Millikan, Cark Blanchard
- Ahlstrom, Harlow Garth (1963) Experiments on the Upstream Wake in Magneto-Fluid Dynamics; 10.7907/NAR6-M485
- Preukschat, A. Werner (1962) Measurements of Drag Coefficients for Falling and Rising Spheres in Free Motion; 10.7907/94MG-ZS76
- Ai, Daniel Kwoh-i (1961) Part I. Cylindrical Couette Flow in a Rarefied Gas According to Grad's Equation. Part II. Small Perturbations in the Unsteady Flow of a Rarefied Gas Based on Grad's Thirteen Moment Approximation; 10.7907/9P2N-HF23
- Adamson, Thomas Charles, Jr. (1954) Ignition and Combustion in a Laminar Mixing Zone; 10.7907/Q9A7-T088
- DeGroff, Harold Miller (1950) Aerodynamic Forces on a Propeller in Non-Stationary Motion; 10.7907/DYT6-1W82
- Trilling, Leon (1948) Investigation into the Flow of a Viscous Heat Conducting Compressible Fluid; 10.7907/14DR-5V68
- Buhler, Rolf Dietrich (1948) Supersonic Flow Through Cascades, with Application to Diffusers; 10.7907/FJEG-RM29
- Ours, Statton Ray and Jackson, William Gauss (1944) An Investigation of the Effects of Weight Geometry and Time in Repeated Tension Impact Testing; 10.7907/G8NX-JD54
- Kiergan, Nova Babb and Tomamichel, Jack Jones (1942) A Study of Flutter in One Degree of Freedom; 10.7907/NX9K-JT57
- Schwarzenbach, Jean Christophe (1942) Calibration of the Merrill-G.A.L.C.I.T. Wind-Tunnel, and a Suggestion for a Variable Cross-Section on a Small High-Speed Wind-Tunnel; 10.7907/PGWH-E460
- Shevell, Richard Shepherd (1942) The Design and Testing of an Aerodynamic Model of a High Speed Wind Tunnel; 10.7907/DPNP-VP27
- Williams, Edgar Purell (1942) Fuselage and Nacelle Effects on Airplanes as Determined by a Statistical Study of Data from the GALCIT 10-Foot Tunnel; 10.7907/WY13-WD59
- Lapin, Ellis (1941) The Effect of Gunfire on the Longitudinal Motion of an Airplane; 10.7907/GQG7-6C62
- Putt, Donald Leander (1938) Experimental Investigation of the Thickness of the Boundary Layer and the Location of the Transitional Region Along a Wing Section; 10.7907/ZZVX-7082
- Young, Bradley Hobart (1937) A Two-Parameter Wind Tunnel Rigging System; 10.7907/CVB4-7510
- Childers, Milford Carlson (1936) Stresses in Metal Beams with Flat Sheet Webs of Medium Thickness; 10.7907/Y3QT-J764
- Lipp, James Everett (1935) Strength of Thin Walled Cylinders Subjected to Combined Compression and Torsion; 10.7907/6Z0W-XJ59
- Mills, Roscoe Harlan (1935) The Boundary Layer for Some Axial Symmetric Flows; 10.7907/R7Q5-V769