Mead, Carver
Cramer, John Gleason and Mead, Carver Andress (2022) Symmetry, Transactions, and the Mechanism of Wave Function Collapse ; ISBN 978-3-0365-2694-2; Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics; 5-48; 10.3390/books978-3-0365-2695-9
Mead, Carver (2021) My Early Collaboration with Bill Goddard ; ISBN 978-3-030-18777-4; Computational Materials, Chemistry, and Biochemistry: From Bold Initiatives to the Last Mile; 9-16; 10.1007/978-3-030-18778-1_3
Mead, Carver (2013) The Nature of Light: What are "Photons"? ; ISBN 9780819496829; The Nature of Light: What are Photons? V; Art. No. 883202; 10.1117/12.2046381
Mead, Carver (2013) The evolution of technology ; ISBN 978-1-4673-4515-6; 2013 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC); 26; 10.1109/ISSCC.2013.6487621
Mead, Carver (2005) Neuromorphic Engineering: Overview and Potential ; ISBN 0-7803-9048-2; 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IJCNN '05. Proceedings.; 3334; 10.1109/IJCNN.2005.1556463
Mead, Carver (2001) The Evolution of Electronic Photography ; ISBN 9780892082322; Final program and proceedings : IS & T's PICS Conference, 54th Annual conference, April 22-25, 2001, the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 2
Mead, Carver (1999) Life Without Bits ; ISBN 0387984135; Talking back to the machine : computers and human aspiration; 15-21
Mead, Carver A. (1999) Collective Electrodynamics I ; ISBN 0738200573; Feynman and computation : exploring the limits of computers; 29-43
Mead, Carver A. (1999) Feynman as a colleague ; ISBN 0738200573; Feynman and computation : exploring the limits of computers; 21-28
Watts, Lloyd and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1999) A Bidirectional Analog VLSI Cochlear Model ; ISBN 9780262193085; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the 1991 University of California/Santa Cruz conference; 153-162
Mead, Carver A. (1999) Scaling of MOS Technology to Submicrometer Feature Sizes ; ISBN 0738200573; Feynman and computation : exploring the limits of computers; 93-115
Diorio, Chris and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1998) Floating-Gate MOS Synapse Transistors ; ISBN 9780792381587; Neuromorphic Systems Engineering; 315-337; 10.1007/978-0-585-28001-1_14
Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1998) A Low-Power Wide-Dynamic-Range Analog VLSI Cochlea ; ISBN 0792381580; Neuromorphic Systems Engineering : Neural Networks in Silicon; 49-103
Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1998) A Low-Power Wide-Linear-Range Transconductive Amplifier ; ISBN 0792381580; Neuromorphic Systems Engineering : Neural Networks in Silicon; 267-313
Chi, Min-hwa and Delbruck, Tobi, el al. (1997) A High Resolution CMOS Imager With Active Pixel Using Capacitively Coupled Bipolar Operation ; ISBN 0-7803-4131-7; 1997 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications. Proceedings of Technical Papers.; 58-61; 10.1109/VTSA.1997.614727
Hasler, Paul and Minch, Bradley A., el al. (1996) An autozeroing amplifier using PFET hot-electron injection ; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 325-328; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.541599
Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1996) Nonvolatile correction of Q-offsets and instabilities in cochlear filters ; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 329-333; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.541600
Minch, Bradley A. and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1996) The matching of small capacitors for analog VLSI ; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 239-241; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.539873
Sarpeshkar, Rahul and Lyon, Richard F., el al. (1996) An analog VLSI cochlea with new transconductance amplifiers and nonlinear gain control ; ISBN 0-7803-3073-0; 1996 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '96, Connecting the World; 292-296; 10.1109/ISCAS.1996.541591
Minch, Bradley A. and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1995) A νMOS soft-maximum current mirror ; ISBN 0-7803-2570-2; 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '95.; 2249-2252; 10.1109/ISCAS.1995.523876
Diorio, Chris and Mahajan, Sunit, el al. (1995) A High-Resolution Non-Volatile Analog Memory Cell ; ISBN 0-7803-2570-2; 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '95; 2233-2236; 10.1109/ISCAS.1995.523872
Hasler, Paul and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1995) Single transistor learning synapse with long term storage ; ISBN 0-7803-2570-2; 1995 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS '95; 1660-1663; 10.1109/ISCAS.1995.523729
Hasler, Paul and Diorio, Chris, el al. (1995) Single Transistor Learning Synapses ; ISBN 0-262-20104-6; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7; 817-824
Minch, Bradley A. and Hasler, Paul, el al. (1995) A Silicon Axon ; ISBN 0-262-20104-6; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7; 737-746
Liu, Shih-Chii and Mead, Carver (1994) Continuous-time adaptive delay system ; ISBN 0-7803-1915-X; 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1994. ISCAS '94.; 119-122; 10.1109/ISCAS.1994.409212
Delbrück, Tobi and Mead, Carver A. (1994) Adaptive Photoreceptor with Wide Dynamic Range ; ISBN 0-7803-1915-X; 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1994. ISCAS '94.; 339-342; 10.1109/ISCAS.1994.409266
Mead, Carver A. and Mahowald, Misha (1993) A Silicon Model of Early Visual Processing ; ISBN 0-262-69164-7; Computational neuroscience; 331-339
Delbrück, Tobi and Mead, Carver A. (1991) Time-derivative adaptive silicon photoreceptor array ; ISBN 0819406694; Infrared Sensors: Detectors, Electronics, and Signal Processing; 92-99; 10.1117/12.49323
DeWeerth, Steve and Nielsen, Lars, el al. (1990) A neuron-based pulse servo for motion control ; ISBN 0-8186-9061-5; Proceedings. 1990 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 1698-1703; 10.1109/ROBOT.1990.126254
DeWeerth, Stephen P. and Mead, Carver A. (1990) An Analog VLSI Model of Adaptation in the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex ; ISBN 1-55860-100-7; Advances in neural information processing systems 2; 742-749
Sivilotti, Massimo A. and Emerling, Michael, el al. (1990) A Novel Associative Memory Implemented Using Collective Computation ; ISBN 0-8186-2029-3; Artificial neural networks: electronic implementations; 11-21
Lyon, Richard F. and Mead, Carver (1990) An Analog Electronic Cochlea ; ISBN 0818620293; Artificial neural networks : electronic implementations; 79-94
Faggin, Federico and Mead, Carver (1990) VLSI Implementation of Neural Networks ; ISBN 0127818804; An Introduction to neural and electronic networks; 275-292
Mead, Carver (1990) Auditory Processing Using Analog VLSI ; ISBN 9780262041096; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the sixth MIT conference; 1
Kurtin, Stephen and McGill, T. C., el al. (1990) Fundamental transition in the electronic nature of solids ; ISBN 978-94-010-6780-5; Electronic Structure of Metal-Semiconductor Contacts; 91-94; 10.1007/978-94-009-0657-0_10
Lazzaro, John and Mead, Carver (1990) A Silicon Model of Auditory Localization ; ISBN 0127818804; An Introduction to neural and electronic networks; 155-173
Lazzaro, John and Mead, Carver (1989) Circuit Models of Sensory Transduction in the Cochlea ; ISBN 0792390407; Analog VLSI implementation of neural systems; 85-101
Mead, Carver (1989) Neural computation in analog VLSI ; 10.1109/ACSSC.1989.1200737
Lazzaro, J. and Ryckebusch, S., el al. (1989) Winner-Take-All Networks of O(N) Complexity ; ISBN 1558600159; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 703-711
Delbrück, T. and Mead, C. A. (1989) An Electronic Photoreceptor Sensitive to Small Changes in Intensity ; ISBN 1558600159; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 720-727
Mead, Carver (1989) Silicon Models of Neural Computation
Ryckebusch, Sylvie and Mead, Carver (1989) Analog VLSI Models of Oscillatory Biological Neural Circuits ; ISBN 288074170X; Réseaux de neurones artificiels = artificial neural networks . Comptes rendus des, proceedings of Journées d'électronique, 1989, Lausanne, 10-12 octobre 1989; 303-312
Ryckebusch, Sylvie and Bower, James M., el al. (1989) Modeling Small Oscillating Biological Networks in Analog VLSI ; ISBN 1558600159; Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 384-393
Lyon, Richard F. and Mead, Carver A. (1988) A CMOS VLSI cochlea ; 10.1109/ICASSP.1988.197063
Allen, Tim and Mead, Carver, el al. (1988) Orientation-Selective VLSI Retina ; 10.1117/12.969056
Mead, Carver A. (1988) Analog VLSI for auditory and vision signal processing ; 10.1109/IEDM.1988.32736
DeWeerth, Stephen P. and Mead, Carver A. (1988) A Two-Dimensional Visual Tracking Array ; ISBN 9780262011006; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the fifth MIT conference, March 1988; 259-275
Koch, Christof and Luo, Jin, el al. (1988) Computing Motion Using Resistive Networks ; ISBN 0883185695; Neural Information Processing Systems; 422-431
Nielsen, Lars and Mahowald, Misha, el al. (1987) SeeHear
Sivilotti, Massimo A. and Mahowald, Michelle A., el al. (1987) Real-Time Visual Computations Using Analog CMOS Processing Arrays ; ISBN 0262121212; Advanced Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the 1987 Conference; 295-311
Maher, Mary Ann and Mead, Carver A. (1987) A Physical Charge-Controlled Model for MOS Transistors ; ISBN 0262121212; Advanced Research in VLSI: Proceedings of the 1987 Conference; 211-229
Sivilotti, Massimo A. and Emerling, Michael R., el al. (1986) VLSI architectures for implementation of neural networks ; ISBN 0-88318-351-X; Neural Networks for Computing; 408-413; 10.1063/1.36247
Tanner, John and Mead, Carver (1986) An Integrated Analog Optical Motion Sensor ; ISBN 0879422106; VLSI signal processing, II; 59-76
Whitney, Telle and Mead, Carver (1986) An Integer Based Hierarchical Representation for VLSI ; ISBN 9780262121132; Advanced research in VLSI : proceedings of the fourth MIT conference, April 7-9, 1986; 241-257
Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver (1985) A Methodology for Hierarchical Simulation and Verification of VLSI Systems ; ISBN 0444876871; Methodologies for Computer System Design; 165-181
Mead, Carver and Wawrzynek, John (1985) A New Discipline for CMOS Design: an Architecture for Sound Synthesis ; ISBN 0881751030; 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 87-104
Sivilotti, Massimo and Emerling, Michael, el al. (1985) A Novel Associative Memory Implemented Using Collective Computation ; ISBN 0881751030; 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 329-342
Mead, Carver (1985) A Sensitive Electronic Photoreceptor ; ISBN 0881751030; 1985 Chapel Hill Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 463-471
Wawrzynek, John and Mead, Carver (1985) A VLSI Architecture for Sound Synthesis ; ISBN 0201144042; VLSI signal processing : a bit-serial approach; 277-297
Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver A. (1985) Concurrent Algorithms as Space-Time Recursion Equations ; ISBN 013942699X; VLSI and modern signal processing; 224-240
Wawrzynek, John and Mead, Carver, el al. (1985) A VLSI Approach to Sound Synthesis
Tanner, John E. and Mead, Carver (1984) A Correlating Optical Motion Detector ; ISBN 089006136X; Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI : January 23-25, 1984, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 57-64
Lin, Tzu-Mu and Mead, Carver A. (1984) Signal Delay in General RC Networks with Application to Timing Simulation of Digital Integrated Circuits ; ISBN 089006136X; Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI : January 23-25, 1984, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; 93-99
Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver A. (1983) Concurrent Algorithms as Space-time Recursion Equations
Whitney, Telle and Mead, Carver (1983) Pooh: A Uniform Representation For Circuit Level Designs ; ISBN 0444867511; VLSI '83 : VLSI design of digital systems : proceedings of the IFIP TC 10/WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Trondheim, Norway, 16-19 August 1983; 401-411
Mead, Carver A. (1983) Structural and Behavioral Composition of VLSI ; ISBN 0444867511; VLSI '83 : VLSI design of digital systems : proceedings of the IFIP TC 10/WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, Trondheim, Norway, 16-19 August 1983; 3-8
Chen, Marina C. and Mead, C. A. (1983) VLSI Circuit as Communicating Processes: A Universal Simulator
Chen, Marina C. and Mead, Carver A. (1983) A Hierarchical Simulator Based on Formal Semantics ; ISBN 0914894862; Third Caltech Conference on Very Large Scale Integration; 207-223
Buric, Misha R. and Mead, Carver A. (1981) Bit-Serial Inner Product Processors in VLSI
Mead, Carver and Rem, Martin (1981) Minimum Propagation Delays in VLSI
Rem, Martin and Mead, Carver (1981) A Notation for Designing Restoring Logic Circuitry in CMOS
Mead, Carver A. (1981) VLSI and Technological Innovations ; ISBN 0122968603; VLSI 81 : very large scale integration; 3-11
Mead, Carver A. and Rem, Martin (1981) Cost and Performance of VLSI Computing Structures ; ISBN 0879421517; Digital MOS integrated circuits; 196-203
Mead, Carver A. (1979) VLSI and Technological Innovation
Mead, Carver A. and Rem, Martin (1978) Cost and Performance of VLSI Computing Structures
Cheng, Edmund K. and Mead, Carver A. (1976) A two's complement pipeline multiplier ; 10.1109/ICASSP.1976.1169990
Mead, C. (1976) ESP, A Distributed Architecture LSI Machine
Mead, Carver A. (1975) A critical look at microprocessor architecture ; 10.1109/ISSCC.1975.1155410
Cheng, Edmund K-I and Mead, Carver A. (1975) Single-Chip Cursive Character Generator ; 10.1109/ISSCC.1975.1155385
Mead, Carver A. (1974) ESP, A Distributed Architecture LSI Machine
Mohsen, A. M. and McGill, T. C., el al. (1972) Charge transfer in charge-coupled devices ; 10.1109/ISSCC.1972.1155057
Mead, C. A. (1972) Electronic Current Flow Through Ideal Dielectric Films ; ISBN 0824711432; Oxides and oxide films; 287-318
Mead, C. A. (1969) Some Properties of Exponentially Damped Wave Functions
Mead, C. A. (1969) Physics of Interfaces
Mead, C. A. (1966) Electron Transport in Thin Insulating Films