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- Sarmiento, Loveriza A. (1982) Developmental Regulation in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/an7n-mz78
- Asai, David John (1980) Immunological Approaches to Flagellar Movement; 10.7907/NY0R-TB57
- Moller, Galina Dmitrieyvna (1980) Development and Protein Synthesis in Drosophila; 10.7907/b64c-b473
- Chomyn, Anne (1979) Studies on Protein Synthesis after Heat Shock in Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/ree4-cz17
- Fischer, Ernst Peter (1977) Serine Proteases, their Inhibitors and Chitin Synthetase in Phycomyces; 10.7907/4T38-3H24
- Geltosky, John Edward (1974) A Study of Some of the Enzymes Involved in the Synthesis and Use of Tyrosine in Drosophila; 10.7907/Q5DA-4P39
- Driskell, William Jack (1974) The Role of Tyrosine in the Sclerotization and Tanning of the Puparium of Drosophila melanogaster; 10.7907/Q7PS-1450
- Meltzer, Paul Stuart (1972) Studies on the A Components of Drosophila Phenol Oxidase; 10.7907/RYW9-R750
- Seybold, William Davidson (1972) Part I. Studies on the Activation of Drosophila Phenol Oxidase. Part II. Studies On Serum Insulin in Normal Subjects and Diabetics; 10.7907/WXV5-S223
- Blumenthal, Alan Brian (1971) Studies on Drosophila Phenol Oxidase; 10.7907/EG3S-V883
- Thomasson, William Alvis (1971) Hormonal Control of Protein Granule Accumulation in Fat Bodies of Drosophila melanogaster Larvae; 10.7907/VGXE-Y658
- Winicur, Sandra (1971) I. Studies on the Motility and Biochemistry of Cilia. II. Chitinase Activity During Drosophila Development; 10.7907/30GS-ZK08
- Eakin, Richard Timothy (1968) Mitochondrial Oxidase Systems in Neurospora; 10.7907/YPY7-V492
- Scott, William Addison (1968) Cytochrome c Synthesis in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/JZZG-RZ19
- Harding, Roy Woodrow, Jr. (1968) Carotenoid Biosynthesis in Neurospora Crassa; 10.7907/FY91-G279
- Williams, Larry Gale (1968) Thymidine Metabolism in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/ZQ64-CE98
- Egbert, Larre Nyman (1966) Isolation and Characteristics of a Bacteriophage for Bacillus stearothermophilus; 10.7907/YHC4-5P08
- Boyd, James Brown (1966) Part I. Turnover of the Hemolymph Proteins of Drosophila melanogaster. Part II. A New Method for the Detection of Deoxyribonucleases and its
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- Riggs, Arthur Dale (1966) Part I. Studies on Mycoplasm gallisepticum. Part II. Autoradiography of Chromosomal DNA Fibers from Chinese Hamster Cells; 10.7907/P60E-AW11
- Barrett, Dennis (1963) The Parallel Accumulation and Distribution of Two Purine-Oxidizing Enzymes During Frog Development; 10.7907/0TRM-B219
- Cole, Thomas Alan (1963) Peptidyl Acylating Agents in the Pupae of Drosophila melanogaster and their Possible Relationship to Protein Synthesis; 10.7907/3V4P-DY85
- Bernstein, Harris (1961) I. Imadazole Compounds Accumulated by Purine Mutants of Neurospora crassa. II. Complementation Studies with Isoleucine-Valine Mutants of Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/S02K-EV24
- Hardesty, Boyd Archer (1961) The Biochemistry of Cytochrome C in Relation to Maternally Inherited Phenotypes of Neurospora; 10.7907/NQE0-YY21
- Maizel, Jacob Valentine (1960) Isolation and Partial Characterization of Avenacin, an Antibiotic-Like Substance from Oats; 10.7907/972K-2K08
- Simmons, John Robert (1960) Studies on Amino Acid Incorporation in the Larvae of Drosophila Melanogaster; 10.7907/EMPC-QM96
- Herzenberg, Leonard Arthur (1956) Studies on a Cytochrome Destroying System in Neurospora; 10.7907/X9PN-W252
- Metzenberg, Robert Lee (1956) Studies on the Biosynthesis of Aromatic Compounds in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/WPDV-8S11
- Greene, Ronald Crundon (1954) Studies on Uricase from Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/AWRN-5N12
- Dubes, George Richard (1953) Investigations of Some "Unknown" Mutants of Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/WYR6-7736
- Ames, Bruce Nathan (1953) The Biosynthesis of Histidine in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/R38C-Z453
- Hogness, David Swenson (1953) I. The Kinetics of the Alpha-Chymotrypsin Catalysed Hydrolysis of Acetyl-L-Tyrosinhydroxamide. II. Genetic Factors Influencing the Activity of Tryptophane Desmolase in Neurospora crassa; 10.7907/4Y9X-NZ51
- Good, Norman Everett (1952) Lysine Metabolism in Neurospora; 10.7907/T8E4-N918
- Ellman, George Leon (1952) I. Phosphorus-Containing Compounds in Neurospora. II. Synthetic Substrates for Chymotrypsin; 10.7907/FZ0J-HB93
- Haskins, Francis Arthur (1951) Biochemical Genetics of Neurospora Pertaining to Various Aromatic Metabolites; 10.7907/2CKA-TG54