Vol. 11; No. 11; 1772-1782; PMCID PMC5091676; 10.1093/scan/nsw084
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- Mobbs, Dean and Hagan, Cindy C., el al. (2015) Reflected glory and failure: the role of the medial prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum in self vs other relevance during advice-giving outcomes; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Vol. 10; No. 10; 1323-1328; PMCID PMC4590531; 10.1093/scan/nsv020
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- Silston, Brian and Mobbs, Dean (2014) Dopey dopamine: high tonic results in ironic performance; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Vol. 18; No. 7; 340-341; 10.1016/j.tics.2014.03.010
- Yu, Rongjun and Mobbs, Dean, el al. (2014) The neural signature of escalating frustration in humans; Cortex; Vol. 54; 165-178; 10.1016/j.cortex.2014.02.013
- Mobbs, Dean and Hassabis, Demis, el al. (2013) Foraging under Competition: The Neural Basis of Input-Matching in Humans; Journal of Neuroscience; Vol. 33; No. 23; 9866-9872; PMCID PMC3865496; 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2238-12.2013
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- FeldmanHall, Oriel and Mobbs, Dean, el al. (2013) Deconstructing the brain's moral network: dissociable functionality between the temporoparietal junction and ventro-medial prefrontal cortex; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; Vol. 9; No. 3; 297-306; PMCID PMC3980797; 10.1093/scan/nss139
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- FeldmanHall, Oriel and Mobbs, Dean, el al. (2012) What we say and what we do: The relationship between real and hypothetical moral choices; Cognition; Vol. 123; No. 3; 434-441; PMCID PMC3355304; 10.1016/j.cognition.2012.02.001
- Mobbs, Dean and Watt, Caroline (2011) There is nothing paranormal about near-death experiences: how neuroscience can explain seeing bright lights, meeting the dead, or being convinced you are one of them; Trends in Cognitive Sciences; Vol. 15; No. 10; 447-449; 10.1016/j.tics.2011.07.010
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