Mercereau, James E.
- Strayer, D. M. and Dick, G. J., el al. (1987) Performance of a superconducting cavity stabilized ruby maser oscillator; IEEE Transactions on Magnetics; Vol. 23; No. 2; 1624-1628; 10.1109/TMAG.1987.1064846
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- Yogi, T. and Mercereau, J. E. (1981) Microwave surface resistance of Nb films; IEEE Transactions on Magnetics; Vol. 17; No. 1; 931-934; 10.1109/TMAG.1981.1061029
- Delayen, Jean R. and Dick, G. John, el al. (1979) Status of the Stony Brook Superconducting Heavy-Ion Linac; IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; Vol. 26; No. 3; 3664-3666; 10.1109/TNS.1979.4330573
- Mercereau, J. E. (1976) Applications of the Josephson Effect; ISBN 978-1-4684-2684-7; Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants 5; 443-449; 10.1007/978-1-4684-2682-3_65
- Mercereau, J. E. (1974) Physical processes in proximity microbridges; Revue de Physique Appliquée; Vol. 9; No. 1; 47-52; 10.1051/rphysap:019740090104700
- Cerdonio, M. and Wang, R. H., el al. (1974) Magneto-chemical measurements of biochemical compounds with a superconducting magnetometer; ISBN 9780306351211; Low Temperature Physics - LT13; 525-534
- Mercereau, J. E. and Notarys, H. A. (1973) Thin Film Superconducting Devices; Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology; Vol. 10; No. 5; 646-651; 10.1116/1.1318406
- Notarys, Harris A. and Wang, Run-Han, el al. (1973) Weakly superconducting circuits; Proceedings of the IEEE; Vol. 61; No. 1; 79-84; 10.1109/PROC.1973.8974
- Hoenig, H. E. and Wang, R. H., el al. (1972) Magneto-chemical studies with a new ultrasensitive superconducting quantum magnetometer
- Mercereau, J. E. (1970) Superconducting magnetometers; Revue de Physique Appliquée; Vol. 5; No. 1; 13-20; 10.1051/rphysap:019700050101300
- Mercereau, J. E. and Hunt, T. K. (1962) Trapped Flux and Critical Currents in Superconducting Thin-Film Rings; Physical Review Letters; Vol. 8; No. 6; 243-247; 10.1103/PhysRevLett.8.243
- Mercereau, J. E. and Feynman, R. P. (1956) Physical conditions for ferromagnetic resonance; Physical Review; Vol. 104; No. 1; 63; 10.1103/PhysRev.104.63