Middlebrook, Robert David
Middlebrook, R. David (2006) The general feedback theorem: a final solution for feedback systems ; IEEE Microwave Magazine; Vol. 7; No. 2; 50-63; 10.1109/MMW.2006.1634022
Middlebrook, R. David and Vorpérian, Vatché (1999) The N Extra Element Theorem ; IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications; Vol. 45; No. 9; 919-935; 10.1109/81.721258
Tan, F. Dong and Middlebrook, R. D. (1995) A Unified Model for Current-Programmed Converters ; IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol. 10; No. 4; 397-408; 10.1109/63.391937
Middlebrook, R. David (1993) Teaching Design-Oriented Analysis at the First Level ; ISBN 0-7803-1482-4; Frontiers in Education Conference, 1993. Twenty-Third Annual Conference. 'Engineering Education: Renewing America's Technology', Proceedings.; 20-21; 10.1109/FIE.1993.405579
Tan, F. Dong and Middlebrook, R. D. (1993) Unified modeling and measurement of current-programmed converters ; ISBN 0-7803-1243-0; 24th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1993. PESC '93 Record; 380-387; 10.1109/PESC.1993.471959
Middlebrook, R. D. (1992) Methods of Design-Oriented Analysis: The Quadratic Equation Revisited ; ISBN 0-7803-0832-8; Twenty-Second Annual conference Frontiers in Education. Proceedings; 95-102; 10.1109/FIE.1992.683365
Middlebrook, R. D. (1991) Low-Entropy Expressions: The Key to Design-Oriented Analysis ; 10.1109/FIE.1991.187513
Middlebrook, R. D. (1991) The Two Extra Element Theorem ; 10.1109/FIE.1991.187583
Middlebrook, R. D. (1989) Null Double Injection and the Extra Element Theorem ; IEEE Transactions on Education; Vol. 32; No. 3; 167-180; 10.1109/13.34149
Middlebrook, R. D. (1989) Modeling Current-Programmed Buck and Boost Regulators ; IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol. 4; No. 1; 36-52; 10.1109/63.21871
Middlebrook, R. D. (1988) Transformerless DC-to-DC converters with large conversion ratios ; IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol. 3; No. 4; 484-488; 10.1109/63.17970
Middlebrook, R. D. (1988) Small-signal modeling of pulse-width modulated switched-mode power converters ; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 76; No. 4; 343-354; 10.1109/5.4421
Freeland, Steve and Middlebrook, R. D. (1987) A unified analysis of converters with resonant switches ; 10.1109/PESC.1987.7077159
Middlebrook, R. D. (1987) Topics in multiple-loop regulators and current-mode programming ; IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics; Vol. PE-2; No. 2; 109-124; 10.1109/TPEL.1987.4766345
Middlebrook, R. D. (1987) Modelling a current-programmed buck regulator ; 10.1109/APEC.1987.7067125
Dauhajre, Abraham and Middlebrook, R. D. (1986) Modelling and estimation of leakage phenomena in magnetic circuits ; ISBN 9789996323270; 1986 17th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference; 213-226; 10.1109/pesc.1986.7415565
Lau, Billy Y. and Middlebrook, R. D. (1986) Small-Signal Frequency Response Theory for piecewise-constant two-switched-network dc-to-dc converter systems ; ISBN 9789996323270; 1986 17th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference; 186-200; 10.1109/pesc.1986.7415562
Middlebrook, R. D. (1985) Topics in multiple-loop regulators and current-mode programming ; 10.1109/PESC.1985.7071015
Middlebrook, R. D. (1984) Transformerless DC-to-DC Converters with Large Conversion Ratios ; 10.1109/INTLEC.1984.4794165
Ngo, Khai D. T. and Ćuk, Slobodan, el al. (1983) A new flyback DC-to-three-phase converter with sinusoidal outputs ; 10.1109/PESC.1983.7069878
Ćuk, Slobodan and Middlebrook, R. D. (1983) Advances in Switched-Mode Power Conversion Part I ; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; Vol. IE-30; No. 1; 10-19; 10.1109/TIE.1983.356697
Ćuk, Slobodan and Middlebrook, R. D. (1983) Advances in Switched-Mode Power Conversion Part II ; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics; Vol. IE-30; No. 1; 19-29; 10.1109/TIE.1983.356698
Erickson, Robert W. and Ćuk, Slobodan, el al. (1982) Large-signal modelling and analysis of switching regulators ; 10.1109/PESC.1982.7072414
Brown, Arthur R. and Middlebrook, R. D. (1981) Sampled-data modeling of switching regulators ; 10.1109/PESC.1981.7083659
Polivka, W. M. and Chetty, P. R. K., el al. (1980) State-space average modelling of converters with parasitics and storage-time modulation ; 10.1109/PESC.1980.7089440
Chetty, P. R. K. and Polivka, W. M., el al. (1980) Microprocessor-Controlled Digital Shunt Regulator ; IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems; Vol. AES-16; No. 2; 191-201; 10.1109/TAES.1980.308954
Hsu, Shi-Ping and Brown, Art, el al. (1979) Modelling and analysis of switching DC-to-DC converters in constant-frequency current-programmed mode ; 10.1109/PESC.1979.7081037
Middlebrook, R. D. and Ćuk, Slobodan (1978) Isolation and multiple output extensions of a new optimum topology switching DC-to-DC converter ; 10.1109/PESC.1978.7072362
Middlebrook, R. D. and Ćuk, Slobodan, el al. (1978) A new battery charger/discharger converter ; 10.1109/PESC.1978.7072361
Hayner, Rick and Phelps, T. K., el al. (1977) The Venerable Converter: A New Approach to Power Processing ; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation; Vol. IECI-24; No. 4; 286-297; 10.1109/TIECI.1977.351482
Ćuk, Slobodan and Middlebrook, R. D. (1977) A general unified approach to modelling switching DC-to-DC converters in discontinuous conduction mode ; 10.1109/PESC.1977.7070802
Ćuk, Slobodan and Middlebrook, R. D. (1977) A new optimum topology switching DC-to-DC converter ; 10.1109/PESC.1977.7070814
Hayner, R. and Phelps, T. K., el al. (1976) The venable converter: a new approach to power processing ; 10.1109/pesc.1976.7072903
Middlebrook, R. D. and Cuk, Slobodan (1976) A general unified approach to modelling switching-converter power stages ; 10.1109/pesc.1976.7072895
Middlebrook, R. D. (1976) Special power electronics topics ; 10.1109/pesc.1976.7072902
Ogborn, L. L. and Wester, G. W., el al. (1975) Can modeling and simulation really help power system designers? ; 10.1109/PESC.1975.7085604
Middlebrook, R. D. (1975) A continuous model for the tapped-inductor boost converter ; 10.1109/PESC.1975.7085569
Middlebrook, R. D. (1974) Analysis of inverters and dc/dc converters ; 10.1109/PESC.1974.7074351
Middlebrook, R. D. (1973) Describing Function Properties of a Magnetic Pulsewidth Modulator ; IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems; Vol. AES-9; No. 3; 386-398; 10.1109/TAES.1973.309724
Webster, G. W. and Middlebrook, R. D. (1973) Low-Frequency Characterization of Switched dc-dc Converters ; IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems; Vol. AES-9; No. 3; 376-385; 10.1109/TAES.1973.309723
Middlebrook, R. D. (1972) Describing function properties of a magnetic pulse-width modulator ; 10.1109/PPESC.1972.7094883
Wester, G. W. and Middlebrook, R. D. (1972) Low-Frequency Characterization of Switched dc-dc Converters ; 10.1109/PPESC.1972.7094882
Richer, I. and Middlebrook, R. D. (1964) Power-law nature of field-effect transistor characteristics - Authors' Comment ; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 52; No. 3; 314-315; 10.1109/PROC.1964.2891
Richer, I. and Middlebrook, R. D. (1964) [Authors' Comment on] Power-Law Nature of Field-Effect Transistor Characteristics ; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 52; No. 3; 315; 10.1109/PROC.1964.2891
Richer, I. and Middlebrook, R. D. (1963) Power-law nature of field-effect transistor experimental characteristics ; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 51; No. 8; 1145-1146; 10.1109/PROC.1963.2457
Middlebrook, R. D. (1963) A Simple Derivation of Field-Effect Transistor Characteristics ; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 51; No. 8; 1146-1147; 10.1109/PROC.1963.2458
Middlebrook, R. D. (1963) I Conditions at a reverse-biased p-n junction in the presence of collected current II Effects of modified collector boundary conditions on the basic properties of a transistor
Middlebrook, R. D. and Taylor, A. D. (1961) Differential amplifier with regulator achieves high stability, low drift ; Electronics; Vol. 34; No. 30; 56-59
Middlebrook, R. D. (1959) A Modern Approach to Semiconductor and Vacuum Device Theory ; Proceedings of the IEE - Part B: Electronic and Communication Engineering; Vol. 106; No. 17; 887-902; 10.1049/pi-b-2.1959.0166
Middlebrook, R. D. and Mead, C. A. (1959) Transistor AC and DC Amplifiers With High Input Impedance ; Semiconductor Products; Vol. 2; 26-35
Middlebrook, R. D. and Mead, C. A. (1959) Optimum Noise Performance of Transistor Input Circuits / Transistor AC and DC Amplifiers with High Input Impedance
Middlebrook, R. D. (1958) Optimum noise performance of transistor input circuits ; 10.1109/ISSCC.1958.1155599
Middlebrook, R. D. (1957) Design of Transistor Regulated Power Supplies ; Proceedings of the IRE; Vol. 45; No. 11; 1502-1509; 10.1109/JRPROC.1957.278321
Middlebrook, R. D. (1957) The Transistor ; Journal of the SMPTE; Vol. 66; No. 6; 323-330; 10.5594/j11232
Middlebrook, R. D. (1957) A New Junction Transistor High-Frequency Equivalent Circuit ; 10.7907/8BEY-FW43
Middlebrook, R. D. (1957) A New Junction-Transistor High-Frequency Equivalent Circuit ; Proceedings of the IRE; Vol. 45; No. 3; 397
Middlebrook, R. D. and Scarlett, R. M. (1956) An Approximation to Alpha of a Junction Transistor ; IRE Transactions on Electron Devices; Vol. 3; No. 1; 25-29; 10.1109/T-ED.1956.14095